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scaup yazmış:
Df kasabilen bir script isterdim , şahsen artık ne vaktim ne bünyem eskisi gibi saatlerce izin vermiyor 2 turdan sonra daralıyorum ve bu gidişle asla actiona çıkamayacağım bi df kasma scripti olsaydı keşke :)
Malesef yasak olduğu için yardımcı olamıcam

Bu mesaja teşekkür edenler (1 kişi): aldros
followarcane yazmış:
scaup yazmış:
Df kasabilen bir script isterdim , şahsen artık ne vaktim ne bünyem eskisi gibi saatlerce izin vermiyor 2 turdan sonra daralıyorum ve bu gidişle asla actiona çıkamayacağım bi df kasma scripti olsaydı keşke :)
Malesef yasak olduğu için yardımcı olamıcam

Hiç easyuo kullanmamış biri olarak öyle bir script olsa da sanırım kullanmazdım :)
Bu mesaja teşekkür edenler (1 kişi): aldros

HelenDarkneS yazmış:
Güzel sağlam bir heal makrosu olabilir. silaha kalkana ata karışmayacak sadece bandage basacak...
; ============================================================================================================
; Script Name: Seg's Stable Bandage-Self Healer
; Author: Seg
; Version: 14.3
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with: 1.5.137
; Shard: Alexandria (RunUO 2.0)
; Revision Date: 2008.05.11
; Public Release: 2004.09.27
; Global Variables Used: *BUSY . #CHARID
; Purpose: Uses bandages in your backpack to heal and cure you as needed.
; ============================================================================================================
; Be sure to check for updates to this script!
; If you encounted a problem with this script please include the following information when posting...
; 1. Your EasyUO version.
; 2. Your UO client verion.
; 3. The script version.
; 4. If the script stops responding, pause it and include the line on which it stopped.
; 5. Name of Shard
; If you include that information I will be able to help you more quickly.
; Thank you for choosing my script,
; -Seg
; ============================================================================================================
; ============================================================================================================
; Copyright Info:
; This script is an original document protected by international copyright
; laws and the GPL License. For more information please visit:
; ============================================================================================================
namespace push
namespace global SegHealer , #CHARID
; Set Variables
; A low LPC value is no longer needed (as of v14); so set this as high as you want.
set #LPC 200
set !jStart #JINDEX
set !jMortal #JINDEX
; If you have a macro programmed into Razor or UOA to apply bandages on keypress
; then set !BandageHotKey to that hotkey.
; To disable set !BandageHotKey to #FALSE
set !BandageHotKey #FALSE
; If your freeshard has a bandageself command then set !UseFreeshardCommand to that command.
; To disable set !UseFreeshardCommand to #FALSE
set !UseFreeshardCommand #FALSE
; If you only want to search your main backpack for bandages set this to #TRUE. If you set
; it to anything else then the script will search all open containers.
set !UseBackpack #TRUE
; This script will start healing if you lose a single point of health, if you want to wait
; until you've lost a larger amount of health then set !DamageOffset to that amount.
set !DamageOffset 1
; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
; If you need to make changes below this line please let me know. I might want to
; include them in a later release of the script. You will be given credit if I
; use your mod! -Seg
; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
set !BandageStarted You_begin_applying_the_bandages
set !BandageComplete You_finish_applying_the_bandages.
set !BandageComplete2 You_apply_the_bandages
set !BandageComplete3 You_heal_what_little_damage_your_patient_had.
set !NotDamaged That_being_is_not_damaged!
set !BleedHealed The_bleeding_wounds_have
set !MortalStart You_have_been_mortally_wounded!
set !MortalStop You_are_no_longer_mortally_wounded.
set !BandageProgress 0
set *BUSY . #CHARID 0
set !run #TRUE
; List of gumps that, if present, should prevent bandage attempts
; (does not affect freeshard or uoa/razor command attempts)
set !GumpArray _drag_gump_amount_gump_stack_gump_
while !run = #TRUE
if #HITS < #MAXHITS - !DamageOffset || C in #CHARSTATUS
gosub CheckMortal
gosub AttemptBandage
set *BUSY . #CHARID 0
if !BandageProgress = 1
gosub CheckBandageStarted
if !BandageProgress = 2
gosub CheckBandageFinished
; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
sub CheckMortal
if #JINDEX > !jMortal
set !Jto #JINDEX
for !idx45 !jMortal !Jto
scanjournal !idx45
if !MortalStart in #JOURNAL
set !BandageProgress 2
if !MortalStop in #JOURNAL
set !BandageProgress 0
set !jMortal !Jto
if !BandageProgress = 2
gosub SetFailsafeTime
; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
sub AttemptBandage
if H in #CHARSTATUS || *BUSY . #CHARID <> 0 || #LLIFTEDKIND = 1 || #CHARGHOST = YES || !BandageProgress <> 0 || _ , #CONTNAME , _ in !GumpArray
set !jStart #JINDEX
set !Place C
if !UseBackpack = #TRUE
set !Place C_ , #BACKPACKID
finditem ZLF !Place
if #FINDCNT < 1
; Are we using a hotkey set in UOA or Razor?
if !BandageHotKey <> #FALSE
key !BandageHotKey
set !BandageProgress 2
gosub SetFailsafeTime
; Are we using a Freeshard command?
if !UseFreeshardCommand <> #FALSE
event macro 1 0 !UseFreeshardCommand
set !BandageProgress 2
gosub SetFailsafeTime
; The only time we are going to be using the cursor is during the act of bandaging, all else is just journal
; checking- so we only need to define *BUSY . #CHARID during this block. Let other scripts run while we wait to finish
; bandaging.
set *BUSY . #CHARID seghealer
; Bandage using bandages in backpack's top level or any open container If no bandages found, loop until we get more.
set !TargetTimeout #SCNT + 5
while #TARGCURS = 1 && #SCNT < !TargetTimeout
wait 5
while #TARGCURS = 1
key esc
if #TARGCURS = 1
; Manual bandaging
; Preserve previous #LOBJECTID setting, this is the only place where we set a system variable (other than #lpc)
event macro 17 0
; The target timeout can be adjusted for faster/slower connections. 3s is a good mid-range setting. If you are
; using a slow connection try increasing it.
target 3s
set !TargetTimeout #SCNT + 5
while #TARGCURS = 1 && #SCNT < !TargetTimeout
; Some people have reported that the script fails to target self and gets stuck. This routine tries to
; targetself over and over for ~5 seconds
event macro 23 0
wait 10
if #TARGCURS = 0
set !BandageProgress 1
set !BandageProgress 0
; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
sub CheckBandageStarted
set !BandageProgress 0
if #JINDEX > !jStart
set !Jto #JINDEX
for !idx32 !jStart !Jto
scanjournal !idx32
if !BandageStarted in #JOURNAL
set !BandageProgress 2
set !jStart !Jto
gosub SetFailsafeTime
; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
sub SetFailsafeTime
; From Stratics...
; Dexterity Time per Bandage on Self
; 10 - 19 11 Seconds
; 20 - 39 10 Seconds
; 40 - 59 9 Seconds
; 60 - 79 8 Seconds
; 80 - 99 7 Seconds
; 100 - 119 6 Seconds
; 120 - 139 5 Seconds
; 140 - 159 4 Seconds
; Max delay is ~11 seconds, min is 1 second. With normal lag if #SCNT = 1 then #SCNT2 = 12
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 112
if #DEX > 19
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 102
if #DEX > 39
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 92
if #DEX > 59
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 82
if #DEX > 79
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 72
if #DEX > 99
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 62
if #DEX > 119
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 52
if #DEX > 139
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 42
if #DEX > 159
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 32
if #DEX > 179
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 22
if #DEX > 199
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 12
; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
sub CheckBandageFinished
set !BandageProgress 0
if #JINDEX > !jStart
set !Jto #JINDEX
for !idx32 !jStart !Jto
scanjournal !idx32
if !BandageComplete in #JOURNAL || !BandageComplete2 in #JOURNAL || !BandageComplete3 in #JOURNAL || !NotDamaged in #JOURNAL || !BleedHealed in #JOURNAL || !MortalStop in #JOURNAL
set !BandageProgress 0
set !jStart !idx32
; Failsafe: If we have been healing for more than 12 seconds, break out of the loop.
; Added to guard against against possible looping bug
if #SCNT2 >= !BandageTimeFailsafe
set !BandageProgress 0
; Script Name: Seg's Stable Bandage-Self Healer
; Author: Seg
; Version: 14.3
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with: 1.5.137
; Shard: Alexandria (RunUO 2.0)
; Revision Date: 2008.05.11
; Public Release: 2004.09.27
; Global Variables Used: *BUSY . #CHARID
; Purpose: Uses bandages in your backpack to heal and cure you as needed.
; ============================================================================================================
; Be sure to check for updates to this script!
; If you encounted a problem with this script please include the following information when posting...
; 1. Your EasyUO version.
; 2. Your UO client verion.
; 3. The script version.
; 4. If the script stops responding, pause it and include the line on which it stopped.
; 5. Name of Shard
; If you include that information I will be able to help you more quickly.
; Thank you for choosing my script,
; -Seg
; ============================================================================================================
; ============================================================================================================
; Copyright Info:
; This script is an original document protected by international copyright
; laws and the GPL License. For more information please visit:
; ============================================================================================================
namespace push
namespace global SegHealer , #CHARID
; Set Variables
; A low LPC value is no longer needed (as of v14); so set this as high as you want.
set #LPC 200
set !jStart #JINDEX
set !jMortal #JINDEX
; If you have a macro programmed into Razor or UOA to apply bandages on keypress
; then set !BandageHotKey to that hotkey.
; To disable set !BandageHotKey to #FALSE
set !BandageHotKey #FALSE
; If your freeshard has a bandageself command then set !UseFreeshardCommand to that command.
; To disable set !UseFreeshardCommand to #FALSE
set !UseFreeshardCommand #FALSE
; If you only want to search your main backpack for bandages set this to #TRUE. If you set
; it to anything else then the script will search all open containers.
set !UseBackpack #TRUE
; This script will start healing if you lose a single point of health, if you want to wait
; until you've lost a larger amount of health then set !DamageOffset to that amount.
set !DamageOffset 1
; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
; If you need to make changes below this line please let me know. I might want to
; include them in a later release of the script. You will be given credit if I
; use your mod! -Seg
; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
set !BandageStarted You_begin_applying_the_bandages
set !BandageComplete You_finish_applying_the_bandages.
set !BandageComplete2 You_apply_the_bandages
set !BandageComplete3 You_heal_what_little_damage_your_patient_had.
set !NotDamaged That_being_is_not_damaged!
set !BleedHealed The_bleeding_wounds_have
set !MortalStart You_have_been_mortally_wounded!
set !MortalStop You_are_no_longer_mortally_wounded.
set !BandageProgress 0
set *BUSY . #CHARID 0
set !run #TRUE
; List of gumps that, if present, should prevent bandage attempts
; (does not affect freeshard or uoa/razor command attempts)
set !GumpArray _drag_gump_amount_gump_stack_gump_
while !run = #TRUE
if #HITS < #MAXHITS - !DamageOffset || C in #CHARSTATUS
gosub CheckMortal
gosub AttemptBandage
set *BUSY . #CHARID 0
if !BandageProgress = 1
gosub CheckBandageStarted
if !BandageProgress = 2
gosub CheckBandageFinished
; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
sub CheckMortal
if #JINDEX > !jMortal
set !Jto #JINDEX
for !idx45 !jMortal !Jto
scanjournal !idx45
if !MortalStart in #JOURNAL
set !BandageProgress 2
if !MortalStop in #JOURNAL
set !BandageProgress 0
set !jMortal !Jto
if !BandageProgress = 2
gosub SetFailsafeTime
; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
sub AttemptBandage
if H in #CHARSTATUS || *BUSY . #CHARID <> 0 || #LLIFTEDKIND = 1 || #CHARGHOST = YES || !BandageProgress <> 0 || _ , #CONTNAME , _ in !GumpArray
set !jStart #JINDEX
set !Place C
if !UseBackpack = #TRUE
set !Place C_ , #BACKPACKID
finditem ZLF !Place
if #FINDCNT < 1
; Are we using a hotkey set in UOA or Razor?
if !BandageHotKey <> #FALSE
key !BandageHotKey
set !BandageProgress 2
gosub SetFailsafeTime
; Are we using a Freeshard command?
if !UseFreeshardCommand <> #FALSE
event macro 1 0 !UseFreeshardCommand
set !BandageProgress 2
gosub SetFailsafeTime
; The only time we are going to be using the cursor is during the act of bandaging, all else is just journal
; checking- so we only need to define *BUSY . #CHARID during this block. Let other scripts run while we wait to finish
; bandaging.
set *BUSY . #CHARID seghealer
; Bandage using bandages in backpack's top level or any open container If no bandages found, loop until we get more.
set !TargetTimeout #SCNT + 5
while #TARGCURS = 1 && #SCNT < !TargetTimeout
wait 5
while #TARGCURS = 1
key esc
if #TARGCURS = 1
; Manual bandaging
; Preserve previous #LOBJECTID setting, this is the only place where we set a system variable (other than #lpc)
event macro 17 0
; The target timeout can be adjusted for faster/slower connections. 3s is a good mid-range setting. If you are
; using a slow connection try increasing it.
target 3s
set !TargetTimeout #SCNT + 5
while #TARGCURS = 1 && #SCNT < !TargetTimeout
; Some people have reported that the script fails to target self and gets stuck. This routine tries to
; targetself over and over for ~5 seconds
event macro 23 0
wait 10
if #TARGCURS = 0
set !BandageProgress 1
set !BandageProgress 0
; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
sub CheckBandageStarted
set !BandageProgress 0
if #JINDEX > !jStart
set !Jto #JINDEX
for !idx32 !jStart !Jto
scanjournal !idx32
if !BandageStarted in #JOURNAL
set !BandageProgress 2
set !jStart !Jto
gosub SetFailsafeTime
; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
sub SetFailsafeTime
; From Stratics...
; Dexterity Time per Bandage on Self
; 10 - 19 11 Seconds
; 20 - 39 10 Seconds
; 40 - 59 9 Seconds
; 60 - 79 8 Seconds
; 80 - 99 7 Seconds
; 100 - 119 6 Seconds
; 120 - 139 5 Seconds
; 140 - 159 4 Seconds
; Max delay is ~11 seconds, min is 1 second. With normal lag if #SCNT = 1 then #SCNT2 = 12
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 112
if #DEX > 19
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 102
if #DEX > 39
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 92
if #DEX > 59
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 82
if #DEX > 79
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 72
if #DEX > 99
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 62
if #DEX > 119
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 52
if #DEX > 139
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 42
if #DEX > 159
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 32
if #DEX > 179
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 22
if #DEX > 199
set !FailsafeAmount #SCNT2 + 12
; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
sub CheckBandageFinished
set !BandageProgress 0
if #JINDEX > !jStart
set !Jto #JINDEX
for !idx32 !jStart !Jto
scanjournal !idx32
if !BandageComplete in #JOURNAL || !BandageComplete2 in #JOURNAL || !BandageComplete3 in #JOURNAL || !NotDamaged in #JOURNAL || !BleedHealed in #JOURNAL || !MortalStop in #JOURNAL
set !BandageProgress 0
set !jStart !idx32
; Failsafe: If we have been healing for more than 12 seconds, break out of the loop.
; Added to guard against against possible looping bug
if #SCNT2 >= !BandageTimeFailsafe
set !BandageProgress 0
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