Yünü Kumaşa Çevirme Scripti yada Makrosu |
Arakdaşlar daha önce bir iki yerde bahsedilmiş bu konu hem script olarak hemde razorun makrosu olarak.benim beceremediğim nokta (çantada bittikçe bankadan yünü tekrar otomatik alma.). bunu razor makrosu olarak agents kısmından bahseilmiş sanırım ama o sekmeyi daha önce hiç kullanmadım...
Bu işin üstadı olan biri varsa hem yünü ipliğe , hem ipliği kumaşa hemde yünü bankadan chara aktarımı detaylı bir şekilde anlatabilirse çok sevinirim...
bide temizinden bi script paylaşabilirseniz hepsini bi çatı altında toplayalım...
Bu işin üstadı olan biri varsa hem yünü ipliğe , hem ipliği kumaşa hemde yünü bankadan chara aktarımı detaylı bir şekilde anlatabilirse çok sevinirim...
bide temizinden bi script paylaşabilirseniz hepsini bi çatı altında toplayalım...

goto behindComment
; Script Name: ZsCotton2Cloth
; Author: ZanyScum
; Version: 1.0
; Client Tested with: 5.0.1d
; EUO version tested with: 1.5 77
; Shard FS: Allure
; Revision Date: 2006-07-24
; Public Release: 2006-08-07
; Global Variables Used:
; Purpose: cotton/wool etc from open container to cloth and back to container
; Known bugs: none
set %nIterationCount 3 ; if you have to change, how many resourses are done each turn
; lower numbers for chars who can not carry much
gosub zInit
gosub zSetup
gosub zMain
gosub zHalt (normal halt)
; *******************************************************************
sub zMain ; ----------------------------------------
gosub setTypesAndTools
if %bUseBackPack = #false
gosub moveAllTypesFromBackpackToBox
if %bUseBackPack = #false
gosub moveResourcesToBackpack
for %nIt 3 %nIterationCount
gosub useWheels
gosub useLooms
if %bUseBackPack = #false
gosub moveAllTypesFromBackpackToBox
gosub exitIfNothingToDo
goto mainLoop
return ; ----------------------------------------
; *******************************************************************
sub zInit ;------------ zInit
namespace local zInit
set %zScriptName ZsCotton2ClothV1
event SysMessage starting script %zScriptName ...
event macro 8 2 ; open status
wait 5
event macro 8 7 ; open backpack
wait 5
return ; -----------------------
sub zHalt ;------------ zHalt <text> if text contains spaces, limit is 10 params
namespace local zHalt
gosub zParamsToVar sAllParams %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %10
set %sMsg stopping , #spc , script , %zScriptName , %sAllParams
event SysMessage %sMsg
display ok %sMsg
return ; -----------------------
sub zParamsToVar ;------------ zParamsToVar
namespace local zParamsToVar
if %0 <= 1 || %2 = n/a ;no parameters -> return a space
set % . %1 #spc
set %tempAll %2
for %nParam 3 %0
if ! ( % . %nParam = n/a )
set %currentParameter % . %nParam
set %currentAll %tempAll , #spc
set %tempAll %currentAll , %currentParameter
};if !n/a
};for each parameter
set % . %1 %tempAll
for %n 1 20
set % , %n
; *******************************************************************
sub setTypesAndTools
set %ThreadTypes UAG_TAG_NLF_QLF_PLF
set %MaterialTypes %ThreadTypes , _ , %BoltTypes , _ , %CottonTypes
; Spinning Wheels
finditem %WheelTypes
if #findkind = -1
gosub zHalt "(no SpinningWheels found)"
set %nWheelCount #findcnt
for %i 3 %nWheelCount
finditem %WheelTypes %i
set %nWheelId , %i #findid
event sysmessage Found Spinning Wheel %i
wait 1
event ExMsg #findid 0 0 Wheel %i
wait 1
event sysmessage Found %nWheelCount Spinning Wheels
; Looms
finditem %LoomTypes
if #findkind = -1
gosub zHalt "(no Looms found)"
set %nLoomCount #findcnt
for %i 1 %nLoomCount
finditem %LoomTypes %i
set %nLoomId , %i #findid
event sysmessage Found Loom %i
wait 1
event ExMsg #findid 0 0 Loom %i
wait 1
event sysmessage Found %nLoomCount Looms
; Box
set %nBoxId N/A
if %bUseBackPack = #true
set %nBoxId #BackPackId
finditem %MaterialTypes
if #findkind <> -1
event sysmessage found #findcnt material stacks...
for %i 1 #findcnt
finditem %MaterialTypes %i
event exmsg #findid 0 0 (checking box %i ... )
wait 1
if #FindBagId <> #BackPackId
set %nBoxId #FindBagId
event sysmessage ignoring backpack...
wait 1
} ; for
} ; if findkind
} ; else, backpack = false
if %nBoxId = N/A
gosub zHalt "(no box with resources found)"
event sysMessage found box with resourses
wait 1
event ExMsg %nBoxId 0 0 ResourceBox
set %nNeededCottonPerTurn %nWheelCount * %nIterationCount
set %nNeededThreadsPerTurn %nLoomCount * %nIterationCount
sub moveAllTypesFromBackpackToBox
finditem %MaterialTypes C_ , #backPackId
if #findkind <> -1
event sysmessage "found #findcnt material stacks in backpack ..."
set %nStackCount #findcnt
for %i 3 %nStackCount
event sysmessage "moving stack " %i ...
finditem %MaterialTypes 1 C_ , #backPackId
wait 1
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 20
exevent dropc %nBoxId
wait 20
sub exitIfNothingToDo
if %bUseBackPack = #false
finditem %ThreadTypes , _ , %CottonTypes C_ , %nBoxId
finditem %ThreadTypes , _ , %CottonTypes C_ , #BackPackId
if #findkind = -1
gosub zHalt "(nothing to do left)"
sub moveResourcesToBackpack
finditem %ThreadTypes C_ , %nBoxId
if #findkind <> -1
exevent drag #findid %nNeededThreadsPerTurn
wait 20
exevent dropc #BACKPACKID
wait 20
finditem %CottonTypes C_ , %nBoxId
if #findkind <> -1
exevent drag #findid %nNeededCottonPerTurn
wait 20
exevent dropc #BACKPACKID
wait 20
sub useLooms
finditem %ThreadTypes C_ , #BackPackId
if #findkind = -1
set %nIdThread #findid
set %nThreadCount #findstack
set %nLoomsToUse %nLoomCount
if %nThreadCount < %nLoomCount
set %nLoomsToUse %nThreadCount
for %i 1 %nLoomsToUse
event exMsg %nLoomId . %i 0 0 ( using loom %i )
set #lObjectId %nIdThread
set #lTargetKind 1
set #lTargetId %nLoomId . %i
event macro 17 0 ;lastobject
target 5s
event Macro 22 0 ;last target
wait 1s
sub useWheels
finditem %CottonTypes C_ , #BackPackId
if #findkind = -1
set %nIdCotton #findid
set %nCottonCount #findstack
set %nWheelsToUse %nWheelCount
if %nCottonCount < %nWheelCount
set %nWheelsToUse %nCottonCount
for %i 1 %nWheelsToUse
event exMsg %nWheelId . %i 0 0 ( using wheel %i )
set #lObjectId %nIdCotton
set #lTargetKind 1
set #lTargetId %nWheelId . %i
event macro 17 0 ;lastobject
target 5s
event Macro 22 0 ;last target
wait 1s
sub zSetup
display yesNoCancel Are your resources in your backpack ?
if #dispRes = Cancel
gosub zHalt (Cancel)
if #dispRes = Yes
set %bUseBackPack #true
if #dispRes = No
set %bUseBackPack #false
display ok Remember to have your chosen resource source visible, when starting the script !
calıstır. hayır de yalnız loom ve spineel weell yanında olsun hangı kutudan alacaksa oda acık olsun hayır derken.
; Script Name: ZsCotton2Cloth
; Author: ZanyScum
; Version: 1.0
; Client Tested with: 5.0.1d
; EUO version tested with: 1.5 77
; Shard FS: Allure
; Revision Date: 2006-07-24
; Public Release: 2006-08-07
; Global Variables Used:
; Purpose: cotton/wool etc from open container to cloth and back to container
; Known bugs: none
set %nIterationCount 3 ; if you have to change, how many resourses are done each turn
; lower numbers for chars who can not carry much
gosub zInit
gosub zSetup
gosub zMain
gosub zHalt (normal halt)
; *******************************************************************
sub zMain ; ----------------------------------------
gosub setTypesAndTools
if %bUseBackPack = #false
gosub moveAllTypesFromBackpackToBox
if %bUseBackPack = #false
gosub moveResourcesToBackpack
for %nIt 3 %nIterationCount
gosub useWheels
gosub useLooms
if %bUseBackPack = #false
gosub moveAllTypesFromBackpackToBox
gosub exitIfNothingToDo
goto mainLoop
return ; ----------------------------------------
; *******************************************************************
sub zInit ;------------ zInit
namespace local zInit
set %zScriptName ZsCotton2ClothV1
event SysMessage starting script %zScriptName ...
event macro 8 2 ; open status
wait 5
event macro 8 7 ; open backpack
wait 5
return ; -----------------------
sub zHalt ;------------ zHalt <text> if text contains spaces, limit is 10 params
namespace local zHalt
gosub zParamsToVar sAllParams %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %10
set %sMsg stopping , #spc , script , %zScriptName , %sAllParams
event SysMessage %sMsg
display ok %sMsg
return ; -----------------------
sub zParamsToVar ;------------ zParamsToVar
namespace local zParamsToVar
if %0 <= 1 || %2 = n/a ;no parameters -> return a space
set % . %1 #spc
set %tempAll %2
for %nParam 3 %0
if ! ( % . %nParam = n/a )
set %currentParameter % . %nParam
set %currentAll %tempAll , #spc
set %tempAll %currentAll , %currentParameter
};if !n/a
};for each parameter
set % . %1 %tempAll
for %n 1 20
set % , %n
; *******************************************************************
sub setTypesAndTools
set %ThreadTypes UAG_TAG_NLF_QLF_PLF
set %MaterialTypes %ThreadTypes , _ , %BoltTypes , _ , %CottonTypes
; Spinning Wheels
finditem %WheelTypes
if #findkind = -1
gosub zHalt "(no SpinningWheels found)"
set %nWheelCount #findcnt
for %i 3 %nWheelCount
finditem %WheelTypes %i
set %nWheelId , %i #findid
event sysmessage Found Spinning Wheel %i
wait 1
event ExMsg #findid 0 0 Wheel %i
wait 1
event sysmessage Found %nWheelCount Spinning Wheels
; Looms
finditem %LoomTypes
if #findkind = -1
gosub zHalt "(no Looms found)"
set %nLoomCount #findcnt
for %i 1 %nLoomCount
finditem %LoomTypes %i
set %nLoomId , %i #findid
event sysmessage Found Loom %i
wait 1
event ExMsg #findid 0 0 Loom %i
wait 1
event sysmessage Found %nLoomCount Looms
; Box
set %nBoxId N/A
if %bUseBackPack = #true
set %nBoxId #BackPackId
finditem %MaterialTypes
if #findkind <> -1
event sysmessage found #findcnt material stacks...
for %i 1 #findcnt
finditem %MaterialTypes %i
event exmsg #findid 0 0 (checking box %i ... )
wait 1
if #FindBagId <> #BackPackId
set %nBoxId #FindBagId
event sysmessage ignoring backpack...
wait 1
} ; for
} ; if findkind
} ; else, backpack = false
if %nBoxId = N/A
gosub zHalt "(no box with resources found)"
event sysMessage found box with resourses
wait 1
event ExMsg %nBoxId 0 0 ResourceBox
set %nNeededCottonPerTurn %nWheelCount * %nIterationCount
set %nNeededThreadsPerTurn %nLoomCount * %nIterationCount
sub moveAllTypesFromBackpackToBox
finditem %MaterialTypes C_ , #backPackId
if #findkind <> -1
event sysmessage "found #findcnt material stacks in backpack ..."
set %nStackCount #findcnt
for %i 3 %nStackCount
event sysmessage "moving stack " %i ...
finditem %MaterialTypes 1 C_ , #backPackId
wait 1
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 20
exevent dropc %nBoxId
wait 20
sub exitIfNothingToDo
if %bUseBackPack = #false
finditem %ThreadTypes , _ , %CottonTypes C_ , %nBoxId
finditem %ThreadTypes , _ , %CottonTypes C_ , #BackPackId
if #findkind = -1
gosub zHalt "(nothing to do left)"
sub moveResourcesToBackpack
finditem %ThreadTypes C_ , %nBoxId
if #findkind <> -1
exevent drag #findid %nNeededThreadsPerTurn
wait 20
exevent dropc #BACKPACKID
wait 20
finditem %CottonTypes C_ , %nBoxId
if #findkind <> -1
exevent drag #findid %nNeededCottonPerTurn
wait 20
exevent dropc #BACKPACKID
wait 20
sub useLooms
finditem %ThreadTypes C_ , #BackPackId
if #findkind = -1
set %nIdThread #findid
set %nThreadCount #findstack
set %nLoomsToUse %nLoomCount
if %nThreadCount < %nLoomCount
set %nLoomsToUse %nThreadCount
for %i 1 %nLoomsToUse
event exMsg %nLoomId . %i 0 0 ( using loom %i )
set #lObjectId %nIdThread
set #lTargetKind 1
set #lTargetId %nLoomId . %i
event macro 17 0 ;lastobject
target 5s
event Macro 22 0 ;last target
wait 1s
sub useWheels
finditem %CottonTypes C_ , #BackPackId
if #findkind = -1
set %nIdCotton #findid
set %nCottonCount #findstack
set %nWheelsToUse %nWheelCount
if %nCottonCount < %nWheelCount
set %nWheelsToUse %nCottonCount
for %i 1 %nWheelsToUse
event exMsg %nWheelId . %i 0 0 ( using wheel %i )
set #lObjectId %nIdCotton
set #lTargetKind 1
set #lTargetId %nWheelId . %i
event macro 17 0 ;lastobject
target 5s
event Macro 22 0 ;last target
wait 1s
sub zSetup
display yesNoCancel Are your resources in your backpack ?
if #dispRes = Cancel
gosub zHalt (Cancel)
if #dispRes = Yes
set %bUseBackPack #true
if #dispRes = No
set %bUseBackPack #false
display ok Remember to have your chosen resource source visible, when starting the script !
calıstır. hayır de yalnız loom ve spineel weell yanında olsun hangı kutudan alacaksa oda acık olsun hayır derken.

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