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Deri Scipti
; Script Name: Algander's Leather Farmer
; Author: Algander
; Credits: 1.3 original mainloop by Indecent
; Zio's for his modified autolooter
; Scorna for his great subs
; Version: 3.1
; Shard OSI/FS: OSI? - FS
; Revision Date:
; Purpose: Kill, Skin with BWC, and bank via BOS optionally
; Setup:
; - If you want to bank your leather start the script ,
; have a runebook with your bank rune as the first rune in the book.
;Funzioni sperimentali:
;controllare prima dell'avvio
set %smartrecovery 8 ;aumentare in caso di lag (Default: Cool *solo metodo magery
;per l'uso melee casta in automatico spell/abilità.
set %autocastEoO #true
set %ability_timeout 5 ;setta il tempo di recast per le abilità
set %consecrus_timeout
set %autoprimary #false
set %autosecondary #false
set %ignorepoison #false
set %autocons #false
set %autohonor #True
set %autoconfidence #True
set %EoOlist FE_AE_DF_CD_YG_XG_OE_BG_ZI_YF_ZE_VD_XD; YG_XG_UD_DE_FE_AE_OE_ ;DF_CD_YG_XG_OE dragons // Lista di mob su cui castare Enemy of 1
set %consList DF_CD_ ;Lista di mob su cui castare Consecrus
;User defined variables
;loot type section
set %bwc HFR ;trova la butcher direttamente da type
set %nonBWC VRH_TSF_CNF_WSF_GMH_ ;aggiungete in questa lista i type della lama che volete usare. (ES: VRH kryss WSF dagger CNF skinningknife)
set %frecce RWF
set %wool OFF
set %cutleather JJG
set %uncutleather DEG
set %feather off
set %drgnscale STO
set %cutbones GUF_OZF_
;mob type section
set %bonebearers CD_DF_TE_OJ_ZC_UGB_CF_WE_XI_IGB ;ZC_orc UGB_horde_minion CF_WE_skellies XI_shadow wisp
set %woodbearers VGB_IGB ; VGB_bogling GD_corpser (you will have to be on manual for these)
set %featherbearers WC_AG_UD_T_IGB
set %sheep PF_FG_IGB_TF_BB
set %enemy BB_UE_QE_CD_DF_TE_OJ_FD_DF_CD_RE_AF_BE_BI_UD_PE_QD_SD_DE_ND_FE_RE_YD_WE_CF_TI_VC_AI_NC_MD_TD_WGB_OD_UF_CB_IGB_UQM_BE_TD_MKM_OKM_OE_PF_TF ;BE-mongbat TD_headless (XC is ogre but also house?) UD_harpy PE_troll QD_ettin WG_rat SD_spider DE_lizardmen ND 0rc
set %people HS_IS_NAB_OAB_QAB_PAB_MAB_RAB_SAB_LAB_UF_CB_CD_DF_TE_OJ ;HS_IS humans other=necroforms
set %animals %enemy ;animals to attack
; <Changelog>
; versione 3.1
; fixati i contatori, rimossa ridondanza dalla sub journal (poteva causare crash), ricerca prioritaria dei mob aggressivi (prima di cercare i mob da farmare uccide quelli pericolosi),
; miglioramenti e fix ai cast delle spell (compresi metodi di caccia magery), correzione al loot, corretto bug targeting melee, implementato uso delle bende, fixato un bug nel looting
; inserito cast di confidence, corretta calibratura del peso.
; versione 3.05b
; raffinati i check sui journal, funzioni di cast automatico per war, fix minori ai cicli recall, rimossi check ridondanti dal recall, sostituito drop delle risorse casa al vecchio metodo bag of sending
; check automatico della razza, check automatico per la butcher's war cleaver, riscritto drag & drop
; versione 3.04b
; cambiato il calcolo del ritorno alla runa di partenza, migliorata la pausa dei pathfind, nuovo menu stats con cronometro, fix generali.
; versione 3.03b
; rimosso lo stile caccia taming con pet, fix sulle nuove funzioni, implementato lo script di lettura journal, adesso non serve più il file scanforjournal della 1.6..
; versione 3.02b
; modifiche varie ai messaggi dello script, funzione di ritorno al punto di partenza
; (se il pg si allontana troppo da dove è arrivato cerca di tornare indietro, se non riesce recalla all'ultima runa usata)
; stile di caccia con pet non-mount (ancora da testare a fondo), diminuito il peso massimo quando non si usa la BWC
; VERSIONE 3.01b
; rimaneggiate tutte le variabili utilizzate, implementate statistiche e nuovo menu.
; funzione salvatamer/salvajail XD: i bull a Delucia adesso vengono ignorati, collegate alcune liste di loot (Pelli, penne, ossa e lana) all'attivazione delle relative liste mob.
; versione 2.3.1
; inserita scelta loot scaglie, soglia hp editabile da menu, check peso elfi da menu, possibilità di skinnare senza bwc, cool targeting (:look:)
; versione 2.3
; correzione all'anti-criminal, RISCRITTO completamente il recall e le funzioni che lo chiamano, check automatico per la skill di recall,
; eliminata variabile waitafterrecall, risolto il bug in cui lootava un corpo a caso dopo il recall.
; versione 2.2
; inserita la sub di cura nelle routine di combattimento, inserito check sui pet tamati, fix generici, aggiunti alcuni messaggi di verifica.
; versione 2.1
; migliorata notevolmente la sub di cura, cura anche da poison e distingue se usare heal o greater heal stile razor.
; VERSIONE 2.0 (versione più stabile testata)
; implementato stile di caccia magery semplice.
; Implementato il menu.
; correzioni, riordinamento dello script e aggiunta delle call scanjournal da parte dello zio.
; corretto il bug che talvolta faceva targettare il mob più lontano.
; rivista la parte del recall, il bug che fa recallare più volte sulla stessa
; runa nn sembra ancora completamente risolto ma ora è gestito meglio...
; 23/11/2008 - 1.6 - correzioni generali dello script da parte dello zio, risolto il "bug" in cui spesso veniva targettato il mob più lontano
; 9/11/2008 - 1.5 - corretto il recall, inserita sub antiblock, implementato modo di caccia magery!
; 29/09/2008 - 1.3.1b - automatizzata la ricerca del Butcher's war cleaver, non importa piu targettarlo a mano a inizio script.
; 31/09/2008 - 1.3.1 - ripulito il codice, aggiunti alcuni animali.
; 31/09/2008 - 1.4 - implementate/corrette le prime due voci della lista implementazioni =D
; 2/11/2008 corretto il looting, se un mob muore lontano il pg si avvicina. aggiunta una funzione automatica per tagliare le ossa
;-+-+-+-+-<starting the script, DO NOT modify below!>-+-+-+-+-;
;vars initialization, changes may be significant at first start
Set %searchdistance 5 ; default 5 Set lower if pathfinding gets confused
set %dropbag ERROR!
set %bookid ERROR!
set %xcasa N/A
set %ycasa N/A
Set %numberofplaces 0
set %hitsctrl -15
set %storebank #true
set %lootaleather #true
set %lootafeather #false
set %lootaossa #false
set %lootalana #false
set %lootafrecce #true
set %lootaScales #false
set %pathback #true
set %autobandage #false
set %huntstyle 3
set %healmethod 1
set %nruneatt 1
set %ability_timer 0
set %cons_timer 0
set %bandtimer 0
set %sys_color 946
set %save_color 53
;colori risorse
;red 1645 green 2129 yellow 2216 black 1109 blue 2224 white 2301
set %redscale 1645
set %greenscale 2129
set %yellowscale 2216
set %blackscale 1109
set %bluescale 2224
set %whitescale 2301
set %normalleather 0
set %spinedleather 2220
set %hornedleather 2117
set %barbedleather 2129
set %tot_normalleather 0
set %tot_spinedleather 0
set %tot_hornedleather 0
set %tot_barbedleather 0
set %tot_redscale 0
set %tot_greenscale 0
set %tot_yellowscale 0
set %tot_blackscale 0
set %tot_bluescale 0
set %tot_whitescale 0
set %tot_feather 0
set %tot_frecce 0
set %tot_ossa 0
set %tot_wool 0
gosub inizializza_variabili
gosub menu_avvio
gosub finesetup
gosub Check_Skill_Recall
gosub menu_avviato
if ( %xcasa = N/A || %ycasa = N/A ) && %storebank = #false
display ok Qualche variabile non è impostata correttamente
+ $ perfavore ricontrolla le tue impostazioni.
goto recheck
if %storebank = #false
set %timeout #scnt + 8
event pathfind %xcasa %ycasa
while #charposx <> %xcasa || #charposy <> %ycasa
wait 2
if #scnt > %timeout
finditem %dropbag g_3
if #findkind <> 1
display ok Non è possibile raggiungere il container per le risorse,
+ $ perfavore ricontrolla le tue impostazioni.
goto recheck
if %Bookid = ERROR! || %dropbag = ERROR! || %numberofplaces = 0 && %storebank = #true
display ok Qualche variabile non è impostata correttamente
+ $ perfavore ricontrolla le tue impostazioni.
goto recheck
set %timetstart #scnt
;#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=# MAIN LOOP #=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#
if #HITS < %hitscheck || ( C in #CharStatus && ! %ignorepoison )
gosub curati
wait 10
gosub cambiaspot
gosub timecalc
gosub Edit_stato Ricerca , #spc , del , #spc , target
;check aggiuntivo per non avere "container cannot hold more.." quando non si usa la BWC su felucca Wink
if #Weight >= %WeightMax && #curskind <> 0
+ || #curskind = 0 && %usabwc = #false && #Weight >= ( %WeightMax - 60 )
+ || #curskind = 0 && %usabwc = #true && #Weight >= ( %WeightMax - 60 )
gosub unload
if %pathback
set %dix ( %startposx - #charposx ) ABS
set %diy ( %startposy - #charposy ) ABS
if %diy > %dix
set %distanza %diy
set %distanza %dix
if %distanza > %searchdistance * 4
gosub antiblock
event ExMsg #charid 3 50 Meglio tornare indietro!
event pathfind %startposx %startposy
gosub ScanForJournalMsg Can't_get_there 1 10 5
if #result = #TRUE
gosub recall
if #result = #false
gosub cambiaspot
set %waitTimeout #scnt2 + 50 ;5secondi di timeout
while #charposx <> %startposx || #charposy <> %startposy
if #scnt2 > %waitTimeout
goto find
set %victim N/A ;reset
FindItem %enemy G_ , 11
if #findkind <> -1 && #findtype notin %animals && #findstack < 1
set %victim #findid
event ExMsg %victim 3 1080 *-[Enemy found!]-*
if %huntstyle = 1
if %autohonor = #true
event macro 49 1
target 1s
set #ltargetid %victim
event macro 22 0
set #Ltargetid %victim
event macro 27 0
goto killit
for %distance 1 %searchdistance
set %_distance %distance * 4
;event ExMsg #charid 2 1074 Scanning @ range %_distance
FindItem %animals G_ , %_distance
if #findkind <> -1 && #findstack < 1
set %victim #findid
if #findrep in 1_2_7 && #findstack < 1 ;ignora eventuali pet tamati
ignoreItem %victim 1
event ExMsg %victim 3 50 Hedef Yok!
goto find
if #findtype = YG || #findtype = XG && #findstack < 1
if #curskind < 2 && #charposx > 5120 && #charposx < 5210 && #charposy > 3880 && #charposy < 4000
ignoreItem %victim 1
event ExMsg %victim 3 50 Bull di Delucia ignorato!
goto find
event ExMsg %victim 3 1080 *-[Hedef Secildi!]-*
if %victim = N/A
ignoreItem reset 1
gosub cambiaspot
goto find
if %huntstyle = 1
if %autohonor = #true
event macro 49 1
target 1s
set #ltargetid %victim
event macro 22 0
set #Ltargetid %victim
event macro 27 0
;msg Killing %victim $
gosub edit_stato Kill , #spc , del , #spc , target
if %huntstyle = 1 ;melee istance
Finditem %victim G_
if #findkind = -1
goto loot
if #finddist > 1
event Pathfind #Findx #Findy #findz
wait 10
gosub ScanForJournalMsg Can't_get_there 1 10 0
if #result = #TRUE
ignoreItem %victim 1
event ExMsg %victim 3 50 Target ignorato!
goto find
set #Ltargetid %victim
event macro 27 0
if #hits < ( #maxhits - 5 ) && %bandtimer < #scnt2 && %autobandage
set %banddelay ( ( 11 - ( #dex / 20 ) ) * 10 )
set %bandtimer #scnt2 + %banddelay
event macro 58
if %autocastEoO = #true && #findrep <> 5 && #findtype in %eoolist && #mana >= 14
event macro 15 206
wait 15
goto recast
if %autocons = #true && #scnt > %cons_timer && #mana >= 9 && #finddist < 4
event macro 15 203
set %cons_timer #scnt + %consecrus_timeout
wait 15
if %autoprimary = #true && #scnt > %ability_timer && #mana >= 20
event macro 35 0
set %ability_timer #scnt + %ability_timeout
goto recast
if %autosecondary = #true && #scnt > %ability_timer && #mana >= 25
event macro 36 0
set %ability_timer #scnt + %ability_timeout
goto recast
if #scnt > %conf_timer && #hits <= ( #maxhits - 30 )
event macro 15 146
set %conf_timer #scnt + 4
wait 5
goto recast
if ( #hits < %hitscheck || ( C in #CharStatus && ! %ignorepoison ) ) && #mana > 14
gosub curati
if %huntstyle = 2 || %huntstyle = 3 ;magery istance
set %firstspell #true
Finditem %victim G_
if #findkind = -1
goto loot
while #findkind <> -1
Finditem %victim G_
if #findkind = -1
goto loot
while #finddist > 9
gosub ScanForJournalMsg Can't_get_there 1 10 0
if #result = #TRUE
event ExMsg %victim 3 50 Target ignorato!
ignoreItem %victim 1
goto find
event Pathfind #Findx #Findy #findz
wait 15
finditem %victim
if #hits < ( #maxhits - 5 ) && %bandtimer < #scnt2 && %autobandage
set %banddelay ( ( 11 - ( #dex / 20 ) ) * 10 )
set %bandtimer #scnt2 + %banddelay
event macro 58
set %timeout #scnt2 + 25
Finditem %victim
if #findkind = -1
if ! %firstspell
wait %smartrecovery
if #hits < %hitscheck || C in #CharStatus
gosub curati
if %firstspell && %painspike
event macro 15 109
if %huntstyle = 2
if #finddist < 6
if #findtype notin DG_VF_M_L && #finddist < 2 && #enemyhits > 10
event macro 15 11
event macro 15 4
if #enemyhits < 35
event macro 15 11
event macro 15 17
if %huntstyle = 3
if #finddist < 6
if #findtype notin DG_VF_M_L && #finddist < 2 && #enemyhits > 10
event macro 15 11
event macro 15 4
event macro 15 29
if you_have_not_yet in #sysmsg && %smartrecovery < 25
if %smartrecovery > 21
set %smartrecovery 10
set %smartrecovery %smartrecovery + 1
goto recast
set #ltargetid #findid
set %jinx #jindex
event macro 22 0
wait 5
set %firstspell #false
;smartrecovery controlla che le spell non si accavallino Es: cast troppo veloce
;se a causa di di lag le spell si dilungano troppo si autolimita per non avere una pausa infinita
for %jentry %jinx #jindex
scanjournal %jinx
if Your_concentration in #journal
goto recast
if You_are_frozen in #journal
wait 10
goto pathfind
if Target_cannot_be_seen in #journal
;goto pathfind
ignoreItem %victim 1
event ExMsg %victim 3 50 Target ignorato!
goto find
goto Killit
;wait 10
gosub antiblock
gosub FindCorpse
if #result <> #false
gosub LootCorpse
;wait 10
goto find
sub FindCorpse
;gosub antiblock
Finditem YFM G_20
if #FindCnt < 1 || #FindDist > 22
return #false
set %CorpseID #FindId
set %CorpseType #FindType
ignoreitem #findid
return %CorpseId
sub LootCorpse
gosub edit_stato Aliyor...
set %waitTimeout #scnt2 + 60 ;6secondi di timeout
while #FindDist > 2
event pathfind #FindX #FindY #FindZ
if #scnt2 > %waitTimeout
goto saltaloot
gosub ScanForJournalMsg Can't_get_there 1 10 2
if #result = #true
goto saltaloot
finditem %corpseid
wait 10
gosub antiblock
set #lobjectid %corpseid
event macro 17 0
gosub wait_loot
if #result = #false
goto apri
if #result = ignora
event ExMsg %CorpseID 3 50 Carcassa ignorata!
ignoreitem %corpseID 2
goto saltaloot
if #curskind = 0
gosub ScanForJournalMsg criminal_act! 2 10 5
if #result = #TRUE
event ExMsg %CorpseID 3 50 Carcassa ignorata!
ignoreitem %corpseID 2
goto saltaloot
if %lootaleather
wait 2
set %jindex #jindex
set #lobjectid %skin_blade
event macro 17 0
for %i %jindex #jindex
scanjournal %i
if what_do_you_want_to_use in #journal
if You_must_wait_to_perform_another_action. in #journal 2
wait 1
goto recut
target 4s
set #ltargetid %CorpseID
set #lTargetKind 1
set %jindex #jindex
event macro 22 0
for %i %jindex #jindex
scanjournal %i
if target_cannot_be in #journal
finditem %corpseid G_
move #findx #findy 1 1
wait 5
goto recut
wait 8
scanjournal 1
if out_of_sight in #journal && : notin #journal
event ExMsg %CorpseID 3 50 Carcassa fuori portata!
goto saltaloot
if %lootaossa = #TRUE
finditem %bones , %cutbones C_ , %CorpseID
if #findkind <> -1
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc #backpackid
goto _Looting
if %lootalana = #TRUE
finditem %wool C_ , %CorpseID
if #findkind <> -1
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc #backpackid
wait 8
goto _Looting
if %lootafeather = #false
finditem %feather C_ , %CorpseID
if #findkind <> -1
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc #backpackid
wait 8
goto _Looting
if %lootaleather = #TRUE
if %usaBWC = #TRUE
finditem %uncutleather C_ , %CorpseID
if #findkind <> -1
set %cutIt #findid
gosub tagliuzza %cutIt
finditem %cutleather C_ , %CorpseID
if #findkind <> -1
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc #backpackid
goto _Looting
if %lootascales = #TRUE
finditem %drgnscale C_ , %CorpseID
if #findkind <> -1
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc #backpackid
wait 8
goto _Looting
sub tagliuzza
set %daTagliare %1
set #LObjectID %Scissors
gosub edit_stato Taglio , #spc , pelli/ossa
Event Macro 17 0
Set #LTargetID %daTagliare
Set #LTargetKind 1
Event Macro 22 0
wait 10
finditem %datagliare C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = 0
goto tagliuzza
sub curati
gosub edit_stato Cure , #spc , di , #spc , emergenza!
menu set Editstato %status
if %healmethod = 1
goto mageryheal
if %healmethod = 2
goto chivaheal
if #charGhost = YES
namespace push
namespace local logout
set !timeOut #scnt + 5
event macro 20 0
if #scnt > !timeOut
goto logout
if #contname <> YesNo_gump
goto waitlogout
set !x #contposx + 120
set !y #contposy + 90
click !x !y
set !timeOut #scnt + 20
if #scnt > !timeout
goto quit
if #contname <> MainMenu_gump
goto _waitlogout
namespace pop
display ok sei morto! $ lo script è stato fermato.
chivaheal: ;da rivedere i tempi di recovery
if #mana < 7
while C in #charstatus && ! %ignorepoison
set %timeout #scnt2 + 15
event macro 15 201 ;cleanse se poisonato
while #targcurs <> 1 && %timeout > #scnt2
if Your_concentration in #sysmsg || you_have_not_yet in #sysmsg
wait 1
goto chkstatuschiv
event macro 23 0
wait 18
while #Hits <= %hitscheck
set %timeout #scnt2 + 15
event macro 15 202
while #targcurs <> 1 && %timeout > #scnt2
if Your_concentration in #sysmsg || you_have_not_yet in #sysmsg
wait 1
goto chkstatuschiv
while C in #charstatus && %ignorepoison && #targcurs = 1
event macro 23 0
wait 15
goto chkstatuschiv
if #charGhost = YES
goto curati
mageryheal: ;i tempi di recovery sono calcolati con FCR3 in assenza di lag
while C in #charstatus && ! %ignorepoison
set %timeout #scnt2 + 15
event macro 15 10
while #targcurs <> 1 && %timeout > #scnt2
if Your_concentration in #sysmsg || you_have_not_yet in #sysmsg
wait 1
goto chkstatusmag
event macro 23 0
wait 15
if #Hits < %hitscheck
if #hits >= ( #maxhits - 25 )
set %timeout #scnt2 + 15
event macro 15 3
while #targcurs <> 1 && %timeout > #scnt2
if Your_concentration in #sysmsg || you_have_not_yet in #sysmsg
wait 1
goto chkstatusmag
event macro 23 0
wait 20
set %timeout #scnt2 + 15
event macro 15 28 ;altrimenti fa greater heal
while #targcurs <> 1 && %timeout > #scnt2
if Your_concentration in #sysmsg || you_have_not_yet in #sysmsg
wait 1
goto chkstatusmag
event macro 23 0
wait 23
goto chkstatusmag
if #charGhost = YES
goto curati
sub unload
if #HITS < %hitscheck || ( C in #CharStatus && ! %ignorepoison )
gosub curati
gosub edit_stato Deposito , #spc , il , #spc , loot
set !nruneatt %nruneatt
set %nruneatt 1
gosub recall
set %nruneatt !nruneatt
event SysMessage Bankaya Gidiyor.
if %storebank = #true
set !jindex #jindex + 1
set %nextrecalltobank #systime + 3000
set %bankopened #false
msg bank $
while #systime < %nextrecalltobank && %bankopened = #false
set %nextjinedxend #jindex
if !jindex <= %nextjinedxend
for %i !jindex %nextjinedxend
scanjournal %i
if container in #journal
set %bankopened #true
set !jindex %nextjinedxend + 1
sleep 10
finditem %dropbag
until #findkind <> -1
set %timeout #scnt + 10
while #charposx <> %xcasa || #charposy <> %ycasa
event pathfind %xcasa %ycasa
wait 2s
if #scnt > %timeout
goto riprova_deposito
if %lootaleather = #TRUE
finditem %cutleather C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1 ; found something
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc %dropbag
wait 7
gosub Contatore leather #findstack #findcol
goto _p2b1
if %lootafeather = #TRUE
finditem %feather C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1 ; found something
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc %dropbag
wait 7
gosub Contatore feather #findstack
goto _p2b1
if %lootafrecce = #TRUE
finditem %frecce C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1 ; found something
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc %dropbag
wait 7
gosub Contatore frecce #findstack
goto _p2b1
if %lootaossa = #TRUE
finditem %bones C_ , #backpackid
while #findkind <> -1
set %cutIt #findid
gosub tagliuzza %cutIt
finditem %bones C_ , #backpackid
finditem %cutbones C_ , #backpackid ;GUF cutted bone IDtype
if #findkind <> -1 ; found something
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc %dropbag
wait 7
gosub Contatore ossa #findstack
goto _p2b1
if %lootalana = #TRUE
finditem %wool C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1 ; found something
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc %dropbag
wait 7
gosub Contatore wool #findstack
goto _p2b1
if %lootascales = #TRUE
finditem %drgnscale C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1 ; found something
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc %dropbag
wait 7
gosub Contatore scaglie #findstack #findcol
goto _p2b1
if %autobandage
finditem ZLF CA_ , #BACKPACKID
if #findstack > 100
goto skip_restock
gosub open_cont
finditem ZLF C_ , %dropbag
if #findstack > 0
exevent drag #findid 100
wait 5
exevent dropc #backpackid
wait 7
gosub aggiorna_stats
gosub recall
if #result = #false
gosub cambiaspot
sub open_cont
set #lobjectid %dropbag
while #contid <> %dropbag
event macro 17 0
wait 20
sub Contatore
set %item %1
set %quantita %2
set %colore %3
if %item = leather
if %colore = %normalleather
set %item normalleather
if %colore = %spinedleather
set %item spinedleather
if %colore = %hornedleather
set %item hornedleather
if %colore = %barbedleather
set %item barbedleather
if %item = scaglie
if %colore = %whitescale
set %item whitescale
if %colore = %bluescale
set %item bluescale
if %colore = %blackscale
set %item blackscale
if %colore = %yellowscale
set %item yellowscale
if %colore = %redscale
set %item redscale
if %colore = %greenscale
set %item greenscale
set %tot_ . %item %tot_ . %item + %quantita
sub reset_stats
set %tot_normalleather 0
set %tot_spinedleather 0
set %tot_hornedleather 0
set %tot_barbedleather 0
set %tot_redscale 0
set %tot_greenscale 0
set %tot_yellowscale 0
set %tot_blackscale 0
set %tot_bluescale 0
set %tot_whitescale 0
set %tot_feather 0
set %tot_frecce 0
set %tot_ossa 0
set %tot_wool 0
set %timetstart #scnt
set %total_time 0
set %start_time 0
set #menubutton = N/A
gosub aggiorna_stats
sub aggiorna_stats
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_feather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_ossa
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_wool
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_frecce
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_normalleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_spinedleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_hornedleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_barbedleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_redscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_greenscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_yellowscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_blackscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_bluescale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_whitescale
menu set normalleatheredit %tot_normalleather
menu set spinedleatheredit %tot_spinedleather
menu set hornedleatheredit %tot_hornedleather
menu set barbedleatheredit %tot_barbedleather
menu set redscaleedit %tot_redscale
menu set greenscaleedit %tot_greenscale
menu set yellowscaleedit %tot_yellowscale
menu set blackscaleedit %tot_blackscale
menu set bluescaleedit %tot_bluescale
menu set whitescaleedit %tot_whitescale
menu set Editfeather %tot_feather
menu set Editossa %tot_ossa
menu set Editwool %tot_wool
menu set Editfrecce %tot_frecce
gosub timecalc
sub menu_avviato
menu Clear
menu Window Title Leather farmer
menu Window Color Maroon
menu Window Size 264 384
menu window transparent 80
menu Font Transparent #true
menu Font Align Right
menu Shape cornice2 80 328 170 45 4 7 2 Olive 7 $00300080
menu Shape CorniceStatus 17 306 233 37 4 7 2 Olive 7 $00300080
menu Shape shape3 164 52 85 173 4 7 1 Yellow 7 Maroon
menu Shape shape2 12 148 137 77 4 7 1 Yellow 7 Maroon
menu Shape shape1 12 52 137 81 4 7 1 Yellow 7 Maroon
menu Font Name Comic Sans MS
menu Font Size 11
menu Font Style bi
menu Font Color Teal
menu Font Transparent #false
menu Font Align Left
menu Font BGColor Maroon
menu Text Titolino 12 4 Leather farmer by iliko
menu Shape Mirino 230 8 19 17 1 7 3 Green 4 White
menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font Transparent #true
menu Text StatisticsLbl 88 24 Istatikler
menu Text StatoLbl 70 284 Stato dello script
menu Font Size 8
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color Lime
menu Font Transparent #false
menu Text PelliLbl 68 44 Derileri
menu Text ScaglieLbl 188 44 Scaglie
menu Font Color $00004080
menu Text lbl_plain 20 64 Plain
menu Font Color Highlight
menu Text lbl_spined 20 80 Spined
menu Font Color Red
menu Text lbl_horned 20 96 Horned
menu Font Color Green
menu Text lbl_Barbed 20 112 Barbed
menu Font Color Lime
menu Text VarieLbl 68 140 Cesitli
menu Font Style
menu Font Color ActiveCaption
menu Text lbl_penne 20 156 Kalem
menu Text lbl_Lana 20 172 Yun
menu Text lbl_ossa 20 188 Kemik
menu Shape scaglia1 172 60 69 25 2 7 1 Black 7 White
menu Shape scaglia2 172 112 69 25 2 7 1 Black 7 Yellow
menu Shape scaglia3 172 138 69 25 2 7 1 Black 7 Red
menu Shape scaglia4 172 164 69 25 2 7 1 Black 7 Green
menu Shape scaglia5 172 190 69 25 2 7 1 Black 7 BtnText
menu Shape scaglia6 172 86 69 25 2 7 1 Black 7 Blue
menu Font Color WindowFrame
menu Font Transparent #true
menu Text whitescaleedit 190 66 %tot_whitescale
menu Font Color ScrollBar
menu Text bluescaleedit 190 92 %tot_bluescale
menu Font Color WindowFrame
menu Text yellowscaleedit 190 118 %tot_yellowscale
menu Font Color InactiveCaptionText
menu Text redscaleedit 190 144 %tot_redscale
menu Font Color ActiveCaption
menu Text greenscaleedit 190 170 %tot_greenscale
menu Font Color WindowFrame
menu Text blackscaleedit 190 195 %tot_blackscale
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font Transparent #false
menu Text Lbl_tempo 16 236 Tempo:
menu Font Style b
menu Text lbl_tottempo 116 236 Tempo totale:
menu Font Style
menu Font Color WindowFrame
menu Text normalleatheredit 78 64 %tot_normalleather
menu Text spinedleatheredit 78 80 %tot_spinedleather
menu Text hornedleatheredit 78 96 %tot_hornedleather
menu Text barbedleatheredit 78 112 %tot_barbedleather
menu Text editfeather 78 156 %tot_feather
menu Text editwool 78 172 %tot_wool
menu Text editossa 78 188 %tot_ossa
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Text timedit 60 236 h m
menu Text tot_timeedit 200 236 h m
menu Font Color ActiveCaption
menu Text lbl_frecce 20 204 Oklar
menu Font Color WindowFrame
menu Text editfrecce 78 204 %tot_frecce
menu Font Size 10
menu Font Style i
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Text lblglobal 20 348 Global
menu Shape shapex 82 336 166 17 3 7 1 $00300080 7 $00300080
menu Font Size 8
menu Font Style
menu Font BGColor BtnShadow
menu Edit EditStato 27 314 213 %status
menu Font Color Olive
menu Font BGColor Maroon
menu Button ResetBtn 35 258 91 21 Statlari Resetle
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color Red
menu Button btnPausa 139 258 91 21 Durdur!
menu Font Style
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor BtnShadow
menu Edit globaledit 88 344 153 %global
menu Show 421 270
set #menubutton N/A
sub AntiBlock
set %maxpausa #scnt + 40
for %i 5 1
if #MENUBUTTON = btnpausa
set #menubutton N/A
gosub edit_stato Script , #spc , messo , #spc , in , #spc , pausa , #spc , dall'utente.
while #menubutton <> btnpausa
wait 20
set #menubutton N/A
if #MENUBUTTON = ResetBtn
gosub reset_stats
if #MENUBUTTON = closed
scanjournal %i
if ( The_world_is_saving in #journal || Cleaning_resources in #journal ) && : notin #journal
gosub edit_stato Save , #spc , rilevato, , #spc , in , #spc , attesa...
event ExMsg #charID 3 0 SAVE IN CORSO
for %i 5 1
scanjournal %i
if World_save_complete in #journal || Resources_cleaned in #journal
wait 1s
goto fine
wait 5
if #scnt > %maxpausa
goto fine
goto aspettaskip
sub menu_avvio
menu Clear
menu Window Title Leather farmer
menu window transparent 100
menu Window Color Maroon
menu Window Size 318 326
menu Font Transparent #true
menu Font Align Right
menu Font Name Comic Sans MS
menu Font Size 11
menu Font Style bi
menu Font Color Teal
menu Font Transparent #false
menu Font Align Left
menu Font BGColor Maroon
menu Text Titolino 52 4 Leather farmer by iliko
menu Shape Mirino 270 8 19 17 1 7 3 Green 4 White
menu Shape BarraLoot 69 48 3 141 3 7 1 Black 7 Navy
menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
menu Font Size 10
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color Yellow
menu Text LabelLoot 20 28 Loot:
menu Font Size 8
menu Font Color Menu
menu Text LabelCura 92 28 Tedavi Yontemi
menu Shape BarraOpzioni 16 268 277 5 3 7 1 Black 7 Yellow
menu Font Style
menu Font Color Fuchsia
menu Text LabelOpt 108 248 Gelismis Secenekler
menu Shape RiquadroStart 204 48 97 109 4 7 1 Olive 7 Purple
menu Font Color Window
menu Text HPlbl 114 276 En Az Can Hp
menu Text LabelSearchdis 16 276 Arama Mesafesi
menu Text LabelNrune 212 276 Mark Sayisi
menu Font Color Aqua
menu Text drop_bag 206 236 Container: %dropbag
menu Font Color Aqua
menu Text LabelBook 8 236 Runebook: %bookid
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color Window
menu Text stilecaccia 116 160 Kesme Stili
menu Font Style
menu Check lootpelli 8 56 57 17 %lootaleather Derileri
menu Check lootpenne 8 78 57 17 %lootafeather kalem
menu Check lootossa 8 100 57 17 %lootaossa kemik
menu Check lootlana 8 122 57 17 %lootalana Yunleri
menu Check lootfrecce 8 144 57 17 %lootafrecce Oklar
menu Check lootScales 8 166 57 17 %lootaScales Flakes
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Combo Create HealCombo 92 52 81
menu combo add HealCombo Magery
menu combo add HealCombo Chivalry
;menu combo add HealCombo Bende
menu combo select HealCombo %healmethod
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Purple
menu Button start 216 64 73 77 Baslat
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Edit searchdis 16 292 33 %searchdistance
menu Edit Nrune 212 292 26 %numberofplaces
menu Edit hitsctrl 114 292 33 %hitsctrl
menu Font Color ScrollBar
menu Text DehHits 154 296 (- , #maxhits .. -1)
menu Text DefRune 246 296 (1..16)
menu Text DefDis 56 296 (1..7)
menu Font Color Window
menu Font BGColor Maroon
menu Check chkautoband 82 84 84 17 %autobandage Oto-Bandaj
menu Check chkPB 82 110 122 37 %pathback Cok Fazla Olursa Geri Don
menu Check bankcheck 224 180 85 21 %storebank Bankaya Git
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor BtnFace
menu Button SetBagBtn 220 208 81 21 Canta Sec
menu Button SetrbookBbtn 16 208 79 21 Runebook Sec
menu Font BGColor Window
menu List Create huntstyle 112 176 89 61
menu List Add huntstyle Melee
menu List Add huntstyle Magery - Fireball
menu List Add huntstyle Magery - Lighting
;menu List Add huntstyle Pet - Nonmount
menu List select huntstyle %huntstyle
menu Show 421 270
set #menuButton N/A
if #MENUBUTTON = Kapat
if #MENUBUTTON = SetrbookBbtn
gosub set_rbook
menu set LabelBook book: %bookid
if #MENUBUTTON = SetBagBtn
gosub set_bag
menu set drop_bag Bag: %dropbag
If #MenuButton = start ;<-- controlla se start è premuto e inizia.
menu hide
goto MenuLoop
sub set_bag
menu get bankcheck
if %storebank <> #menuRes
set %storebank #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF storebank
set #targcurs 1
while #targcurs = 1
event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Targetta la Resource Bag
wait 1s
set %dropbag #ltargetID
if ! %storebank
set %xcasa #charposx
set %ycasa #charposy
gosub putPersistentVar ALF xcasa
gosub putPersistentVar ALF ycasa
gosub putPersistentVar ALF dropbag
event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Ok
sub set_rbook
set #targcurs 1
while #targcurs = 1
event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Targetta il Runebook
wait 1s
set %bookid #ltargetID
gosub putPersistentVar ALF bookid
event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Ok
sub finesetup
finditem #charid
if #findtype = IS || #findtype = HS
set %chkelf #false
set %chkelf #true
finditem %bwc C_ , #backpackid
set %usabwc #true
if #findkind = -1
set %usabwc #false
finditem %nonbwc C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1
display Procurati una lama per tagliare le pelli $ e riavvia lo script
set %skin_blade #findid
menu get lootpelli
if %lootaleather <> #menuRes
set %lootaleather #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootaleather
menu get lootpenne
if %lootafeather <> #menuRes
set %lootafeather #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootafeather
menu get lootossa
if %lootaossa <> #menuRes
set %lootaossa #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootaossa
menu get lootlana
if %lootalana <> #menuRes
set %lootalana #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootalana
menu get lootfrecce
if %lootafrecce <> #menuRes
set %lootafrecce #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootafrecce
menu get lootscales
if %lootascales <> #menuRes
set %lootascales #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootascales
menu get bankcheck
if %storebank <> #menuRes
set %storebank #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF storebank
menu get chkPB
if %pathback <> #menuRes
set %pathback #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF pathback
menu getnum searchdis
if %searchdistance <> #menuRes
set %searchdistance #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF searchdistance
menu getnum hitsctrl
if %hitsctrl <> #menuRes
set %hitsctrl #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF hitsctrl
menu getnum Nrune
if %numberofplaces <> #menuRes
set %numberofplaces #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF numberofplaces
menu get healcombo
if %healmethod <> #menuRes
set %healmethod #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF healmethod
menu get huntstyle
if %huntstyle <> #menuRes
set %huntstyle #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF huntstyle
menu get chkautoband
if %autobandage <> #menuRes
set %autobandage #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF autobandage
;setta le liste mob in base ai loot scelti
if %lootaleather
set %animals %animals , %hidebearers
if %lootafeather
set %animals %animals , %featherbearers
if %lootaossa
set %animals %animals , %bonebearers
if %lootalana
set %animals %animals , %sheep
set %hitscheck ( #maxhits + %hitsctrl ) ;a quanti hp inizia a curarsi
if %chkelf
set %weightmax #maxweight - 60
set %weightmax #maxweight + 20
if %usabwc = #false
set %weightmax %weightmax - 60
chooseSkill Necro
if #skill > 600
set %painspike #true
set %painspike #false
if %lootaossa = #true || %usaBWC = #false
FindItem JAG_KAG C_ , #BackPackID
If #FindKind = -1
Display Ok you do not have any scissors.$ Get one and restart.$ Script Halted
Set %Scissors #FindID
if %autobandage
finditem ZLF CA_ , #BACKPACKID
if #findstack = 0
display ok Non hai bende nello zaino!
+ $Lo script provvederà al restock con il
+ $prossimo passaggio dalla casa/banca.
+ $$Ricorda che le bende devono essere dentro$al contenitore.
sub Check_Skill_Recall
set %magery
set %chiva
set %skillsel
chooseSkill Mager
set %magery #SKILL
chooseSkill Chiva
set %chiva #SKILL
set %magie 0
if %magery > ( %chiva - 1 )
set %skillsel %magery
set %magie 1
set %skillsel %chiva
set %magie 2
if %skillsell < 250
display OK Hai skill per recallarti troppo basse $ Script fermato.
if %skillsell < 500
event ExMsg #CHARID 3 25 La skill per recallare è un po' bassina... ma salirà via via^^ $
sub cambiaspot
gosub AntiBlock
set %nruneatt %nruneatt + 1
if %nruneatt > %numberofplaces
set %nruneatt 2
gosub recall
if #result = #false
goto riprovarecall
wait 15
event SysMessage Recallato alla runa %nruneatt
set %Startposx #charposx
set %Startposy #charposy
sub Recall
if %nruneatt = 1
gosub edit_stato Recallo , #spc , alla , #spc , banca
gosub edit_stato Recallo , #spc , alla , #spc , runa , #spc , %nruneatt
if %huntstyle = 4
msg all follow me $
set %_runenumber %nruneatt
set %bookx 0
set %booky 0
set %_oldx #charposx
set %_oldy #charposy
set %_runex 138
set %ymagie 180
set %runabloccata #false
if %magie = 1
set %ymagie 145
set %_page 0
set %_side 0
set %_page %_runenumber + 1
set %_page %_page / 2
set %_num %_runenumber / 2
set %_num %_num * 2
if %_num = %_runenumber
set %_side 1
if %_side = 1
set %_runex 298
set %risp #true
set %xc 0
set %yc 0
set %_pagexmod %_page * 34
set %_pagex 104
set %_pagex %_pagex + %_pagexmod
if %_page > 4
set %_pagex %_pagex + 31
set #LOBJECTID %bookid
event macro 17 0
set %error #scnt + 2
gosub wait_gump generic_gump
if ! #result
goto recallopenagain
set %bookx #CONTPOSX
set %booky #CONTPOSY
set %xc %bookx + %_pagex
set %yc %booky + 195
click %xc %yc
gosub wait_gump generic_gump
if ! #result
goto recallopenagain
set %bookx #contposx
set %booky #contposy
set %xc %bookx + %_runex
set %yc %booky + %ymagie
set !jindex #jindex
click %xc %yc
set !w4serr #scnt + 4
while %_oldx = #charposx && %_oldy = #charposy && #scnt < !w4serr
if #scnt > !w4serr
sleep 3
gosub AntiBlock
if %_oldx = #charposx && %_oldy = #charposy
set %risp #false
for %i !jindex #jindex
scanjournal %i
if THAT_LOCATION_IS_BLOCKED in #journal && #jcolor = %sys_color
if %_runenumber <> 1
return %risp
if your_concentration in #journal || recovered in #journal
goto rirecalldopofiz
if mana in #journal && : notin #journal
while #mana <= 11
sleep 5
if #mana > 9
goto rirecalldopofiz
wait 10
return %risp
;====================== Wait&check subs ==========================
sub wait_loot
set !errwg #scnt2 + 50
wait 4
gosub ScanForJournalMsg You_did_not_earn_the_right 1 10 4
if #result = #true
return ignora
if #CONTID = %corpseid && #contsize = 144_212
return #true
if #scnt2 < !errwg
goto wlsubloop
return #false
sub wait_gump
set !gumpdaattendere %1
set !errwg #scnt + 5
wait 2
if #CONTNAME = !gumpdaattendere && #CONTSIZE = 452_236
return #true
if #scnt < !errwg
goto wgsubloop
return #false
sub Edit_stato
set %status %1
menu set Editstato %status
sub inizializza_variabili
if <PersistentVarsString> notin * . ALF
set * . ALF <PersistentVarsString>
set %creata #false
gosub getpersistentVar ALF creata
if #result = #false
gosub putPersistentVar ALF creata
gosub putPersistentVar ALF searchdistance
gosub putPersistentVar ALF dropbag
gosub putPersistentVar ALF bookid
gosub putPersistentVar ALF numberofplaces
gosub putPersistentVar ALF hitsctrl
gosub putPersistentVar ALF pathback
gosub putPersistentVar ALF autobandage
gosub putPersistentVar ALF storebank
gosub putPersistentVar ALF xcasa
gosub putPersistentVar ALF ycasa
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootaleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootafeather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootaossa
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootalana
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootafrecce
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootaScales
gosub putPersistentVar ALF huntstyle
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_feather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_ossa
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_wool
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_frecce
gosub putPersistentVar ALF healmethod
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_normalleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_spinedleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_hornedleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_barbedleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_redscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_greenscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_yellowscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_blackscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_bluescale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_whitescale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF total_time
set %creata #true
gosub putpersistent ALF creata
gosub getPersistentVar ALF searchdistance
gosub getPersistentVar ALF dropbag
gosub getPersistentVar ALF bookid
gosub getPersistentVar ALF numberofplaces
gosub getPersistentVar ALF hitsctrl
gosub getPersistentVar ALF pathback
gosub getPersistentVar ALF autobandage
gosub getPersistentVar ALF storebank
gosub getPersistentVar ALF xcasa
gosub getPersistentVar ALF ycasa
gosub getPersistentVar ALF lootaleather
gosub getPersistentVar ALF lootafeather
gosub getPersistentVar ALF lootaossa
gosub getPersistentVar ALF lootalana
gosub getPersistentVar ALF lootafrecce
gosub getPersistentVar ALF lootaScales
gosub getPersistentVar ALF huntstyle
gosub getPersistentVar ALF healmethod
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_feather
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_ossa
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_wool
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_frecce
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_normalleather
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_spinedleather
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_hornedleather
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_barbedleather
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_redscale
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_greenscale
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_yellowscale
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_blackscale
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_bluescale
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_whitescale
gosub getPersistentVar ALF total_time
set %start_time %total_time
;dato che la variabile è stata introdotta in seguito, potrebbe non essere letto correttamente se si ha usato una versione
;precedente dello script
if %pathback = N/A
set %pathback #true
gosub putPersistentVar ALF pathback
if %autobandage = N/A
set %autobandage #false
gosub putPersistentVar ALF autobandage
;===================== Management functions =====================
Sub getPersistentVar
nameSpace push
nameSpace local #systime , _ , %2 , GET
set !lpc #lpc
set #lpc 1000
set !persistent * . %1
set !varName v , %2 , :
str pos !persistent !varName
set #result #strres <> 0
if #result
set !varNamePos #strres
str len !varName
set !delString !varNamePos + #strres - 1
str del !persistent 1 !delString
set !persistent #strres
str pos !persistent |
set !varNamePos #strres - 1
str left !persistent !varNamePos
set % . %2 #strres
set % . %2 N/A
set #lpc !lpc
nameSpace Clear
nameSpace Pop
return #result
Sub putPersistentVar
nameSpace push
nameSpace local #systime , _ , %2 , PUT
set !lpc #lpc
set #lpc 1000
set !persistent * . %1
set !varName v , %2 , :
str pos !persistent !varName
if #strres = 0
if <PersistentVarsString> notin !persistent
set !persistent <PersistentVarsString>
set * . %1 !persistent , !varName , % . %2 , |
set #lpc !lpc
nameSpace clear
nameSpace pop
return #true
set !varNamePos #strres
str len !varName
set !splitString !varNamePos + #strres - 1
str left !persistent !splitstring
set !persistentPart1 #strres
str del !persistent 1 !splitString
set !persistent #strres
str len !persistent
set !persistentLen #strres
str pos !persistent |
set !splitString !persistentLen - #strres + 1
str right !persistent !splitstring
set !persistent #strres
set * . %1 !persistentPart1 , % . %2 , !persistent
set #lpc !lpc
nameSpace clear
nameSpace pop
return #true
; Script Name: ScanForJournalMsg Sub
; Author: Jo Mac
; Version: 1.02
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version: V1.50 [Build 121]
; Shard: OSI
; Revision Date: 7/28/2007
; Public Release: 7/23/2007
; Global Variables Used: none
; Purpose: To simplify adding a journal scan to a script
; Also can test to see if journal line is a system message
; Format: call ScanForJournalMsg.txt [message_to_check_for] [1 = no check , 2 = sysmsg check] [timeout default = 10] [n° of additional lines to scan (every line given is before the start of the sub), Algander]
; call ScanForJournalMsg.txt message_to_check_for 1 20
; if #result = #true
; [some action]
; Change 7/28/2007 Changes made to speed up sub by reducing iterrations - False results still will go to user defined timeout.
; Nota: alcune modifiche, Algander.
sub scanforjournalmsg
if %0 = n/a || %0 <> 4
display ok ScanForJournalMsg error - Halting
; store calling script's lpc setting
set %sfjm_lpc #lpc
; start with empty result
set #result n/a
; temporarily speed up processing
set #lpc 500
if %3 <> n/a
set %sfjm_Timer #sCnt2 + %3 ; timeout
set %sfjm_Timer #sCnt2 + 10 ; timeout
gosub Scan_ForJournalMsg %1 %2
until %sfjm_Timer < #sCnt2 || #result = #true
; restore calling script's lpc setting
set #lpc %sfjm_lpc
return #result
sub Scan_ForJournalMsg
set %sfjm_jStart #jIndex - %4
set %sfjm_ckmessage %1
set %sfjm_cksysmsg %2
for %iiJnl %sfjm_jStart #jIndex
scanjournal %iiJnl
if ( %sfjm_ckmessage in #journal )
if ( %sfjm_cksysmsg = 2 )
; check to make sure it is a system message
gosub isSystemMsg #journal
return #result
return #true
return #false
; gosub isSystemMsg #journal
sub isSystemMsg
; step through first part of message only
set %sfjm_sysstr %1
str Len %sfjm_sysstr
set %sfjm_jlen #strres
if %sfjm_jlen > 25
set %sfjm_jlen 25
for %iiSys 5 %sfjm_jlen
str Left %sfjm_sysstr %iiSys
if __ in #strres
if :__ in #strres
return #false
return #true
sub TimeCalc
set %elapsed #scnt - %timetstart
set %Ttotal %start_time + %elapsed
set %total_time %Ttotal
gosub putPersistentVar ALF total_time
set %ehours %Ttotal / 3600
set %emins ( %Ttotal / 60 ) - ( %ehours * 60 )
if %lastehours <> %ehours
set %lastehours %ehours
if %lastemins <> %emins
set %lastemins %emins
menu set tot_timeedit %ehours , h , #spc , %emins , m
set %ehours %elapsed / 3600
set %emins ( %elapsed / 60 ) - ( %ehours * 60 )
if %lastehours <> %ehours
set %lastehours %ehours
if %lastemins <> %emins
set %lastemins %emins
menu set timedit %ehours , h , #spc , %emins , m
; Script Name: Algander's Leather Farmer
; Author: Algander
; Credits: 1.3 original mainloop by Indecent
; Zio's for his modified autolooter
; Scorna for his great subs
; Version: 3.1
; Shard OSI/FS: OSI? - FS
; Revision Date:
; Purpose: Kill, Skin with BWC, and bank via BOS optionally
; Setup:
; - If you want to bank your leather start the script ,
; have a runebook with your bank rune as the first rune in the book.
;Funzioni sperimentali:
;controllare prima dell'avvio
set %smartrecovery 8 ;aumentare in caso di lag (Default: Cool *solo metodo magery
;per l'uso melee casta in automatico spell/abilità.
set %autocastEoO #true
set %ability_timeout 5 ;setta il tempo di recast per le abilità
set %consecrus_timeout
set %autoprimary #false
set %autosecondary #false
set %ignorepoison #false
set %autocons #false
set %autohonor #True
set %autoconfidence #True
set %EoOlist FE_AE_DF_CD_YG_XG_OE_BG_ZI_YF_ZE_VD_XD; YG_XG_UD_DE_FE_AE_OE_ ;DF_CD_YG_XG_OE dragons // Lista di mob su cui castare Enemy of 1
set %consList DF_CD_ ;Lista di mob su cui castare Consecrus
;User defined variables
;loot type section
set %bwc HFR ;trova la butcher direttamente da type
set %nonBWC VRH_TSF_CNF_WSF_GMH_ ;aggiungete in questa lista i type della lama che volete usare. (ES: VRH kryss WSF dagger CNF skinningknife)
set %frecce RWF
set %wool OFF
set %cutleather JJG
set %uncutleather DEG
set %feather off
set %drgnscale STO
set %cutbones GUF_OZF_
;mob type section
set %bonebearers CD_DF_TE_OJ_ZC_UGB_CF_WE_XI_IGB ;ZC_orc UGB_horde_minion CF_WE_skellies XI_shadow wisp
set %woodbearers VGB_IGB ; VGB_bogling GD_corpser (you will have to be on manual for these)
set %featherbearers WC_AG_UD_T_IGB
set %sheep PF_FG_IGB_TF_BB
set %enemy BB_UE_QE_CD_DF_TE_OJ_FD_DF_CD_RE_AF_BE_BI_UD_PE_QD_SD_DE_ND_FE_RE_YD_WE_CF_TI_VC_AI_NC_MD_TD_WGB_OD_UF_CB_IGB_UQM_BE_TD_MKM_OKM_OE_PF_TF ;BE-mongbat TD_headless (XC is ogre but also house?) UD_harpy PE_troll QD_ettin WG_rat SD_spider DE_lizardmen ND 0rc
set %people HS_IS_NAB_OAB_QAB_PAB_MAB_RAB_SAB_LAB_UF_CB_CD_DF_TE_OJ ;HS_IS humans other=necroforms
set %animals %enemy ;animals to attack
; <Changelog>
; versione 3.1
; fixati i contatori, rimossa ridondanza dalla sub journal (poteva causare crash), ricerca prioritaria dei mob aggressivi (prima di cercare i mob da farmare uccide quelli pericolosi),
; miglioramenti e fix ai cast delle spell (compresi metodi di caccia magery), correzione al loot, corretto bug targeting melee, implementato uso delle bende, fixato un bug nel looting
; inserito cast di confidence, corretta calibratura del peso.
; versione 3.05b
; raffinati i check sui journal, funzioni di cast automatico per war, fix minori ai cicli recall, rimossi check ridondanti dal recall, sostituito drop delle risorse casa al vecchio metodo bag of sending
; check automatico della razza, check automatico per la butcher's war cleaver, riscritto drag & drop
; versione 3.04b
; cambiato il calcolo del ritorno alla runa di partenza, migliorata la pausa dei pathfind, nuovo menu stats con cronometro, fix generali.
; versione 3.03b
; rimosso lo stile caccia taming con pet, fix sulle nuove funzioni, implementato lo script di lettura journal, adesso non serve più il file scanforjournal della 1.6..
; versione 3.02b
; modifiche varie ai messaggi dello script, funzione di ritorno al punto di partenza
; (se il pg si allontana troppo da dove è arrivato cerca di tornare indietro, se non riesce recalla all'ultima runa usata)
; stile di caccia con pet non-mount (ancora da testare a fondo), diminuito il peso massimo quando non si usa la BWC
; VERSIONE 3.01b
; rimaneggiate tutte le variabili utilizzate, implementate statistiche e nuovo menu.
; funzione salvatamer/salvajail XD: i bull a Delucia adesso vengono ignorati, collegate alcune liste di loot (Pelli, penne, ossa e lana) all'attivazione delle relative liste mob.
; versione 2.3.1
; inserita scelta loot scaglie, soglia hp editabile da menu, check peso elfi da menu, possibilità di skinnare senza bwc, cool targeting (:look:)
; versione 2.3
; correzione all'anti-criminal, RISCRITTO completamente il recall e le funzioni che lo chiamano, check automatico per la skill di recall,
; eliminata variabile waitafterrecall, risolto il bug in cui lootava un corpo a caso dopo il recall.
; versione 2.2
; inserita la sub di cura nelle routine di combattimento, inserito check sui pet tamati, fix generici, aggiunti alcuni messaggi di verifica.
; versione 2.1
; migliorata notevolmente la sub di cura, cura anche da poison e distingue se usare heal o greater heal stile razor.
; VERSIONE 2.0 (versione più stabile testata)
; implementato stile di caccia magery semplice.
; Implementato il menu.
; correzioni, riordinamento dello script e aggiunta delle call scanjournal da parte dello zio.
; corretto il bug che talvolta faceva targettare il mob più lontano.
; rivista la parte del recall, il bug che fa recallare più volte sulla stessa
; runa nn sembra ancora completamente risolto ma ora è gestito meglio...
; 23/11/2008 - 1.6 - correzioni generali dello script da parte dello zio, risolto il "bug" in cui spesso veniva targettato il mob più lontano
; 9/11/2008 - 1.5 - corretto il recall, inserita sub antiblock, implementato modo di caccia magery!
; 29/09/2008 - 1.3.1b - automatizzata la ricerca del Butcher's war cleaver, non importa piu targettarlo a mano a inizio script.
; 31/09/2008 - 1.3.1 - ripulito il codice, aggiunti alcuni animali.
; 31/09/2008 - 1.4 - implementate/corrette le prime due voci della lista implementazioni =D
; 2/11/2008 corretto il looting, se un mob muore lontano il pg si avvicina. aggiunta una funzione automatica per tagliare le ossa
;-+-+-+-+-<starting the script, DO NOT modify below!>-+-+-+-+-;
;vars initialization, changes may be significant at first start
Set %searchdistance 5 ; default 5 Set lower if pathfinding gets confused
set %dropbag ERROR!
set %bookid ERROR!
set %xcasa N/A
set %ycasa N/A
Set %numberofplaces 0
set %hitsctrl -15
set %storebank #true
set %lootaleather #true
set %lootafeather #false
set %lootaossa #false
set %lootalana #false
set %lootafrecce #true
set %lootaScales #false
set %pathback #true
set %autobandage #false
set %huntstyle 3
set %healmethod 1
set %nruneatt 1
set %ability_timer 0
set %cons_timer 0
set %bandtimer 0
set %sys_color 946
set %save_color 53
;colori risorse
;red 1645 green 2129 yellow 2216 black 1109 blue 2224 white 2301
set %redscale 1645
set %greenscale 2129
set %yellowscale 2216
set %blackscale 1109
set %bluescale 2224
set %whitescale 2301
set %normalleather 0
set %spinedleather 2220
set %hornedleather 2117
set %barbedleather 2129
set %tot_normalleather 0
set %tot_spinedleather 0
set %tot_hornedleather 0
set %tot_barbedleather 0
set %tot_redscale 0
set %tot_greenscale 0
set %tot_yellowscale 0
set %tot_blackscale 0
set %tot_bluescale 0
set %tot_whitescale 0
set %tot_feather 0
set %tot_frecce 0
set %tot_ossa 0
set %tot_wool 0
gosub inizializza_variabili
gosub menu_avvio
gosub finesetup
gosub Check_Skill_Recall
gosub menu_avviato
if ( %xcasa = N/A || %ycasa = N/A ) && %storebank = #false
display ok Qualche variabile non è impostata correttamente
+ $ perfavore ricontrolla le tue impostazioni.
goto recheck
if %storebank = #false
set %timeout #scnt + 8
event pathfind %xcasa %ycasa
while #charposx <> %xcasa || #charposy <> %ycasa
wait 2
if #scnt > %timeout
finditem %dropbag g_3
if #findkind <> 1
display ok Non è possibile raggiungere il container per le risorse,
+ $ perfavore ricontrolla le tue impostazioni.
goto recheck
if %Bookid = ERROR! || %dropbag = ERROR! || %numberofplaces = 0 && %storebank = #true
display ok Qualche variabile non è impostata correttamente
+ $ perfavore ricontrolla le tue impostazioni.
goto recheck
set %timetstart #scnt
;#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=# MAIN LOOP #=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#
if #HITS < %hitscheck || ( C in #CharStatus && ! %ignorepoison )
gosub curati
wait 10
gosub cambiaspot
gosub timecalc
gosub Edit_stato Ricerca , #spc , del , #spc , target
;check aggiuntivo per non avere "container cannot hold more.." quando non si usa la BWC su felucca Wink
if #Weight >= %WeightMax && #curskind <> 0
+ || #curskind = 0 && %usabwc = #false && #Weight >= ( %WeightMax - 60 )
+ || #curskind = 0 && %usabwc = #true && #Weight >= ( %WeightMax - 60 )
gosub unload
if %pathback
set %dix ( %startposx - #charposx ) ABS
set %diy ( %startposy - #charposy ) ABS
if %diy > %dix
set %distanza %diy
set %distanza %dix
if %distanza > %searchdistance * 4
gosub antiblock
event ExMsg #charid 3 50 Meglio tornare indietro!
event pathfind %startposx %startposy
gosub ScanForJournalMsg Can't_get_there 1 10 5
if #result = #TRUE
gosub recall
if #result = #false
gosub cambiaspot
set %waitTimeout #scnt2 + 50 ;5secondi di timeout
while #charposx <> %startposx || #charposy <> %startposy
if #scnt2 > %waitTimeout
goto find
set %victim N/A ;reset
FindItem %enemy G_ , 11
if #findkind <> -1 && #findtype notin %animals && #findstack < 1
set %victim #findid
event ExMsg %victim 3 1080 *-[Enemy found!]-*
if %huntstyle = 1
if %autohonor = #true
event macro 49 1
target 1s
set #ltargetid %victim
event macro 22 0
set #Ltargetid %victim
event macro 27 0
goto killit
for %distance 1 %searchdistance
set %_distance %distance * 4
;event ExMsg #charid 2 1074 Scanning @ range %_distance
FindItem %animals G_ , %_distance
if #findkind <> -1 && #findstack < 1
set %victim #findid
if #findrep in 1_2_7 && #findstack < 1 ;ignora eventuali pet tamati
ignoreItem %victim 1
event ExMsg %victim 3 50 Hedef Yok!
goto find
if #findtype = YG || #findtype = XG && #findstack < 1
if #curskind < 2 && #charposx > 5120 && #charposx < 5210 && #charposy > 3880 && #charposy < 4000
ignoreItem %victim 1
event ExMsg %victim 3 50 Bull di Delucia ignorato!
goto find
event ExMsg %victim 3 1080 *-[Hedef Secildi!]-*
if %victim = N/A
ignoreItem reset 1
gosub cambiaspot
goto find
if %huntstyle = 1
if %autohonor = #true
event macro 49 1
target 1s
set #ltargetid %victim
event macro 22 0
set #Ltargetid %victim
event macro 27 0
;msg Killing %victim $
gosub edit_stato Kill , #spc , del , #spc , target
if %huntstyle = 1 ;melee istance
Finditem %victim G_
if #findkind = -1
goto loot
if #finddist > 1
event Pathfind #Findx #Findy #findz
wait 10
gosub ScanForJournalMsg Can't_get_there 1 10 0
if #result = #TRUE
ignoreItem %victim 1
event ExMsg %victim 3 50 Target ignorato!
goto find
set #Ltargetid %victim
event macro 27 0
if #hits < ( #maxhits - 5 ) && %bandtimer < #scnt2 && %autobandage
set %banddelay ( ( 11 - ( #dex / 20 ) ) * 10 )
set %bandtimer #scnt2 + %banddelay
event macro 58
if %autocastEoO = #true && #findrep <> 5 && #findtype in %eoolist && #mana >= 14
event macro 15 206
wait 15
goto recast
if %autocons = #true && #scnt > %cons_timer && #mana >= 9 && #finddist < 4
event macro 15 203
set %cons_timer #scnt + %consecrus_timeout
wait 15
if %autoprimary = #true && #scnt > %ability_timer && #mana >= 20
event macro 35 0
set %ability_timer #scnt + %ability_timeout
goto recast
if %autosecondary = #true && #scnt > %ability_timer && #mana >= 25
event macro 36 0
set %ability_timer #scnt + %ability_timeout
goto recast
if #scnt > %conf_timer && #hits <= ( #maxhits - 30 )
event macro 15 146
set %conf_timer #scnt + 4
wait 5
goto recast
if ( #hits < %hitscheck || ( C in #CharStatus && ! %ignorepoison ) ) && #mana > 14
gosub curati
if %huntstyle = 2 || %huntstyle = 3 ;magery istance
set %firstspell #true
Finditem %victim G_
if #findkind = -1
goto loot
while #findkind <> -1
Finditem %victim G_
if #findkind = -1
goto loot
while #finddist > 9
gosub ScanForJournalMsg Can't_get_there 1 10 0
if #result = #TRUE
event ExMsg %victim 3 50 Target ignorato!
ignoreItem %victim 1
goto find
event Pathfind #Findx #Findy #findz
wait 15
finditem %victim
if #hits < ( #maxhits - 5 ) && %bandtimer < #scnt2 && %autobandage
set %banddelay ( ( 11 - ( #dex / 20 ) ) * 10 )
set %bandtimer #scnt2 + %banddelay
event macro 58
set %timeout #scnt2 + 25
Finditem %victim
if #findkind = -1
if ! %firstspell
wait %smartrecovery
if #hits < %hitscheck || C in #CharStatus
gosub curati
if %firstspell && %painspike
event macro 15 109
if %huntstyle = 2
if #finddist < 6
if #findtype notin DG_VF_M_L && #finddist < 2 && #enemyhits > 10
event macro 15 11
event macro 15 4
if #enemyhits < 35
event macro 15 11
event macro 15 17
if %huntstyle = 3
if #finddist < 6
if #findtype notin DG_VF_M_L && #finddist < 2 && #enemyhits > 10
event macro 15 11
event macro 15 4
event macro 15 29
if you_have_not_yet in #sysmsg && %smartrecovery < 25
if %smartrecovery > 21
set %smartrecovery 10
set %smartrecovery %smartrecovery + 1
goto recast
set #ltargetid #findid
set %jinx #jindex
event macro 22 0
wait 5
set %firstspell #false
;smartrecovery controlla che le spell non si accavallino Es: cast troppo veloce
;se a causa di di lag le spell si dilungano troppo si autolimita per non avere una pausa infinita
for %jentry %jinx #jindex
scanjournal %jinx
if Your_concentration in #journal
goto recast
if You_are_frozen in #journal
wait 10
goto pathfind
if Target_cannot_be_seen in #journal
;goto pathfind
ignoreItem %victim 1
event ExMsg %victim 3 50 Target ignorato!
goto find
goto Killit
;wait 10
gosub antiblock
gosub FindCorpse
if #result <> #false
gosub LootCorpse
;wait 10
goto find
sub FindCorpse
;gosub antiblock
Finditem YFM G_20
if #FindCnt < 1 || #FindDist > 22
return #false
set %CorpseID #FindId
set %CorpseType #FindType
ignoreitem #findid
return %CorpseId
sub LootCorpse
gosub edit_stato Aliyor...
set %waitTimeout #scnt2 + 60 ;6secondi di timeout
while #FindDist > 2
event pathfind #FindX #FindY #FindZ
if #scnt2 > %waitTimeout
goto saltaloot
gosub ScanForJournalMsg Can't_get_there 1 10 2
if #result = #true
goto saltaloot
finditem %corpseid
wait 10
gosub antiblock
set #lobjectid %corpseid
event macro 17 0
gosub wait_loot
if #result = #false
goto apri
if #result = ignora
event ExMsg %CorpseID 3 50 Carcassa ignorata!
ignoreitem %corpseID 2
goto saltaloot
if #curskind = 0
gosub ScanForJournalMsg criminal_act! 2 10 5
if #result = #TRUE
event ExMsg %CorpseID 3 50 Carcassa ignorata!
ignoreitem %corpseID 2
goto saltaloot
if %lootaleather
wait 2
set %jindex #jindex
set #lobjectid %skin_blade
event macro 17 0
for %i %jindex #jindex
scanjournal %i
if what_do_you_want_to_use in #journal
if You_must_wait_to_perform_another_action. in #journal 2
wait 1
goto recut
target 4s
set #ltargetid %CorpseID
set #lTargetKind 1
set %jindex #jindex
event macro 22 0
for %i %jindex #jindex
scanjournal %i
if target_cannot_be in #journal
finditem %corpseid G_
move #findx #findy 1 1
wait 5
goto recut
wait 8
scanjournal 1
if out_of_sight in #journal && : notin #journal
event ExMsg %CorpseID 3 50 Carcassa fuori portata!
goto saltaloot
if %lootaossa = #TRUE
finditem %bones , %cutbones C_ , %CorpseID
if #findkind <> -1
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc #backpackid
goto _Looting
if %lootalana = #TRUE
finditem %wool C_ , %CorpseID
if #findkind <> -1
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc #backpackid
wait 8
goto _Looting
if %lootafeather = #false
finditem %feather C_ , %CorpseID
if #findkind <> -1
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc #backpackid
wait 8
goto _Looting
if %lootaleather = #TRUE
if %usaBWC = #TRUE
finditem %uncutleather C_ , %CorpseID
if #findkind <> -1
set %cutIt #findid
gosub tagliuzza %cutIt
finditem %cutleather C_ , %CorpseID
if #findkind <> -1
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc #backpackid
goto _Looting
if %lootascales = #TRUE
finditem %drgnscale C_ , %CorpseID
if #findkind <> -1
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc #backpackid
wait 8
goto _Looting
sub tagliuzza
set %daTagliare %1
set #LObjectID %Scissors
gosub edit_stato Taglio , #spc , pelli/ossa
Event Macro 17 0
Set #LTargetID %daTagliare
Set #LTargetKind 1
Event Macro 22 0
wait 10
finditem %datagliare C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = 0
goto tagliuzza
sub curati
gosub edit_stato Cure , #spc , di , #spc , emergenza!
menu set Editstato %status
if %healmethod = 1
goto mageryheal
if %healmethod = 2
goto chivaheal
if #charGhost = YES
namespace push
namespace local logout
set !timeOut #scnt + 5
event macro 20 0
if #scnt > !timeOut
goto logout
if #contname <> YesNo_gump
goto waitlogout
set !x #contposx + 120
set !y #contposy + 90
click !x !y
set !timeOut #scnt + 20
if #scnt > !timeout
goto quit
if #contname <> MainMenu_gump
goto _waitlogout
namespace pop
display ok sei morto! $ lo script è stato fermato.
chivaheal: ;da rivedere i tempi di recovery
if #mana < 7
while C in #charstatus && ! %ignorepoison
set %timeout #scnt2 + 15
event macro 15 201 ;cleanse se poisonato
while #targcurs <> 1 && %timeout > #scnt2
if Your_concentration in #sysmsg || you_have_not_yet in #sysmsg
wait 1
goto chkstatuschiv
event macro 23 0
wait 18
while #Hits <= %hitscheck
set %timeout #scnt2 + 15
event macro 15 202
while #targcurs <> 1 && %timeout > #scnt2
if Your_concentration in #sysmsg || you_have_not_yet in #sysmsg
wait 1
goto chkstatuschiv
while C in #charstatus && %ignorepoison && #targcurs = 1
event macro 23 0
wait 15
goto chkstatuschiv
if #charGhost = YES
goto curati
mageryheal: ;i tempi di recovery sono calcolati con FCR3 in assenza di lag
while C in #charstatus && ! %ignorepoison
set %timeout #scnt2 + 15
event macro 15 10
while #targcurs <> 1 && %timeout > #scnt2
if Your_concentration in #sysmsg || you_have_not_yet in #sysmsg
wait 1
goto chkstatusmag
event macro 23 0
wait 15
if #Hits < %hitscheck
if #hits >= ( #maxhits - 25 )
set %timeout #scnt2 + 15
event macro 15 3
while #targcurs <> 1 && %timeout > #scnt2
if Your_concentration in #sysmsg || you_have_not_yet in #sysmsg
wait 1
goto chkstatusmag
event macro 23 0
wait 20
set %timeout #scnt2 + 15
event macro 15 28 ;altrimenti fa greater heal
while #targcurs <> 1 && %timeout > #scnt2
if Your_concentration in #sysmsg || you_have_not_yet in #sysmsg
wait 1
goto chkstatusmag
event macro 23 0
wait 23
goto chkstatusmag
if #charGhost = YES
goto curati
sub unload
if #HITS < %hitscheck || ( C in #CharStatus && ! %ignorepoison )
gosub curati
gosub edit_stato Deposito , #spc , il , #spc , loot
set !nruneatt %nruneatt
set %nruneatt 1
gosub recall
set %nruneatt !nruneatt
event SysMessage Bankaya Gidiyor.
if %storebank = #true
set !jindex #jindex + 1
set %nextrecalltobank #systime + 3000
set %bankopened #false
msg bank $
while #systime < %nextrecalltobank && %bankopened = #false
set %nextjinedxend #jindex
if !jindex <= %nextjinedxend
for %i !jindex %nextjinedxend
scanjournal %i
if container in #journal
set %bankopened #true
set !jindex %nextjinedxend + 1
sleep 10
finditem %dropbag
until #findkind <> -1
set %timeout #scnt + 10
while #charposx <> %xcasa || #charposy <> %ycasa
event pathfind %xcasa %ycasa
wait 2s
if #scnt > %timeout
goto riprova_deposito
if %lootaleather = #TRUE
finditem %cutleather C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1 ; found something
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc %dropbag
wait 7
gosub Contatore leather #findstack #findcol
goto _p2b1
if %lootafeather = #TRUE
finditem %feather C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1 ; found something
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc %dropbag
wait 7
gosub Contatore feather #findstack
goto _p2b1
if %lootafrecce = #TRUE
finditem %frecce C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1 ; found something
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc %dropbag
wait 7
gosub Contatore frecce #findstack
goto _p2b1
if %lootaossa = #TRUE
finditem %bones C_ , #backpackid
while #findkind <> -1
set %cutIt #findid
gosub tagliuzza %cutIt
finditem %bones C_ , #backpackid
finditem %cutbones C_ , #backpackid ;GUF cutted bone IDtype
if #findkind <> -1 ; found something
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc %dropbag
wait 7
gosub Contatore ossa #findstack
goto _p2b1
if %lootalana = #TRUE
finditem %wool C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1 ; found something
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc %dropbag
wait 7
gosub Contatore wool #findstack
goto _p2b1
if %lootascales = #TRUE
finditem %drgnscale C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1 ; found something
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 5
exevent dropc %dropbag
wait 7
gosub Contatore scaglie #findstack #findcol
goto _p2b1
if %autobandage
finditem ZLF CA_ , #BACKPACKID
if #findstack > 100
goto skip_restock
gosub open_cont
finditem ZLF C_ , %dropbag
if #findstack > 0
exevent drag #findid 100
wait 5
exevent dropc #backpackid
wait 7
gosub aggiorna_stats
gosub recall
if #result = #false
gosub cambiaspot
sub open_cont
set #lobjectid %dropbag
while #contid <> %dropbag
event macro 17 0
wait 20
sub Contatore
set %item %1
set %quantita %2
set %colore %3
if %item = leather
if %colore = %normalleather
set %item normalleather
if %colore = %spinedleather
set %item spinedleather
if %colore = %hornedleather
set %item hornedleather
if %colore = %barbedleather
set %item barbedleather
if %item = scaglie
if %colore = %whitescale
set %item whitescale
if %colore = %bluescale
set %item bluescale
if %colore = %blackscale
set %item blackscale
if %colore = %yellowscale
set %item yellowscale
if %colore = %redscale
set %item redscale
if %colore = %greenscale
set %item greenscale
set %tot_ . %item %tot_ . %item + %quantita
sub reset_stats
set %tot_normalleather 0
set %tot_spinedleather 0
set %tot_hornedleather 0
set %tot_barbedleather 0
set %tot_redscale 0
set %tot_greenscale 0
set %tot_yellowscale 0
set %tot_blackscale 0
set %tot_bluescale 0
set %tot_whitescale 0
set %tot_feather 0
set %tot_frecce 0
set %tot_ossa 0
set %tot_wool 0
set %timetstart #scnt
set %total_time 0
set %start_time 0
set #menubutton = N/A
gosub aggiorna_stats
sub aggiorna_stats
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_feather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_ossa
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_wool
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_frecce
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_normalleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_spinedleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_hornedleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_barbedleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_redscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_greenscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_yellowscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_blackscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_bluescale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_whitescale
menu set normalleatheredit %tot_normalleather
menu set spinedleatheredit %tot_spinedleather
menu set hornedleatheredit %tot_hornedleather
menu set barbedleatheredit %tot_barbedleather
menu set redscaleedit %tot_redscale
menu set greenscaleedit %tot_greenscale
menu set yellowscaleedit %tot_yellowscale
menu set blackscaleedit %tot_blackscale
menu set bluescaleedit %tot_bluescale
menu set whitescaleedit %tot_whitescale
menu set Editfeather %tot_feather
menu set Editossa %tot_ossa
menu set Editwool %tot_wool
menu set Editfrecce %tot_frecce
gosub timecalc
sub menu_avviato
menu Clear
menu Window Title Leather farmer
menu Window Color Maroon
menu Window Size 264 384
menu window transparent 80
menu Font Transparent #true
menu Font Align Right
menu Shape cornice2 80 328 170 45 4 7 2 Olive 7 $00300080
menu Shape CorniceStatus 17 306 233 37 4 7 2 Olive 7 $00300080
menu Shape shape3 164 52 85 173 4 7 1 Yellow 7 Maroon
menu Shape shape2 12 148 137 77 4 7 1 Yellow 7 Maroon
menu Shape shape1 12 52 137 81 4 7 1 Yellow 7 Maroon
menu Font Name Comic Sans MS
menu Font Size 11
menu Font Style bi
menu Font Color Teal
menu Font Transparent #false
menu Font Align Left
menu Font BGColor Maroon
menu Text Titolino 12 4 Leather farmer by iliko
menu Shape Mirino 230 8 19 17 1 7 3 Green 4 White
menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font Transparent #true
menu Text StatisticsLbl 88 24 Istatikler
menu Text StatoLbl 70 284 Stato dello script
menu Font Size 8
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color Lime
menu Font Transparent #false
menu Text PelliLbl 68 44 Derileri
menu Text ScaglieLbl 188 44 Scaglie
menu Font Color $00004080
menu Text lbl_plain 20 64 Plain
menu Font Color Highlight
menu Text lbl_spined 20 80 Spined
menu Font Color Red
menu Text lbl_horned 20 96 Horned
menu Font Color Green
menu Text lbl_Barbed 20 112 Barbed
menu Font Color Lime
menu Text VarieLbl 68 140 Cesitli
menu Font Style
menu Font Color ActiveCaption
menu Text lbl_penne 20 156 Kalem
menu Text lbl_Lana 20 172 Yun
menu Text lbl_ossa 20 188 Kemik
menu Shape scaglia1 172 60 69 25 2 7 1 Black 7 White
menu Shape scaglia2 172 112 69 25 2 7 1 Black 7 Yellow
menu Shape scaglia3 172 138 69 25 2 7 1 Black 7 Red
menu Shape scaglia4 172 164 69 25 2 7 1 Black 7 Green
menu Shape scaglia5 172 190 69 25 2 7 1 Black 7 BtnText
menu Shape scaglia6 172 86 69 25 2 7 1 Black 7 Blue
menu Font Color WindowFrame
menu Font Transparent #true
menu Text whitescaleedit 190 66 %tot_whitescale
menu Font Color ScrollBar
menu Text bluescaleedit 190 92 %tot_bluescale
menu Font Color WindowFrame
menu Text yellowscaleedit 190 118 %tot_yellowscale
menu Font Color InactiveCaptionText
menu Text redscaleedit 190 144 %tot_redscale
menu Font Color ActiveCaption
menu Text greenscaleedit 190 170 %tot_greenscale
menu Font Color WindowFrame
menu Text blackscaleedit 190 195 %tot_blackscale
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font Transparent #false
menu Text Lbl_tempo 16 236 Tempo:
menu Font Style b
menu Text lbl_tottempo 116 236 Tempo totale:
menu Font Style
menu Font Color WindowFrame
menu Text normalleatheredit 78 64 %tot_normalleather
menu Text spinedleatheredit 78 80 %tot_spinedleather
menu Text hornedleatheredit 78 96 %tot_hornedleather
menu Text barbedleatheredit 78 112 %tot_barbedleather
menu Text editfeather 78 156 %tot_feather
menu Text editwool 78 172 %tot_wool
menu Text editossa 78 188 %tot_ossa
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Text timedit 60 236 h m
menu Text tot_timeedit 200 236 h m
menu Font Color ActiveCaption
menu Text lbl_frecce 20 204 Oklar
menu Font Color WindowFrame
menu Text editfrecce 78 204 %tot_frecce
menu Font Size 10
menu Font Style i
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Text lblglobal 20 348 Global
menu Shape shapex 82 336 166 17 3 7 1 $00300080 7 $00300080
menu Font Size 8
menu Font Style
menu Font BGColor BtnShadow
menu Edit EditStato 27 314 213 %status
menu Font Color Olive
menu Font BGColor Maroon
menu Button ResetBtn 35 258 91 21 Statlari Resetle
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color Red
menu Button btnPausa 139 258 91 21 Durdur!
menu Font Style
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor BtnShadow
menu Edit globaledit 88 344 153 %global
menu Show 421 270
set #menubutton N/A
sub AntiBlock
set %maxpausa #scnt + 40
for %i 5 1
if #MENUBUTTON = btnpausa
set #menubutton N/A
gosub edit_stato Script , #spc , messo , #spc , in , #spc , pausa , #spc , dall'utente.
while #menubutton <> btnpausa
wait 20
set #menubutton N/A
if #MENUBUTTON = ResetBtn
gosub reset_stats
if #MENUBUTTON = closed
scanjournal %i
if ( The_world_is_saving in #journal || Cleaning_resources in #journal ) && : notin #journal
gosub edit_stato Save , #spc , rilevato, , #spc , in , #spc , attesa...
event ExMsg #charID 3 0 SAVE IN CORSO
for %i 5 1
scanjournal %i
if World_save_complete in #journal || Resources_cleaned in #journal
wait 1s
goto fine
wait 5
if #scnt > %maxpausa
goto fine
goto aspettaskip
sub menu_avvio
menu Clear
menu Window Title Leather farmer
menu window transparent 100
menu Window Color Maroon
menu Window Size 318 326
menu Font Transparent #true
menu Font Align Right
menu Font Name Comic Sans MS
menu Font Size 11
menu Font Style bi
menu Font Color Teal
menu Font Transparent #false
menu Font Align Left
menu Font BGColor Maroon
menu Text Titolino 52 4 Leather farmer by iliko
menu Shape Mirino 270 8 19 17 1 7 3 Green 4 White
menu Shape BarraLoot 69 48 3 141 3 7 1 Black 7 Navy
menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
menu Font Size 10
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color Yellow
menu Text LabelLoot 20 28 Loot:
menu Font Size 8
menu Font Color Menu
menu Text LabelCura 92 28 Tedavi Yontemi
menu Shape BarraOpzioni 16 268 277 5 3 7 1 Black 7 Yellow
menu Font Style
menu Font Color Fuchsia
menu Text LabelOpt 108 248 Gelismis Secenekler
menu Shape RiquadroStart 204 48 97 109 4 7 1 Olive 7 Purple
menu Font Color Window
menu Text HPlbl 114 276 En Az Can Hp
menu Text LabelSearchdis 16 276 Arama Mesafesi
menu Text LabelNrune 212 276 Mark Sayisi
menu Font Color Aqua
menu Text drop_bag 206 236 Container: %dropbag
menu Font Color Aqua
menu Text LabelBook 8 236 Runebook: %bookid
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color Window
menu Text stilecaccia 116 160 Kesme Stili
menu Font Style
menu Check lootpelli 8 56 57 17 %lootaleather Derileri
menu Check lootpenne 8 78 57 17 %lootafeather kalem
menu Check lootossa 8 100 57 17 %lootaossa kemik
menu Check lootlana 8 122 57 17 %lootalana Yunleri
menu Check lootfrecce 8 144 57 17 %lootafrecce Oklar
menu Check lootScales 8 166 57 17 %lootaScales Flakes
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Combo Create HealCombo 92 52 81
menu combo add HealCombo Magery
menu combo add HealCombo Chivalry
;menu combo add HealCombo Bende
menu combo select HealCombo %healmethod
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Purple
menu Button start 216 64 73 77 Baslat
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Edit searchdis 16 292 33 %searchdistance
menu Edit Nrune 212 292 26 %numberofplaces
menu Edit hitsctrl 114 292 33 %hitsctrl
menu Font Color ScrollBar
menu Text DehHits 154 296 (- , #maxhits .. -1)
menu Text DefRune 246 296 (1..16)
menu Text DefDis 56 296 (1..7)
menu Font Color Window
menu Font BGColor Maroon
menu Check chkautoband 82 84 84 17 %autobandage Oto-Bandaj
menu Check chkPB 82 110 122 37 %pathback Cok Fazla Olursa Geri Don
menu Check bankcheck 224 180 85 21 %storebank Bankaya Git
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor BtnFace
menu Button SetBagBtn 220 208 81 21 Canta Sec
menu Button SetrbookBbtn 16 208 79 21 Runebook Sec
menu Font BGColor Window
menu List Create huntstyle 112 176 89 61
menu List Add huntstyle Melee
menu List Add huntstyle Magery - Fireball
menu List Add huntstyle Magery - Lighting
;menu List Add huntstyle Pet - Nonmount
menu List select huntstyle %huntstyle
menu Show 421 270
set #menuButton N/A
if #MENUBUTTON = Kapat
if #MENUBUTTON = SetrbookBbtn
gosub set_rbook
menu set LabelBook book: %bookid
if #MENUBUTTON = SetBagBtn
gosub set_bag
menu set drop_bag Bag: %dropbag
If #MenuButton = start ;<-- controlla se start è premuto e inizia.
menu hide
goto MenuLoop
sub set_bag
menu get bankcheck
if %storebank <> #menuRes
set %storebank #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF storebank
set #targcurs 1
while #targcurs = 1
event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Targetta la Resource Bag
wait 1s
set %dropbag #ltargetID
if ! %storebank
set %xcasa #charposx
set %ycasa #charposy
gosub putPersistentVar ALF xcasa
gosub putPersistentVar ALF ycasa
gosub putPersistentVar ALF dropbag
event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Ok
sub set_rbook
set #targcurs 1
while #targcurs = 1
event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Targetta il Runebook
wait 1s
set %bookid #ltargetID
gosub putPersistentVar ALF bookid
event ExMsg #CHARID 3 50 Ok
sub finesetup
finditem #charid
if #findtype = IS || #findtype = HS
set %chkelf #false
set %chkelf #true
finditem %bwc C_ , #backpackid
set %usabwc #true
if #findkind = -1
set %usabwc #false
finditem %nonbwc C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1
display Procurati una lama per tagliare le pelli $ e riavvia lo script
set %skin_blade #findid
menu get lootpelli
if %lootaleather <> #menuRes
set %lootaleather #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootaleather
menu get lootpenne
if %lootafeather <> #menuRes
set %lootafeather #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootafeather
menu get lootossa
if %lootaossa <> #menuRes
set %lootaossa #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootaossa
menu get lootlana
if %lootalana <> #menuRes
set %lootalana #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootalana
menu get lootfrecce
if %lootafrecce <> #menuRes
set %lootafrecce #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootafrecce
menu get lootscales
if %lootascales <> #menuRes
set %lootascales #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootascales
menu get bankcheck
if %storebank <> #menuRes
set %storebank #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF storebank
menu get chkPB
if %pathback <> #menuRes
set %pathback #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF pathback
menu getnum searchdis
if %searchdistance <> #menuRes
set %searchdistance #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF searchdistance
menu getnum hitsctrl
if %hitsctrl <> #menuRes
set %hitsctrl #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF hitsctrl
menu getnum Nrune
if %numberofplaces <> #menuRes
set %numberofplaces #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF numberofplaces
menu get healcombo
if %healmethod <> #menuRes
set %healmethod #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF healmethod
menu get huntstyle
if %huntstyle <> #menuRes
set %huntstyle #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF huntstyle
menu get chkautoband
if %autobandage <> #menuRes
set %autobandage #menures
gosub putPersistentVar ALF autobandage
;setta le liste mob in base ai loot scelti
if %lootaleather
set %animals %animals , %hidebearers
if %lootafeather
set %animals %animals , %featherbearers
if %lootaossa
set %animals %animals , %bonebearers
if %lootalana
set %animals %animals , %sheep
set %hitscheck ( #maxhits + %hitsctrl ) ;a quanti hp inizia a curarsi
if %chkelf
set %weightmax #maxweight - 60
set %weightmax #maxweight + 20
if %usabwc = #false
set %weightmax %weightmax - 60
chooseSkill Necro
if #skill > 600
set %painspike #true
set %painspike #false
if %lootaossa = #true || %usaBWC = #false
FindItem JAG_KAG C_ , #BackPackID
If #FindKind = -1
Display Ok you do not have any scissors.$ Get one and restart.$ Script Halted
Set %Scissors #FindID
if %autobandage
finditem ZLF CA_ , #BACKPACKID
if #findstack = 0
display ok Non hai bende nello zaino!
+ $Lo script provvederà al restock con il
+ $prossimo passaggio dalla casa/banca.
+ $$Ricorda che le bende devono essere dentro$al contenitore.
sub Check_Skill_Recall
set %magery
set %chiva
set %skillsel
chooseSkill Mager
set %magery #SKILL
chooseSkill Chiva
set %chiva #SKILL
set %magie 0
if %magery > ( %chiva - 1 )
set %skillsel %magery
set %magie 1
set %skillsel %chiva
set %magie 2
if %skillsell < 250
display OK Hai skill per recallarti troppo basse $ Script fermato.
if %skillsell < 500
event ExMsg #CHARID 3 25 La skill per recallare è un po' bassina... ma salirà via via^^ $
sub cambiaspot
gosub AntiBlock
set %nruneatt %nruneatt + 1
if %nruneatt > %numberofplaces
set %nruneatt 2
gosub recall
if #result = #false
goto riprovarecall
wait 15
event SysMessage Recallato alla runa %nruneatt
set %Startposx #charposx
set %Startposy #charposy
sub Recall
if %nruneatt = 1
gosub edit_stato Recallo , #spc , alla , #spc , banca
gosub edit_stato Recallo , #spc , alla , #spc , runa , #spc , %nruneatt
if %huntstyle = 4
msg all follow me $
set %_runenumber %nruneatt
set %bookx 0
set %booky 0
set %_oldx #charposx
set %_oldy #charposy
set %_runex 138
set %ymagie 180
set %runabloccata #false
if %magie = 1
set %ymagie 145
set %_page 0
set %_side 0
set %_page %_runenumber + 1
set %_page %_page / 2
set %_num %_runenumber / 2
set %_num %_num * 2
if %_num = %_runenumber
set %_side 1
if %_side = 1
set %_runex 298
set %risp #true
set %xc 0
set %yc 0
set %_pagexmod %_page * 34
set %_pagex 104
set %_pagex %_pagex + %_pagexmod
if %_page > 4
set %_pagex %_pagex + 31
set #LOBJECTID %bookid
event macro 17 0
set %error #scnt + 2
gosub wait_gump generic_gump
if ! #result
goto recallopenagain
set %bookx #CONTPOSX
set %booky #CONTPOSY
set %xc %bookx + %_pagex
set %yc %booky + 195
click %xc %yc
gosub wait_gump generic_gump
if ! #result
goto recallopenagain
set %bookx #contposx
set %booky #contposy
set %xc %bookx + %_runex
set %yc %booky + %ymagie
set !jindex #jindex
click %xc %yc
set !w4serr #scnt + 4
while %_oldx = #charposx && %_oldy = #charposy && #scnt < !w4serr
if #scnt > !w4serr
sleep 3
gosub AntiBlock
if %_oldx = #charposx && %_oldy = #charposy
set %risp #false
for %i !jindex #jindex
scanjournal %i
if THAT_LOCATION_IS_BLOCKED in #journal && #jcolor = %sys_color
if %_runenumber <> 1
return %risp
if your_concentration in #journal || recovered in #journal
goto rirecalldopofiz
if mana in #journal && : notin #journal
while #mana <= 11
sleep 5
if #mana > 9
goto rirecalldopofiz
wait 10
return %risp
;====================== Wait&check subs ==========================
sub wait_loot
set !errwg #scnt2 + 50
wait 4
gosub ScanForJournalMsg You_did_not_earn_the_right 1 10 4
if #result = #true
return ignora
if #CONTID = %corpseid && #contsize = 144_212
return #true
if #scnt2 < !errwg
goto wlsubloop
return #false
sub wait_gump
set !gumpdaattendere %1
set !errwg #scnt + 5
wait 2
if #CONTNAME = !gumpdaattendere && #CONTSIZE = 452_236
return #true
if #scnt < !errwg
goto wgsubloop
return #false
sub Edit_stato
set %status %1
menu set Editstato %status
sub inizializza_variabili
if <PersistentVarsString> notin * . ALF
set * . ALF <PersistentVarsString>
set %creata #false
gosub getpersistentVar ALF creata
if #result = #false
gosub putPersistentVar ALF creata
gosub putPersistentVar ALF searchdistance
gosub putPersistentVar ALF dropbag
gosub putPersistentVar ALF bookid
gosub putPersistentVar ALF numberofplaces
gosub putPersistentVar ALF hitsctrl
gosub putPersistentVar ALF pathback
gosub putPersistentVar ALF autobandage
gosub putPersistentVar ALF storebank
gosub putPersistentVar ALF xcasa
gosub putPersistentVar ALF ycasa
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootaleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootafeather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootaossa
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootalana
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootafrecce
gosub putPersistentVar ALF lootaScales
gosub putPersistentVar ALF huntstyle
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_feather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_ossa
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_wool
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_frecce
gosub putPersistentVar ALF healmethod
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_normalleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_spinedleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_hornedleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_barbedleather
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_redscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_greenscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_yellowscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_blackscale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_bluescale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF tot_whitescale
gosub putPersistentVar ALF total_time
set %creata #true
gosub putpersistent ALF creata
gosub getPersistentVar ALF searchdistance
gosub getPersistentVar ALF dropbag
gosub getPersistentVar ALF bookid
gosub getPersistentVar ALF numberofplaces
gosub getPersistentVar ALF hitsctrl
gosub getPersistentVar ALF pathback
gosub getPersistentVar ALF autobandage
gosub getPersistentVar ALF storebank
gosub getPersistentVar ALF xcasa
gosub getPersistentVar ALF ycasa
gosub getPersistentVar ALF lootaleather
gosub getPersistentVar ALF lootafeather
gosub getPersistentVar ALF lootaossa
gosub getPersistentVar ALF lootalana
gosub getPersistentVar ALF lootafrecce
gosub getPersistentVar ALF lootaScales
gosub getPersistentVar ALF huntstyle
gosub getPersistentVar ALF healmethod
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_feather
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_ossa
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_wool
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_frecce
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_normalleather
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_spinedleather
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_hornedleather
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_barbedleather
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_redscale
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_greenscale
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_yellowscale
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_blackscale
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_bluescale
gosub getPersistentVar ALF tot_whitescale
gosub getPersistentVar ALF total_time
set %start_time %total_time
;dato che la variabile è stata introdotta in seguito, potrebbe non essere letto correttamente se si ha usato una versione
;precedente dello script
if %pathback = N/A
set %pathback #true
gosub putPersistentVar ALF pathback
if %autobandage = N/A
set %autobandage #false
gosub putPersistentVar ALF autobandage
;===================== Management functions =====================
Sub getPersistentVar
nameSpace push
nameSpace local #systime , _ , %2 , GET
set !lpc #lpc
set #lpc 1000
set !persistent * . %1
set !varName v , %2 , :
str pos !persistent !varName
set #result #strres <> 0
if #result
set !varNamePos #strres
str len !varName
set !delString !varNamePos + #strres - 1
str del !persistent 1 !delString
set !persistent #strres
str pos !persistent |
set !varNamePos #strres - 1
str left !persistent !varNamePos
set % . %2 #strres
set % . %2 N/A
set #lpc !lpc
nameSpace Clear
nameSpace Pop
return #result
Sub putPersistentVar
nameSpace push
nameSpace local #systime , _ , %2 , PUT
set !lpc #lpc
set #lpc 1000
set !persistent * . %1
set !varName v , %2 , :
str pos !persistent !varName
if #strres = 0
if <PersistentVarsString> notin !persistent
set !persistent <PersistentVarsString>
set * . %1 !persistent , !varName , % . %2 , |
set #lpc !lpc
nameSpace clear
nameSpace pop
return #true
set !varNamePos #strres
str len !varName
set !splitString !varNamePos + #strres - 1
str left !persistent !splitstring
set !persistentPart1 #strres
str del !persistent 1 !splitString
set !persistent #strres
str len !persistent
set !persistentLen #strres
str pos !persistent |
set !splitString !persistentLen - #strres + 1
str right !persistent !splitstring
set !persistent #strres
set * . %1 !persistentPart1 , % . %2 , !persistent
set #lpc !lpc
nameSpace clear
nameSpace pop
return #true
; Script Name: ScanForJournalMsg Sub
; Author: Jo Mac
; Version: 1.02
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version: V1.50 [Build 121]
; Shard: OSI
; Revision Date: 7/28/2007
; Public Release: 7/23/2007
; Global Variables Used: none
; Purpose: To simplify adding a journal scan to a script
; Also can test to see if journal line is a system message
; Format: call ScanForJournalMsg.txt [message_to_check_for] [1 = no check , 2 = sysmsg check] [timeout default = 10] [n° of additional lines to scan (every line given is before the start of the sub), Algander]
; call ScanForJournalMsg.txt message_to_check_for 1 20
; if #result = #true
; [some action]
; Change 7/28/2007 Changes made to speed up sub by reducing iterrations - False results still will go to user defined timeout.
; Nota: alcune modifiche, Algander.
sub scanforjournalmsg
if %0 = n/a || %0 <> 4
display ok ScanForJournalMsg error - Halting
; store calling script's lpc setting
set %sfjm_lpc #lpc
; start with empty result
set #result n/a
; temporarily speed up processing
set #lpc 500
if %3 <> n/a
set %sfjm_Timer #sCnt2 + %3 ; timeout
set %sfjm_Timer #sCnt2 + 10 ; timeout
gosub Scan_ForJournalMsg %1 %2
until %sfjm_Timer < #sCnt2 || #result = #true
; restore calling script's lpc setting
set #lpc %sfjm_lpc
return #result
sub Scan_ForJournalMsg
set %sfjm_jStart #jIndex - %4
set %sfjm_ckmessage %1
set %sfjm_cksysmsg %2
for %iiJnl %sfjm_jStart #jIndex
scanjournal %iiJnl
if ( %sfjm_ckmessage in #journal )
if ( %sfjm_cksysmsg = 2 )
; check to make sure it is a system message
gosub isSystemMsg #journal
return #result
return #true
return #false
; gosub isSystemMsg #journal
sub isSystemMsg
; step through first part of message only
set %sfjm_sysstr %1
str Len %sfjm_sysstr
set %sfjm_jlen #strres
if %sfjm_jlen > 25
set %sfjm_jlen 25
for %iiSys 5 %sfjm_jlen
str Left %sfjm_sysstr %iiSys
if __ in #strres
if :__ in #strres
return #false
return #true
sub TimeCalc
set %elapsed #scnt - %timetstart
set %Ttotal %start_time + %elapsed
set %total_time %Ttotal
gosub putPersistentVar ALF total_time
set %ehours %Ttotal / 3600
set %emins ( %Ttotal / 60 ) - ( %ehours * 60 )
if %lastehours <> %ehours
set %lastehours %ehours
if %lastemins <> %emins
set %lastemins %emins
menu set tot_timeedit %ehours , h , #spc , %emins , m
set %ehours %elapsed / 3600
set %emins ( %elapsed / 60 ) - ( %ehours * 60 )
if %lastehours <> %ehours
set %lastehours %ehours
if %lastemins <> %emins
set %lastemins %emins
menu set timedit %ehours , h , #spc , %emins , m
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