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Ultima Online Forum -> Genel Tartışma

Yaş: 39
Kayıt: 15 Oca 2018
Mesajlar: 11
Cinsiyet: Erkek
Nerden: Kiev, Ukraine

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

English version Konu: Yanıt: English version
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
Tell me please, can I sell something to NPC?
Cause they don`t buy: leather, ore, bolt of close, platemail armor parts, bandages, weapons...

And pickaxes are breaking, where shall i get gold coins? No gold coins from skeletons and etc... Arrows cost 4gp and no gold coins in loot, and I can`t sell any items to NPC...

And give me please links to all types of wood and ore.

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16 Oca 2018 18:41

Yaş: 43
Kayıt: 06 Tem 2010
Mesajlar: 850
Cinsiyet: Erkek
Nerden: Toronto/Canada

Teşekkür: 21

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

English version Konu: Yanıt: English version
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
no you cannot sell anything to vendors.. the economy runs around players..

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16 Oca 2018 20:08

Yaş: 39
Kayıt: 15 Oca 2018
Mesajlar: 11
Cinsiyet: Erkek
Nerden: Kiev, Ukraine

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

English version Konu: Yanıt: English version
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
So, where I can earn gold coins? Can`t sell items and there are no gold coins from skeletons and similar monsters. Tried to kill Lich, but he killed me by one fireball...

And give me please links to all types of wood and ore and leather

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16 Oca 2018 20:17
Jua Ferreira Partigan


Yaş: 35
Kayıt: 18 Arl 2017
Mesajlar: 75
Cinsiyet: Erkek

Teşekkür: 1
Uyarı: 1

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

Jua Ferreira Partigan
English version Konu: Yanıt: English version
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
Ejected yazmış:
So, where I can earn gold coins? Can`t sell items and there are no gold coins from skeletons and similar monsters. Tried to kill Lich, but he killed me by one fireball...

And give me please links to all types of wood and ore and leather

selling anything to NPCs is removed since it may be abused via easyuo.

i suggest you to have an animal tamer character to gain money, or farm some plain leather to sell (players usually buy it for 3 gp per one leather)

tell your nickname in the game so that we can send you pm and help

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16 Oca 2018 20:23

Yaş: 39
Kayıt: 15 Oca 2018
Mesajlar: 11
Cinsiyet: Erkek
Nerden: Kiev, Ukraine

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

English version Konu: Yanıt: English version
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
Nickname is the same - Ejected

Players are buying some ore, wood? Or only leather?

Animal tamer - you mean to farm with the help of animals?

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16 Oca 2018 20:48

Yaş: 34
Kayıt: 13 Ağu 2015
Mesajlar: 175
Cinsiyet: Erkek
Nerden: Ankara

Teşekkür: 34

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

English version Konu: Yanıt: English version
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
Since making and selling stuff could be easily automated with macros. Automated gold farming is suspended. Because it's unlabored gain and causing inflation which is ruining the ingame economy. Therefore you can't sell anything to vendors.

However farming resources such as leather, ingot, wood, etc. are not restricted which you may turn them into gold by selling them to players. You may use easyuo or similar programs for automated resource farming.

Tamers (or you may know them as Bards) are characters who are training strong animals such as dragons, white wyrms, nightmares etc. and killing monster with their help for fame, glory and wealth. They don't fight directly, instead they use their pets for tanking and damage dealing yet they also require some sub skills to mend their pets and assist them during the fights. Tamer characters are most efficient way (as far as I know) for farming either gold or quality items.

Their skill sets are variant. But one of the most famous skillset is something like this:

Animal Taming (For taming animals)
Animal Lore (For controlling animals)
Veterinary (For healing animals)
Musicianship (Main skill for using intruments)
Peacemaking (Music skill for calming down monster you are fighting with)
Discordance (Music skill for decreasing resistance of monster you are fighting with)
Magery (For healing, damaging or recalling general assistance skill)

You may examine other players skillsets from mainpage by typing their names on searchbox.

I would gladly help you to ingame if I see you but I am not online much these days. So until meet ingame, I can only share information here. Ask questions as much as you require

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16 Oca 2018 21:04

Yaş: 39
Kayıt: 15 Oca 2018
Mesajlar: 11
Cinsiyet: Erkek
Nerden: Kiev, Ukraine

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

English version Konu: Yanıt: English version
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
Thank you very much, for you answers!

What about skills tables? Could you give me link?

How "Bowcraft & Fletching" is working here?

And what "Arms Lore" do on this server?

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17 Oca 2018 10:04

Yaş: 43
Kayıt: 06 Tem 2010
Mesajlar: 850
Cinsiyet: Erkek
Nerden: Toronto/Canada

Teşekkür: 21

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

English version Konu: Yanıt: English version
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
i use bowcraft just to repair my bows.. other than that its useless since we dont have any runic bow craftin.. i havent seen arms lore does domething useful so far in this server:D
i assume you want to be crafter.. my advice is to improve on blacksmithy or tailoring. also you can get around 300 tailor for bods and transfer your bod rights to your main tailor..:)

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17 Oca 2018 17:11

Yaş: 39
Kayıt: 15 Oca 2018
Mesajlar: 11
Cinsiyet: Erkek
Nerden: Kiev, Ukraine

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

English version Konu: Yanıt: English version
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
Nope, I want to be archer, but i didn`t have any arrows, so i decide to create crafter for making bows, armor + arrows. But in fact I can`t make bows...

And I didn`t understand is Arms Lore influence into quality of items, crafted by blacksmithy?

En Yukarı Git
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17 Oca 2018 18:27

Yaş: 43
Kayıt: 06 Tem 2010
Mesajlar: 850
Cinsiyet: Erkek
Nerden: Toronto/Canada

Teşekkür: 21

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

English version Konu: Yanıt: English version
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
i have no clue what arms lore does:D
you can only make 35 damage bow with bowcrafting,, you get much better items through loot

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17 Oca 2018 19:15
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