Bodfiller (bod yapıcı Script) |
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; Script Name: s7BodFiller
; Author: snicker7
; Version: 2.5.0a
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with: 1.5
; Shard OSI / FS: OSI / FS
; Revision Date: 03/09/08
; Public Release: 09/23/05
; Global Variables Used: no
; Purpose: Fills all smith and tailor large BODs and small BODs. Extremely easy setup, automatic. Also callable to fill a specific BOD from within another script should you so wish to do that. Works flawlessly on both EA shards AND RunUO Post-AOS freeshards!! Packy support and dropping finished BODs to a container or BOD book.
; Bugfixes in 2.5.0:
; =- Craft gump closes properly.
; =- Bone armor BODs now trash non-exceptional bone items properly
; =- BODs will no longer count items of the wrong material towards the fill or attempt to add them to the BOD.
; =- Occasional bug where script would hang while trying to add a non-ex item to an exceptional BOD is fixed.
; =- One other bug I forgot. I remember there were 5. So it's fixed, whatever it was, don't worry about it.
set %pathlib #pathlib
if 1_5 in #euover
set %pathlib
; ===================================================================== ;
; ----------------------Do Not Edit Beyond Here------------------------ ;
; ===================================================================== ;
namespace push
namespace local _s7BFiller
set %debugMode #false
;thankin RK for the below:
set %freeshard _ , #shard , _ notin origin_pacific_sonoma_baja_legends_atlantic_chesapeake_catskills_lake , #spc , austin_napa , #spc , valley_lake , #spc , superior_great , #spc , lakes_siege , #spc , perilous_europa_drachenfels_oceania_wakoku_formosa_arirang_balhae_asuka_yamato_mugen_hokuto_misuho_izumo_sakura_
set %nonSEFreeshard _ , #shard , _ in _Defiance , #spc , AOS_ABC , #spc , UO_
if %0 > 0
if %1 = exists 2
set #result #true
set %s7BFCalled #true
gosub getEUOVer
set %s7BFBodID %1
set %s7BFSecureID %2
set %freeshard %3
gosub craftInfoCheck
gosub checkSBar
set %maxweight #maxweight
if %maxweight > 420
set %maxweight 420
for !fillbod 1 1
set !fillbod 0
gosub s7GetBODData
gosub getBodName %s7BFBodID
set %s7BF_BodName #result
if %s7BFBodAmountToMake = 0 2
namespace pop
gosub MakeItems
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Filling %s7BF_BodName BOD...
gosub FillBod
until #result
wait 20
;gosub closeGump generic_gump %craftgumpx %craftgumpy
gosub returnResources
namespace pop
if %0 = 0 || %0 = N/A
set %s7BFCalled #false
gosub getEUOVer
gosub craftInfoCheck
gosub initMenu
menu get chkFreeshard
set %freeshard #menures
menu get chkFillLbods
set %filllbods #menures
gosub checkSBar
set %maxweight #maxweight
if %maxweight > 420
set %maxweight 420
gosub makingMenu
if %euoVer < 15000 || %debugMode
finditem %s7BFSecureID C
set %returnResources #false
if #findbagID <> X && ( #findbagID <> #charid || %s7BFSecureID = #backpackid )
set %returnResources #true
set %s7BFMotherSecure #findbagid
set #lobjectid %s7BFMotherSecure
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Opening Mother Secure...
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contid = %s7BFMotherSecure 5
if #result
contpos 400 500
if ! #result
display ok The mother secure was unable to be opened correctly.$$The script may still continue provided that the secure opens correctly (which it probably won't) but resource returning will not function properly.
set %returnResources #false
set #lobjectid %s7BFSecureID
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Opening secure...
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contid = %s7BFSecureID 5
if #result
contpos 0 500
if ! #result
display ok The secure was unable to be opened.$$The script may still continue if you have some resources in your backpack, but most likely you're going to get an out of resources error.
if %fillall 2
finditem EYM C_ , #backpackid
set %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt #findcnt
set %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt2 %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
set %bodi2 0
for %BODi 1 %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
set %bodi2 %bodi2 + 1
set %s7BFBodID %s7BF_BodID . %BODi
if %fillall 2
finditem EYM %bodi c_ , #backpackid
set %s7BFBodID #findid
gosub getBodName %s7BFBodID
set %s7BF_BodName #result
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Getting bod data for %s7BF_BodName BOD # , %bodi2 of %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt2
gosub s7GetBODData
if ! #result
if %s7BFLBodIDs <> N/A
set %s7BFLBodIDs %s7BFLBodIDs , _ , %s7BFBodID
if %s7BFLBodIDs = N/A
set %s7BFLBodIDs %s7BFBodID
if #result && %s7BFBodAmountToMake > 0
gosub MakeItems
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Filling %s7BF_BodName BOD...
gosub FillBod
until #result
if %s7BFFBodContainer <> N/A
if %fillall
set %bodI %bodI - 1
if %fillAll && %bodi2 = %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
set %bodI %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
finditem %s7BFFBodContainer
set %s7BFBodContType #findtype
gosub s7MoveToCont %s7BFBodID %s7BFFBodContainer #findbagID 12_24
if %s7BFBodContType = dym
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 615_454 contname = generic_gump 2
if #result
set %cx #contposx + 10
set %cy #contposy + 10
click %cx %cy f r dmc
wait 10
gosub returnResources
if %s7BFLBodIDs <> N/A && %fillLbods
finditem %s7BFLBodIDs C_ , #backpackid
set %totallbods #findcnt
set %totallbods2 #findcnt
set %bodi2 0
for %BODi 1 %totallbods2
set %bodi2 %bodi2 + 1
finditem %s7BFLBodIDs %bodi C_ , #backpackid
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Getting LBOD data for LBOD %bodI2 of %totallbods
set %s7BFBodID #findid
gosub s7GetLBodData
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Filling LBOD, could take a few seconds...
gosub s7FillLBod
if %s7BFFBodContainer <> N/A
wait 20
gosub s7GetLBodData
if %s7BFLBodPieces = 0
set %bodi %bodi - 1
set %totallbods2 %totallbods2 - 1
finditem %s7BFFBodContainer
gosub s7MoveToCont %s7BFBodID %s7BFFBodContainer #findbagID 12_24
;gosub closeGump generic_gump %craftgumpx %craftgumpy
menu set s7BFMenuStatus ALL DONE!!
sub returnResources
if ( ! %returnResources && %euoVer < 15000 ) || %s7BFSecureID = #backpackid
for %_RR 1 1
finditem %resourceTypes C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1
set %_RR 0
gosub s7MoveToCont #findid %s7BFSecureID %s7BFMotherSecure 12_24
sub checkSbar
if #charname = N/A
event macro 8 2
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 432_184 contname = status_gump 2
if #result
set %tVar #contposx , _ , #contposy
event macro 10 2
for %i 1 40
wait 1
if #contposx , _ , #contposy <> %tvar
set %i 40
contpos 0 #cliyRes
sub craftInfoCheck
set !cgiItemName N/A
call %pathlib , craftInfo.txt wsf
if !cgiItemName <> dagger
display ok ERROR:$
+craftInfo.txt is an incorrect version or$
+was not located. The correct location for$
+craftInfo.txt should be:$ , #curpath , $
+so please make sure that craftInfo.txt is$
+in that location and the latest version.
sub makingMenu
menu clear
menu window size 300 20
menu window color black
menu window title s7BODFiller
menu font color lime
menu font bgcolor black
menu font name arial
menu font size 8
menu text s7BFMenuStatus 2 2 Initializing...
set %menux #clileft
set %menuy #clitop + #cliyres
menu show %menux %menuy
sub initMenu
set #lpc 75
menu clear
menu window size 260 180
menu window color black
menu window title s7BodFiller
menu font color lime
menu font bgcolor black
menu font name Arial
menu font size 12
menu font style u
menu text title 2 2 s 7 B o d F i l l e r
menu font style
menu font size 8
menu text lblSelectedBods 4 24 Selected BODs:
menu list create lstSelectedBods 4 40 130 100
menu check chkFreeShard 136 40 100 14 %freeshard Freeshard?
menu check chkFillLBods 136 58 150 18 #true Fill Large Bods?
menu button btnChooseSecure 136 76 120 20 Choose Secure
menu button btnChooseContainer 136 98 120 20 Store finished BODs?
menu button btnBodAdd 4 142 31 20 add
menu button btnBodAddAll 37 142 31 20 all
menu button btnBodDel 70 142 31 20 del
menu button btnBodClr 103 142 31 20 clr
menu text s7BFMenuStatus 4 164 Please select the BODs and secure container...
set %readyToGoAll #false
set %readyToGo #false
set #menubutton N/A
menu show
for %_menu 1 1
set %_menu 0
if #menubutton <> N/A
if btnFill in #menubutton
set %fillall #false
if all in #menubutton 2
set %fillall #true
set %_menu 1
if all notin #menubutton && %readyToGo
set %_menu 1
if btnFill notin #menubutton
str del #menubutton 1 3
gosub #strRes
set #menubutton N/A
if %s7BFSecureID <> N/A && %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt > 0 && ! %readyToGo 2
menu button btnFill 196 142 60 20 Fill
set %readyToGo #true
if ( %s7BFSecureID = N/A || %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt = 0 ) && %readyToGo 2
menu delete btnFill
set %readyToGo #false
if %s7BFSecureID <> N/A && ! %readyToGoAll 2
menu button btnFillAll 196 120 60 20 Fill All
set %readyToGoAll #true
if %s7BFSecureID = N/A && %readyToGoAll 2
menu delete btnFillAll
set %readyToGoAll #false
wait 1
set #lpc 10
sub chooseContainer
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Please target your BOD book or container:
gosub s7GetTarget
set %s7BFFBodContainer #result
gosub s7GetProperty #result
str pos #property $
set #strRes #strres - 1
str left #property #strres
set %strres #strres
str len %strres
if #strres > 14
str left %strRes 14
str ins #strRes ... 15
set %strRes #strRes
str lower %strRes
menu set btnChooseContainer Drop: #strRes
menu set s7BFMenuStatus You have chosen " , #strRes , " as your drop.
sub chooseSecure
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Please target your secure:
gosub s7GetTarget
set %s7BFTargetedSecure #result
set %s7BFPackAnimalID N/A
finditem %s7BFTargetedSecure
if #findtype in bo_wn_zgb
if %euoVer < 15000 2
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Pack animals are only supported in EUO 1.5+.
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Pack animal targeted. Opening pack...
set %s7BFPackAnimalID %s7BFTargetedSecure
set %_tCont #contid
exevent popup %s7BFPackAnimalID 11
gosub s7WaitForVars contid <> %_tCont conttype = zjf 4
if ! #result 2
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Failed to open pack animal pack.
set %s7BFSecureID #contid
if #findtype notin bo_wn_zgb
set %s7BFSecureID %s7BFTargetedSecure
if %s7BFPackAnimalID <> N/A
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFPAckAnimalID
if %s7BFPackAnimalID = N/A
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFSecureID
str pos #property $
set #strRes #strres - 1
str left #property #strres
str lower #strRes
menu set btnChooseSecure Secure: #strRes
menu set s7BFMenuStatus You have chosen " , #strRes , " as your secure.
sub BodClr
set %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt 0
menu delete lstSelectedBods
menu list create lstSelectedBods 4 40 130 100
sub BodDel
menu get lstSelectedBods
for %b2fI #menures %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
set %b2fioffset %b2fi + 1
set %s7BF_BodID . %b2fi %s7BF_BodID . %b2fioffset
set %s7BF_BodName . %b2fi %s7BF_BodName . %b2fioffset
set %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt - 1
if %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt < 0
set %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt 0
menu delete lstSelectedBods
menu list create lstSelectedBods 4 40 130 100
if %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt > 0
for %b2fi 1 %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
str lower %s7BF_BodName . %b2fi
menu list add lstSelectedBods #strRes
sub BodAddAll
finditem EYM C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1 2
menu set s7BFMenuStatus No BODs found in backpack...
for %b2fi 1 1
finditem EYM C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1
gosub BodAdd #findid
ignoreitem #findid BODIgnore
set %b2fi 0
ignoreitem reset BODIgnore
sub BODAdd
set %bodtype EYM
if %0 = 0
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Please target the BOD to add...
gosub s7GetTarget
if %0 > 0
set #result %1
finditem #result
if #findtype <> %bodtype
menu set s7BFMenuStatus That is not a BOD!
if %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt <> 0
for %BBI 1 %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
if #findid = %s7BF_BodID . %BBI
menu set s7BFMenuStatus That BOD is already in the list.
set %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt + 1
set %s7BF_BodID . %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt #findid
gosub getBodName #findid
set %s7BF_BodName . %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt #result
str lower %s7BF_BodName . %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
menu list add lstSelectedBods #strRes
menu delete status
;= PARSING SUBS ====================;
sub getBodName
gosub s7GetProperty %1 A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
set %s7BFLbodExceptional n
if exceptional in #property
set %s7BFLbodExceptional x
str pos #property make:
set %pos #strRes + 3
str del #property 1 %pos
set %s7BFItemString #strRes
str pos %s7BFItemString :
set %pos #strRes + 1
str pos %s7BFItemString $
set %len #strRes - %pos
str mid %s7BFItemString %pos %len
set %s7BFLBodCnt #strRes
str del %s7BFItemString 1 5
set %s7BFItemString #strRes
str pos %s7BFItemString :
set #strres #strres - 1
str left %s7BFItemString #strRes
set !gbi_item1 #strRes
if large , #spc , bulk in #property
if cutlass in !gbi_item1 || katana in !gbi_item1 || scimitar in !gbi_item1 || broad in !gbi_item1 || longsword in !gbi_item1 || viking in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Swords
if kryss in !gbi_item1 || spear in !gbi_item1 || warfork in !gbi_item1 || dagger in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Piercing
if axe in !gbi_item1 && war notin !gbi_item1
set %lbod Axes
if mace in !gbi_item1 || maul in !gbi_item1 || hammer in !gbi_item1 || war , #spc , axe in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Bashing
if bardiche in !gbi_item1 || halberd in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Polearms
if chainmail in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Chainmail
if ringmail in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Ringmail
if gorget in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Studded , #spc , Set
if plate in !gbi_item1 || plate in !gbi_item
set %lbod Platemail
if sandals in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Footwear , #spc , Set
if gorget in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Leather , #spc , Set
if skirt in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Female , #spc , Set
if bone in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Bone , #spc , AR
if bandana in !gbi_item1
set %lbod The , #spc , Gypsy
if skullcap in !gbi_item1
set %lbod The , #spc , Pirate
if straw in !gbi_item1
set %lbod The , #spc , Farmer
if wizard in !gbi_item1
set %lbod The , #spc , Wizard
if floppy in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Fishergirl
if feathered in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Town , #spc , Crier
if bonnet in !gbi_item1
set %lbod The , #spc , Lady
if jester in !gbi_item1
set %lbod The , #spc , Jester
if tricorne in !gbi_item1
set %lbod The , #spc , Hat-Set
return %s7BFLbodCnt , %s7bflbodexceptional , #spc , large , #spc , bod , #spc , " , %lbod , "
if small , #spc , bulk in #property
return %s7BFLbodCnt , %s7BFLBodExceptional , #spc , !gbi_item1
; getYContsize
; gets the height of a gump, used for clicking the combine button
sub getYContsize
str len #contsize
set %CSL #strRes
str pos #contsize _
set %CSFR %CSL - #strRes
str right #contsize %CSFR
return #strRes
; s7GetBodData
; parses the property of the bod and makes a call to Kal's craftinfo.txt to get the information about the item.
sub s7GetBODData
finditem %s7BFBodID C_ , #backpackid
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
if large , #spc , bulk in #property
return #false
if #findcol = 1155
set %s7BFBodType Tailor
set %s7BFBodMaterial 0
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol N/A
if boots in #property || shoes in #property || sandals in #property || leather in #property || studded in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 0
set %s7BFBodMaterial 1
if cloth in #property
set %s7BFBodMaterial 0
if normal , #spc , leather in #property || bone in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 0
set %s7BFBodMaterial 1
if spined , #spc , leather in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2220
set %s7BFBodMaterial 2
if horned , #spc , leather in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2117
set %s7BFBodMaterial 3
if barbed , #spc , leather in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2129
set %s7BFBodMaterial 4
if #findcol = 1102
set %s7BFBodType Smith
set %s7BFBodMaterial 1
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 0
if iron , #spc , ingots in #property && shadow notin #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 0
set %s7BFBodMaterial 1
if dull , #spc , copper , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2419
set %s7BFBodMaterial 2
if shadow , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2406
set %s7BFBodMaterial 3
if shadow , #spc , iron , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2406
set %s7BFBodMaterial 3
if copper , #spc , ingots in #property && dull , #spc , copper notin #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2413
set %s7BFBodMaterial 4
if bronze , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2418
set %s7BFBodMaterial 5
if gold , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2213
set %s7BFBodMaterial 6
if agapite , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2425
set %s7BFBodMaterial 7
if verite , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2207
set %s7BFBodMaterial 8
if valorite , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2219
set %s7BFBodMaterial 9
set %s7BFBodExceptional #false
if exceptional in #property
set %s7BFBodExceptional #true
if make: , #spc , 10 in #property
set %s7BFBodAmount 10
if make: , #spc , 15 in #property
set %s7BFBodAmount 15
if make: , #spc , 20 in #property
set %s7BFBodAmount 20
str pos #property make:
set %pos #strRes + 8
str del #property 1 %pos
set %s7BFItemString #strRes
str pos %s7BFItemString :
set %pos #strRes - 1
str left %s7BFItemString %pos
set %s7BFBodItem #strRes
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
set %s7BFBodAmountToMake %s7BFBodAmount - %s7BFBodAmountMade
call %pathlib , craftInfo.txt %s7BFBodItem
;category/selection exceptions
if %freeshard && %s7BFBodType = Tailor && #shard <> Alexandria
set !cgiCategory !cgiCategory - 1
if %freeshard && %nonSEFreeshard && %s7BFBodType = Tailor && !cgiCategory = 5
set !cgiSelection !cgiSelection - 2
if ! %freeshard && %s7BFBodType = Tailor && !cgiCategory = 7
set !cgiSelection !cgiSelection + 3
if ! %freeshard && %s7BFBodType = Tailor && !cgiCategory = 6
set !cgiSelection !cgiSelection + 1
;end category/selection exceptions
set !cgiSelection !cgiSelection + 1
if !cgiMaterialName1 = Cloth 2
set %s7BFBodMatWeight 1
set %s7BFBodMatType cui_bui_AUI_DUI_FUI_GUI
if !cgiMaterialName1 = Leather 2
set %s7BFBodMatWeight 10
set %s7BFBodMatType JJG
if !cgiMaterialName1 = ingots 2
set %s7BFBodMatWeight 1
set %s7BFBodMatType ENK
return #true
; s7GetBodAmountMade
; sub to get the number of pieces already in the bod ie 15/20, 15
sub s7GetBodAmountMade
set #lpc 100
str pos #property make:
set %pos #strRes + 8
str del #property 1 %pos
set %s7BFItemString #strRes
str pos %s7BFItemString :
set %pos #strRes + 1
str pos %s7BFItemString $
set %len #strRes - %pos
str mid %s7BFItemString %pos %len
set %s7BFBodAmountMade #strRes
set #lpc 10
; s7GetLBodData
; parses the lbod property and extracts number of items, names of items, and count/quality of items.
sub s7GetLBodData
set #lpc 100
finditem %s7BFBodID C_ , #backpackid
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
set %s7BFLbodExceptional #false
if exceptional in #property
set %s7BFLbodExceptional #true
set %s7BFLBodMaterial 0
set %s7BFLBodProperty #property
str pos #property make:
set %pos #strRes + 3
str del #property 1 %pos
set %s7BFItemString #strRes
str pos %s7BFItemString :
set %pos #strRes + 1
str pos %s7BFItemString $
set %len #strRes - %pos
str mid %s7BFItemString %pos %len
set %s7BFLBodCnt #strRes
str del %s7BFItemString 1 5
set %s7BFItemString #strRes
set %s7BFLBodPieces 0
for %_ 1 1
str pos %s7BFItemString $
if #strRes > 0
set %_ 0
str pos %s7BFItemString :
set %pos #strRes + 2
str pos %s7BFItemString $
set %len #strRes - %pos
str mid %s7BFItemString %pos %len
if #strres = 0
set %s7BFLBodPieces %s7BFLBodPieces + 1
str pos %s7BFItemString :
set #strres #strRes - 1
str left %s7BFItemString #strRes
set %s7BFLBodPiece . %s7BFLBodPieces #strRes
str pos %s7BFITemString $
str del %s7BFItemString 1 #strRes
set %s7bfitemstring #strres
set #lpc 10
sub getEUOVer
set %euoVer #euover
for %_ 1 1
str pos %euoVer _
if #strRes > 0 3
set %_ 0
str del %euoVer #strRes 1
set %euoVer #strRes
;= FILLING SUBS ====================;
; FillBod
; opens current bod, clicks combine, targets items in pack
sub FillBod
set %s7FB_PreLPC #lpc
set #lpc 200
ignoreitem reset
gosub OpenBod %s7BFBodID target
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
finditem !cgiItemType C_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt > 0 && %s7BFBodAmountMade < %s7BFBodAmount
for #findindex 1 #findcnt
if #findcol <> %s7BFBODMATFINDCOL && %s7BFBODMatFindCol <> N/A
if %s7BFBodExceptional
gosub s7GetProperty #findid
if exceptional notin #property
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
gosub s7WaitForVars targCurs = 1 2
if #result
event macro 22 0
if ! #result
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
if %s7BFBodAmountMade < %s7BFBodAmount
gosub OpenBod %s7BFBodID target
set #findindex #findindex - 1
if #findindex < 1
set #findindex 1
wait 15
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
click %tx %ty f r dmc
set #lpc %S7BF_FBPreLPC
return %s7BFBodAmountMade >= %s7BFBodAmount
; OpenBod
; opens bod with ID passed as %1,
; clicks combine if %2 = "target"
sub OpenBod
set #lobjectid %1
set %two %2
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize in 510_230_510_275_510_254_510_395_510_347_510_371_510_323_510_182_510_302_510_326_510_350_524_275 contname = generic_gump 4
if %two = target && #result
gosub getycontsize
set %tx #contposx + 140
set %ty #contposy + #result - 75
if ! %freeshard
set %ty %ty + 25
click %tx %ty
return #result
sub FillBodOLD
ignoreitem reset
set #lobjectid %s7BFBodID
set %s7BF_FBSuccess #true
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize in 510_230_510_275_510_254_510_395_510_347_510_371_510_323_510_182_510_302_510_326_510_350 contname = generic_gump 4
gosub getycontsize
set %tx #contposx + 140
set %ty #contposy + #result - 75
if ! %freeshard
set %ty %ty + 25
click %tx %ty
wait 10
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
finditem !cgiItemType C_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt > 0 && %s7BFBodAmountMade < %s7BFBodAmount
if %s7BFBodExceptional
gosub s7GetProperty #findid
if exceptional notin #property || ( #findcol <> %s7BFBODMATFINDCOL && %s7BFBODMatFindCol <> N/A )
set %s7BF_FBSuccess #false
ignoreitem #findid
goto targeting
ignoreitem #findid
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
gosub s7WaitForVars targCurs = 1 2
if #result 2
event macro 22 0
goto targeting
if ! #result
set #lobjectid %s7BFBodID
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize in 510_230_510_275_510_254_510_395_510_347_510_371_510_323_510_182_510_302_510_326_510_350 contname = generic_gump 4
gosub getycontsize
set %tx #contposx + 140
set %ty #contposy + #result - 75
if ! %freeshard
set %ty %ty + 25
click %tx %ty
wait 10
ignoreitem reset
goto targeting
else if #findcnt = 0
wait 10
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
if %s7BFBODAmountMade < %s7BFBODAmount
set %s7BF_FBSuccess #false
wait 10
click %tx %ty f r dmc
event sysmessage exiting fillbod with a status of %s7BF_FBSuccess
return %s7BF_FBSuccess
; findTrashCan
; looks for the nearest circular filing cabinet
sub findTrashCan
gosub s7FindNamedItem BKF_HIF_IKF G_2 trash
if #result = #false
return #false
set %trashid #result
return #true
; openTrashCan
; opens the can and places it in a nice place for dropping items.
sub openTrashCan
set #lobjectid %trashid
gosub s7waitforaction 13
event macro 17 0
gosub s7waitforvars contid = %trashid 5
if ! #result
return #false
wait 10
contpos 250 500
set %trashx 270
set %trashy 530
wait 10
return #true
; s7FindSBod
; finds a filled sbod in backpack by name, quantity, and quality
sub s7FindSBod
set %FSBProp %2
set %FSBcnt %1
finditem EYM C_ , #backpackid
set %FSBfindcnt #findcnt
for %FSBfindI 1 %FSBfindcnt
finditem EYM %FSBfindI C_ , #backpackid
gosub s7GetProperty #findid A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
if %FSBProp in #property && large , #spc , bulk notin #property && ( ( %s7BFLbodExceptional && exceptional in #property ) || ( ! %s7BFLbodExceptional && exceptional notin #property ) )
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && barbed notin %s7BFLBodProperty && horned notin %s7BFLBodProperty && spined notin %s7BFLBodProperty && shadow notin %s7BFLBodProperty && copper notin %s7BFLBodProperty && bronze notin %s7BFLBodProperty && gold notin %s7BFLBodProperty && agapite notin %s7BFLBodProperty && verite notin %s7BFLBodProperty && valorite notin %s7BFLBodProperty && barbed notin #property && horned notin #property && spined notin #property && shadow notin #property && copper notin #property && bronze notin #property && gold notin #property && agapite notin #property && verite notin #property && valorite notin #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && spined in %s7BFLBodProperty && spined in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && horned in %s7BFLBodProperty && horned in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && barbed in %s7BFLBodProperty && barbed in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && dull , #spc , copper in %s7BFLBodProperty && dull , #spc , copper in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && shadow , #spc , iron in %s7BFLBodProperty && shadow , #spc , iron in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && copper in %s7BFLBodProperty && dull notin %s7BFLBodProperty && copper in #property && dull notin #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && bronze in %s7BFLBodProperty && bronze in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && gold in %s7BFLBodProperty && gold in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && agapite in %s7BFLBodProperty && agapite in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && verite in %s7BFLBodProperty && verite in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && valorite in %s7BFLBodProperty && valorite in #property
return #true
return #false
; s7FillLBod
; opens large bod, clicks combine, searches for the correct sbods to combine
sub s7FillLBod
set #lpc 60
set #lobjectid %s7BFBodID
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize in 510_230_510_275_510_254_510_395_510_347_510_371_510_323_510_182_510_302_510_326_510_350 contname = generic_gump 4
gosub getycontsize
set %tx #contposx + 140
set %ty #contposy + #result - 75
if ! %freeshard
set %ty %ty + 25
click %tx %ty
wait 10
for %sbodNum 1 %s7BFLBodPieces
if %s7BFLbodExceptional
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Looking for filled smallbod %s7BFLBodCnt , x %s7BFLBodPiece . %sbodNum ...
if ! %s7BFLbodExceptional
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Looking for filled smallbod %s7BFLBodCnt , n %s7BFLBodPiece . %sbodNum ...
gosub s7FindSbod %s7BFLBodCnt %s7BFLBodPiece . %sbodNum
if #result
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
for %_ 1 1
gosub s7WaitForVars targCurs = 1 2
if #result
event macro 22 0
if ! #result
set #lobjectid %s7BFBodID
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize in 510_230_510_275_510_254_510_395_510_347_510_371_510_323_510_182_510_302_510_326_510_350 contname = generic_gump 4
gosub getycontsize
set %tx #contposx + 140
set %ty #contposy + #result - 75
if ! %freeshard
set %ty %ty + 25
click %tx %ty
wait 10
set %_ 0
wait 10
click %tx %ty f r dmc
set #lpc 10
;= CRAFTING SUBS ===================;
; MakeItems
; loops through crafting the required amount of items for the current bod
sub MakeItems
set %s7BFMaterialSelected #false
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
set %s7BFBodAmountToMake %s7BFBodAmount - %s7BFBodAmountMade
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt 0
set %craftAttempts 0
for %MIi 1 1
finditem !cgiItemType C_ , #backpackid
set %MIItemFindCnt #findcnt
if #findkind <> -1
for %MIItemFindI 1 %MIItemFindCnt
finditem !cgiItemType C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1
set %MIItemFindID #findid
set %MiItemFindKind #findkind
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt %s7BFBodMadeCnt + 1
set %MIItemIgnore #true
if %s7BFBODMatFindCol <> N/A && #findcol <> %S7BFBODMATFINDCOL
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt %s7BFBodMadeCnt - 1
set %MIItemIgnore #false
ignoreitem #findid MIWrongColoredItems
if %s7BFBodExceptional && ( #findcol = %S7BFBODMATFINDCOL || %s7BFBODMatFindCol = N/A )
gosub s7GetProperty %MiItemFindID
if exceptional notin #property
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt %s7BFBodMadeCnt - 1
if %s7BFBodType = tailor
gosub findTrashCan
if ! #result
display ok no trashcan found!!!
if %euoVer < 15000
set %gumpcx #contposx + 10
set %gumpcy #contposy + 10
for %trashopen 1 1
click %trashx %trashy
wait 1
if #contid <> %trashID || %trashID = N/A 2
gosub openTrashcan
set %trashopen 0
gosub s7waitforaction 13
gosub s7MoveToPos %MIItemFindID %trashx %trashy 3
wait 10
click %gumpcx %gumpcy
gosub findTrashCan
gosub s7WaitForAction 13
gosub s7MoveToCont %MIItemFindID %trashID
if bone notin !CGICATEGORYNAME
set #ltargetid %MiItemFindID
set #ltargetkind 1
finditem JAG_KAG C
if #findkind = -1 2
display ok No scissors found! Get some!
set #lobjectid #findid
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
target 2s
event macro 22 0
if %s7BFBodType = smith
gosub s7MakeAnything Smith Smelt %MIItemfindid
if ! #result
ignoreitem reset MICraftedItems
gosub MakeNewTool
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt 0
set %MIi 0
set %MIItemIgnore #false
if %MIItemIgnore
ignoreitem %MIItemFindID MICraftedItems
if %craftAttempts >= 2 && %s7BFBodMadeCnt = 0
namespace push
namespace local _s7MakeAnything
set !2 N/A
set !1 N/A
namespace pop
set %craftAttempts 0
set %s7BFMaterialSelected #false
if %MIi <> 0 && #weight > ( %maxweight - 5 - ( !cgiItemWeight * 2 ) )
ignoreitem reset MICraftedItems
finditem !cgiItemType C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1 2
display ok We have a major problem. You are getting close to being overweight, yet you havent crafted any items to fill the BODs with. Please make some room in your pack, and restart the script.
gosub FillBod
wait 3s
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
set %s7BFBodAmountToMake %s7BFBodAmount - %s7BFBodAmountMade
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt 0
set %craftAttempts 0
set %MIi 0
set %menucnt %s7bfbodamountmade + %s7bfbodmadecnt
if ! %s7BFCalled
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Making item %menucnt of %s7bfbodamount for %s7BF_BodName BOD %bodi2 of %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt2
if %s7BFCalled
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Making item %menucnt of %s7bfbodamount for %s7BF_BodName BOD
if %s7BFBodMadeCnt < %s7BFBodAmountToMake && %MIi <> 0
if ! %s7BFMaterialSelected && !CGIMATERIALNAME1 <> Cloth
gosub s7MakeAnything %s7BFBodType SelectMaterial %s7BFBodMaterial
set %s7BFMaterialSelected #true
if ! #result
ignoreitem reset MICraftedItems
gosub MakeNewTool
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt 0
set %s7BFMaterialSelected #false
set %grabAmt ( %maxweight - #weight - 15 ) * 10
set %grabAmt ( %maxweight - #weight - 15 )
if %grabAmt > 250
set %grabAmt 250
if !cgiMaterialValue1 > %grabAmt
set %grabAmt !cgiMaterialValue1
set %boneGrabAmt 50
if %grabAmt - %boneGrabAmt < 0
set %boneGrabAmt !cgiMaterialValue2
if %grabAmt - %boneGrabAmt < 0 2
display ok You have too much extra weight on you to be able to grab enough bones and leather to make one more item. Please lose some weight and restart the script.
set %grabAmt %grabAmt - %boneGrabAmt
gosub s7ResourceCheck %s7BFBodMatType %s7BFBodMatFindCol !cgiMaterialValue1 %grabAmt #true %s7BFSecureID
gosub s7ResourceCheck GUF 0 !cgiMaterialValue2 %boneGrabAmt #true %s7BFSecureID
set %result #result
if ! %result
ignoreitem reset MICraftedItems
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt 0
finditem !cgiItemType C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1
gosub FillBod
wait 3s
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
set %s7BFBodAmountToMake %s7BFBodAmount - %s7BFBodAmountMade
set %craftAttempts 0
display ok You seem to lack materials! Pausing!
if %result
gosub s7MakeAnything %s7BFBodType !CGICategory !CGISelection
if #result
namespace push
namespace local _s7MakeAnything
set %craftGumpx !CraftContPosX + 60
set %craftGumpy !CraftContPosY + 60
namespace pop
set %craftAttempts %craftAttempts + 1
if ! #result
ignoreitem reset MICraftedItems
gosub MakeNewTool
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt 0
if %s7BFBodMadeCnt >= ( %s7BFBodAmountToMake - 3 )
wait 3s
set %MIi 0
if ( %s7BFBodMadeCnt >= %s7BFBodAmountToMake && %MIi <> 0 ) || ( %s7BFBodAmountMade >= %s7BFBodAmount )
ignoreitem reset MIWrongColoredItems
ignoreitem reset MICraftedItems
gosub closeCraftGump
return #true
set %MIi 0
sub closeCraftGump
set %_CGt #systime
wait 1
until %_CGt + 500 < #systime || ( #contname = generic_gump && #contsize = 530_437 )
if #contname = generic_gump && #contsize = 530_437
namespace push
namespace local _s7MakeAnything
set %cx !CraftContPosX + 30
set %cy !CraftContPosY + 415
click %cx %cy dmc
namespace pop
sub closeGump
event sysmessage #contposx #contposy
click %2 %3
event sysmessage #contposx #contposy
set %_CGt #systime
for %_CG 1 1
if %_CGt + 400 < #systime
if #contname <> %1
set %_CG 0
event sysmessage #contposx #contposy
click %2 %3 r
event sysmessage #contposx #contposy
; MakeNewTool
; makes a new tool. duh
sub MakeNewTool
set %MNTCat 2
set %MNTSel 7
set %MNTTool HAG
ignoreitem reset
if %s7BFBodType = Smith 2
set %MNTSel 13
gosub s7ResourceCheck %MNTTool 0 1 1 #false %s7BFSecureID
if ! #result
gosub s7ResourceCheck ENK 0 10 10 #true %s7BFSecureID
if ! #result 2
display ok You ran out of materials while crafting a tool$because you ran out of tools. pausing.$(upon your return please make sure you have 10 iron ingots in your pack.)
if #result
finditem JTL_KTL_GTL C_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt = 0 2
display ok You ran out of tinker tools.. how are you going to craft tinker tools without more tinker tools?
if #findcnt < 2
if %MNTMatSel = N/A || %MNTMatSel = #false
set %MNTMatSel #true
gosub s7MakeAnything Tinker SelectMaterial 1
if ! #result
set %MNTMatSel #false
gosub s7MakeAnything Tinker 2 4
wait 10
goto makeNewTool
gosub s7MakeAnything Tinker %MNTCat %MNTSel
if #result
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 530_437 contname = generic_gump 2
if #result
set %cx #contposx + 10
set %cy #contposy + 10
click %cx %cy f r dmc
; ===================================================================== ;
; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;
; // EXCERPTS FROM S7SUBS.EUO ///////////////////////////////////////// ;
; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;
; // Any reproduction of the subroutines below is strictly pro- /////// ;
; // hibited without express written permission of the author ///////// ;
; // (snicker7). Violation of the above will result in malicious ////// ;
; // actions by the aforementioned author performed upon your person // ;
; // including but not limited to: bodily harm, slander, maternal ///// ;
; // insults, possible legal action, and callin' the five-oh. Thank /// ;
; // you. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;
; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;
; ===================================================================== ;
;* @name s7MoveToPos
;* @author snicker7
;* @ver 1.2 24Aug05
;* @purpose Just Another Item Dragger.
;* @params %1 is the item to be dragged
;* %2 is the x-coord to drop to
;* %3 is the y-coord to drop to
;* %4 is the timeout in seconds
;* %5 is the amount to be dragged (blank for all)
;* @returns #true if drop was successful
;* #false on error (drop to backpack, insufficient params, failed to drag)
;* halt on critical error
;* @notes moves any item to a position on the screen. Will
;* attempt to drop on character if drop fails. If character
;* drop fails, halts and error message to avoid crash.
;* @dependencies
;* s7WaitForAction
;* @example: call s7Subs.euo s7MoveToPos #findid 7 9 4 77
;* @status unknown
sub s7MoveToPos
if %0 < 4
return #false
namespace Push
namespace Local _s7MvToPos
set !_ID %1
set !_x %2
set !_y %3
set !_tO %4
set !_Amt #spc
if %0 > 4
set !_Amt %5
set !_retry 0
finditem !_ID
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace pop
return #false
gosub s7WaitForAction 13
event drag #findid
if #findstack > 1
set !_timeOut #scnt
for !_ 1 1
if #contname <> stack_gump && #contname <> drag_gump
wait 1
if !_timeOut + !_tO < #scnt
set !_retry !_retry + 1
if !_retry > 2 2
namespace pop
return #false
goto _s7MvToPos_SD
set !_ 0
if !_Amt > #findstack
set !_Amt #findstack
msg !_Amt , $
set !_retry 0
set !_timeOut #scnt
for !_ 1 1
if #lliftedkind <> 1
wait 1
if !_timeOut + !_tO < #scnt
set !_retry !_retry + 1
if !_retry > 2 2
namespace pop
return #false
goto _s7MvToPos_SD
set !_ 0
set !_retry 0
click !_x !_y p
set !_timeout #scnt
for !_ 1 1
if #lliftedkind = 1
wait 1
if !_timeout + !_t0 < #scnt
set !_retry !_retry + 1
if !_retry = 1
set !_x #clixres / 2
set !_y ( #cliyres / 2 ) - 30
click !_x !_y p
set #result #false
set !_timeout #scnt
if !_retry = 2 2
display ok You have failed to drop an item to the correct position.$$The script is now halting to prevent a crash.
set !_ 0
set #result #true
namespace pop
return #result
;* @name s7MoveToCont
;* @author snicker7
;* @ver 1.2 24Aug05
;* @purpose A wrapper for the sub s7MoveToPos for moving to containers.
;* @params %1 is the item to be dragged
;* %2 is the container to drag to
;* %3 is the mother container in which %2 is contained
;* %4 is the #findmod value for the container
;* %5 is the amount to be dragged (blank for all)
;* @returns none
;* @notes this is mad basic. no error checking. That is up to you.
;* @dependencies s7MoveToPos
;* @example: call s7Subs.euo s7MoveToCont #findid #backpackid #charid 140_220
;* @status tested good
sub s7MoveToCont
namespace Push
namespace Local _s7MoveToCont
set !_ID %1
set !_DCont %2
set !_MCont %3
set !_FMod %4
if %euover >= 15000
set !_Amt 65535
if %0 > 4
set !_Amt abs %5
finditem !_ID
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace pop
return #false
gosub s7WaitForAction 13
exevent drag #findid !_Amt
exevent dropc !_DCont
namespace pop
return #true
set !_Amt #spc
if %0 > 4
set !_Amt %5
set #result #true
set !_retry 0
for !_ 1 1
finditem !_DCont C_ , !_MCont
if #findkind = -1
set #lobjectid !_MCont
gosub s7WaitForAction 13
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contid = !_MCont 3
if ! #result
set !_retry !_retry + 1
if !_retry > 2 2
namespace pop
return #false
set !_ 0
set !_retry 0
set #findmod !_Fmod
for !_ 1 1
gosub s7MoveToPos !_ID #findx #findy 4 !_Amt
if ! #result
set !_retry !_retry + 1
if !_retry > 2 2
namespace pop
return #false
set !_ 0
namespace Pop
return #true
;* @name s7WaitForAction
;* @author snicker7
;* @ver 1.1 31Jan05
;* @purpose waits 1.3 seconds before continuing, useful for waiting to perform
;* another action
;* @params none
;* @returns none
;* @notes probably not an original idea, but I need to use it frequently and it
;* was easier to write it myself than to try to look for it as written by
;* someone else
;* @example: call s7Subs.euo s7WaitForAction 13
;* @status tested good
sub s7WaitForAction
if %_s7ActionTimer + %1 > #scnt2 2
wait 1
goto _s7WaitForAction
set %_s7ActionTimer #scnt2
;* @name s7WaitForVars
;* @author snicker7, inspired by Quintok, and of course, Smertrios
;* @ver 1.2 24Aug05
;* @purpose Multiple input sysvar waiter.
;* @params %1*n is the gump sysvar being checked
;* %2*n is the comparative operator (>, <, <>, =, etc)
;* %3*n is the desired value of the sysvar
;* %nfinal is the timeout in seconds
;* @returns #false if it times out
;* #true if success
;* @notes %1 does not require the preceding number sign
;* one line shorter than Q's, no disrespect son
;* originally written by Smertrios, included in Lexia
;* Multiple inputs by Quintok, Obfuscation and name-
;* spacing by snicker7!
;* @example: call s7Subs.euo s7WaitForVars contID = #backpackID contSize = 7_9 3
;* @status tested good
sub s7WaitForVars
namespace Push
namespace Local _s7WFVs
set !C %0 / 3
set !T #scnt + 5
if ( %0 % 3 ) = 1
set !T #scnt + % . %0
for !i 1 !C
set !o 3 * !i - 2
set !p !o + 1
set !q !o + 2
if ! ( # . % . !o % . !p % . !q )
set !i 0
if #scnt > !T 2
namespace pop
return #false
namespace Pop
return #true
;* @name s7MakeAnything
;* @author snicker7
;* @ver 1.3 19Aug05
;* @purpose Crafting sub capable of dealing with the
;* standard crafting gump for all crafting skills.
;* @params %1 Crafting skill. Possible values are:
;* Tailor, Smith, Carpentry, Cooking,
;* Alchemy, Stonecrafting, Tinker,
;* Inscription, or Cartography
;* %2 Three possible options:
;* SelectMaterial: Selects the material to
;* craft with (if avaliable) by
;* index which is defined by %3.
;* Smelt/Cut: Only avaliable if %1 is
;* 'Tailor' or 'Smith', respectively.
;* Will cut or smelt the item passed
;* by ID as variable %3.
;* For Crafting: This should be a number
;* which corresponds to the category
;* on the crafting gump beginning
;* with the first category as 1.
;* %3 The material index for SelectMaterial,
;* the ID of the item to be smelted/cut for
;* Smelt/Cut, or the selection number of the
;* item you wish to make on the crafting menu.
;* %4 (optional) ID of specific tool to use. If
;* %4 is defined, the sub will use this tool
;* only to craft with. Used for runic kits.
;* The sub will return #false if the tool is
;* not found. Slower, as the tool will be
;* opened every call of the script, rather
;* than just waiting for the gump to return,
;* ensuring that the tool menu is the right
;* tool.
;* @returns #true The sub executed successfully.
;* #false A tool was not found to perform the
;* necessary operations. Useful, if the sub
;* returns #false, simply call it again to
;* make the correct tool.
;* @notes This sub automatically determines when to "Make Last."
;* If you call the sub twice in a row with the same
;* options, the second time it will click make last
;* instead of clicking through the whole menu.
;* @example: call s7subs.euo s7MakeAnything Smith 7 10 ;Make a warfork
;* call s7subs.euo s7MakeAnything Stonecrafting SelectMaterial 2 ;select dullcopper granite
;* call s7subs.euo s7MakeAnything Tailor Cut DFKLSED ;cuts the item with ID DFKLSED
;* call s7subs.euo s7MakeAnything Smith 7 10 EASUSPS ;makes a warfork using the tool with ID EASUSPS
;* @status almost done. still need to put in the cartotool type and find all types for all tools.
sub s7MakeAnything
if %0 < 3
return #false
namespace push
namespace local _s7MakeAnything
if %0 = 4 && !tool <> N/A
finditem %4 C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace pop
return #false
if ( #findtype notin !tool && #findid notin !tool ) 2
namespace pop
return #false
set !tool %4
set !FirstCall #true
if !1 = %1 && !2 = %2 && !3 = %3 && %2 <> SelectMaterial && !2 notin Smelt_Cut
set !MakeLast #true
if !1 <> %1 || !2 <> %2 || !3 <> %3 || %2 = SelectMaterial || %2 in Smelt_Cut
set !1 %1
if !1 = Tailor
set !tool HAG
if !1 = Smith
set !tool OBG_TBG_TLH_FBG
if !1 = Carpentry
set !tool EGG_IGG_KGG
if !1 = Cooking
set !tool BCG_DND_OGG
if !1 = Alchemy
set !tool RQF
if !1 = Stonecrafting
set !tool ZEH
if !1 = Tinker
set !tool JTL_KTL_GTL
if !1 = Inscription
set !tool PBG
if !1 = Cartography
set !tool PBG
if %0 = 4
finditem %4 C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace pop
return #false
if #findtype notin !tool 2
namespace pop
return #false
set !tool %4
if %0 < 4
finditem !tool C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace Pop
return #false
set !FirstCall #true
set !MakeLast #false
if %2 in smelt_cut 3
set !FirstCall #false
set !destroyID %3
set !destroy #true
if !Destroy && !1 notin smith_tailor 2
namespace Pop
return #false
if %2 notin smelt_cut 2
set !3 %3
set !2 %2
if !2 = SelectMaterial
set !2 15
for !selection 2 3
for !loop 1 1
set #result #true
if !1 = Tailor && !destroy
set !loop 2
if ( ! !FirstCall || ( !1 = Smith && !Destroy ) ) && !loop <> 2 2
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 530_437 contname = generic_gump 2
set !loop 1
if ( ! #result || !FirstCall ) && !loop <> 2
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 530_437 contname = generic_gump 1
finditem !tool C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace Pop
return #false
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
set #lobjectid #findid
event macro 17 0
set !loop 0
set !FirstCall #False
set !CraftContPosX #contposx
set !CraftContPosY #contposy
if !MakeLast && ! !destroy
set !_Cx #contposx + 280
set !_Cy #contposy + 410
click !_Cx !_Cy
namespace Pop
return #true
if !selection = 2
if !destroy && !1 = Tailor
finditem JAG_KAG C
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace pop
return #false
set #lobjectid #findid
set #ltargetid !destroyid
set #ltargetkind 1
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
target 2s
event macro 22 0
set !destroy #false
namespace pop
return #true
wait 10
set !_Cx #contposx + 20
set !_Cy ( #contposy + 70 + ( !2 * 20 ) )
if !destroy && !1 = Smith
set !_Cy ( #contposy + 70 + ( 14 * 20 ) )
click !_Cx !_Cy
if !destroy && !1 = Smith
target 2s
set #ltargetid !destroyid
set #ltargetkind 1
event macro 22 0
set !destroy #false
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 530_437 contname = generic_gump 2
namespace pop
return #true
if !selection = 3
set !3t !3
for !loop 0 1
if !3t > 10
set !_Cx #contposx + 380
set !_Cy #contposy + 270
click !_Cx !_Cy
set !3t !3t - 10
set !loop 0
if !3t <= 10
set !_Cx #contposx + 230
set !_Cy ( #contposy + 50 + ( !3t * 20 ) )
click !_Cx !_Cy
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 530_437 contname = generic_gump 2
namespace Pop
return #true
;* @name s7GetTarget
;* @author snicker7
;* @ver 1.0 27Dec04
;* @purpose Returns a target using #targcurs, objects only.
;* @params none
;* @returns Item id of the targeted item.
;* @notes none
;* @example: gosub getTarget
;* @status tested good
sub s7GetTarget
set #targcurs 1
if #targcurs = 1 2
wait 1
goto _waitfortargcurs
return #ltargetid
;* @name s7FindNamedItem
;* @author snicker7
;* @ver 1.1 06Aug05
;* @purpose find an item based on its name
;* @params %1 type of item to search for
;* %2 "location" to search (typical finditem values: G_3; C_ , #backpackid; etc)
;* %3-%n properties to match
;* @dependencies
;* @returns #false no such item was found
;* <ItmID> the ID of the item found
;* @notes Written for bodcollectorer.
;* @example: gosub s7FindNamedItem HS_IS G_10 tailor weaver ;finds all BOD giving tailors within 10 tiles
;* @status done
sub s7FindNamedItem
namespace push
namespace local _s7_FNI
set !zero %0
set !type %1
set !location %2
finditem !type !location
if #findkind = -1
namespace pop
return #false
set !findcnt #findcnt
for !findI 1 !findcnt
finditem !type !findI !location
gosub s7GetProperty #findid
for !nameI 3 !zero
if % . !nameI in #property
namespace pop
return #findid
return #false
;* @name s7GetProperty
;* @author snicker7
;* @ver 2.1 20080309
;* @purpose failsafe method for obtaining property values.
;* @params %1 ID of item to get property of.
;* @dependencies N/A
;* @returns N/A
;* @notes N/A
;* @example: gosub s7GetProperty #findid
;* @status done
sub s7GetProperty
set !_7gpt #systime
event property %1
for !_7gp 1 1
if !_7gpt + 1500 < #systime
return #false
if #property = $ || no , #spc , significant in #property || no , #spc , data in #property || ( %0 > 1 && %0 = 2 && #property = %2 )
set !_7gp 0
if no , #spc , data in #property || ( %0 > 1 && %0 = 2 && #property = %2 )
event property %1
return #true
;* @name s7ResourceCheck
;* @ver 1.1 05May05
;* @author snicker7
;* @purpose Checks to see if a certain amount of resources are in the backpack, if not, restocks from a set container
;* @params %1 Type of resource to check
;* %2 FindCol of resource, N/A if irrelevant
;* %3 Minimum amount of resource to have
;* %4 How many to restock if not enough found
;* %5 True/False: is the resource stackable
;* %6 Container ID to restock from
;* @returns #true Restock was successful
;* #false Resources not found in backpack or secure
;* @dependencies s7MoveToCont
;* @example call s7subs.euo s7ResourceCheck WZF N/A 6 100 #true %secure
;* @status testing
sub s7ResourceCheck
namespace push
namespace local _s7ResCzech
set !ResType %1
set !ResCol %2
set !ResCount %3
set !RestockCnt %4
set !StkCnt cnt
if %5
set !StkCnt stack
set !RestockCont %6
for !ResI 0 1
finditem !resType C_ , #backpackid
set !BPItemCount 0
if #findkind <> -1
set !FindCnt #findCnt
for !CountItem 1 !FindCnt
finditem !resType !CountItem C_ , #backpackid
if ( !ResCol <> N/A && #findcol = !ResCol ) || !ResCol = N/A
set !BPItemCount !BPItemCount + #find . !stkCnt
if !BPItemCount >= !ResCount && !ResI <> 0
namespace pop
return #true
if !BPItemCount < !resCount && !ResI <> 0
finditem !resType C_ , !restockCont
set !SecureItemCount 0
if #findkind <> -1
set !FindCnt #findCnt
for !CountItem 1 !FindCnt
finditem !resType !CountItem C_ , !restockCont
if ( !ResCol <> N/A && #findcol = !ResCol ) || !ResCol = N/A 2
set !SecureItemCount !SecureItemCount + #find . !stkCnt
set !RestockID #findid
if ( !SecureItemCount + !BPItemCount ) < !resCount
namespace pop
return #false
set !RestockAmt !restockCnt - !BPItemCount
gosub s7MoveToCont !RestockID #backpackid #charid 140_220 !restockAmt
wait 20
set !ResI 0
; Script Name: s7BodFiller
; Author: snicker7
; Version: 2.5.0a
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with: 1.5
; Shard OSI / FS: OSI / FS
; Revision Date: 03/09/08
; Public Release: 09/23/05
; Global Variables Used: no
; Purpose: Fills all smith and tailor large BODs and small BODs. Extremely easy setup, automatic. Also callable to fill a specific BOD from within another script should you so wish to do that. Works flawlessly on both EA shards AND RunUO Post-AOS freeshards!! Packy support and dropping finished BODs to a container or BOD book.
; Bugfixes in 2.5.0:
; =- Craft gump closes properly.
; =- Bone armor BODs now trash non-exceptional bone items properly
; =- BODs will no longer count items of the wrong material towards the fill or attempt to add them to the BOD.
; =- Occasional bug where script would hang while trying to add a non-ex item to an exceptional BOD is fixed.
; =- One other bug I forgot. I remember there were 5. So it's fixed, whatever it was, don't worry about it.
set %pathlib #pathlib
if 1_5 in #euover
set %pathlib
; ===================================================================== ;
; ----------------------Do Not Edit Beyond Here------------------------ ;
; ===================================================================== ;
namespace push
namespace local _s7BFiller
set %debugMode #false
;thankin RK for the below:
set %freeshard _ , #shard , _ notin origin_pacific_sonoma_baja_legends_atlantic_chesapeake_catskills_lake , #spc , austin_napa , #spc , valley_lake , #spc , superior_great , #spc , lakes_siege , #spc , perilous_europa_drachenfels_oceania_wakoku_formosa_arirang_balhae_asuka_yamato_mugen_hokuto_misuho_izumo_sakura_
set %nonSEFreeshard _ , #shard , _ in _Defiance , #spc , AOS_ABC , #spc , UO_
if %0 > 0
if %1 = exists 2
set #result #true
set %s7BFCalled #true
gosub getEUOVer
set %s7BFBodID %1
set %s7BFSecureID %2
set %freeshard %3
gosub craftInfoCheck
gosub checkSBar
set %maxweight #maxweight
if %maxweight > 420
set %maxweight 420
for !fillbod 1 1
set !fillbod 0
gosub s7GetBODData
gosub getBodName %s7BFBodID
set %s7BF_BodName #result
if %s7BFBodAmountToMake = 0 2
namespace pop
gosub MakeItems
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Filling %s7BF_BodName BOD...
gosub FillBod
until #result
wait 20
;gosub closeGump generic_gump %craftgumpx %craftgumpy
gosub returnResources
namespace pop
if %0 = 0 || %0 = N/A
set %s7BFCalled #false
gosub getEUOVer
gosub craftInfoCheck
gosub initMenu
menu get chkFreeshard
set %freeshard #menures
menu get chkFillLbods
set %filllbods #menures
gosub checkSBar
set %maxweight #maxweight
if %maxweight > 420
set %maxweight 420
gosub makingMenu
if %euoVer < 15000 || %debugMode
finditem %s7BFSecureID C
set %returnResources #false
if #findbagID <> X && ( #findbagID <> #charid || %s7BFSecureID = #backpackid )
set %returnResources #true
set %s7BFMotherSecure #findbagid
set #lobjectid %s7BFMotherSecure
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Opening Mother Secure...
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contid = %s7BFMotherSecure 5
if #result
contpos 400 500
if ! #result
display ok The mother secure was unable to be opened correctly.$$The script may still continue provided that the secure opens correctly (which it probably won't) but resource returning will not function properly.
set %returnResources #false
set #lobjectid %s7BFSecureID
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Opening secure...
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contid = %s7BFSecureID 5
if #result
contpos 0 500
if ! #result
display ok The secure was unable to be opened.$$The script may still continue if you have some resources in your backpack, but most likely you're going to get an out of resources error.
if %fillall 2
finditem EYM C_ , #backpackid
set %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt #findcnt
set %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt2 %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
set %bodi2 0
for %BODi 1 %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
set %bodi2 %bodi2 + 1
set %s7BFBodID %s7BF_BodID . %BODi
if %fillall 2
finditem EYM %bodi c_ , #backpackid
set %s7BFBodID #findid
gosub getBodName %s7BFBodID
set %s7BF_BodName #result
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Getting bod data for %s7BF_BodName BOD # , %bodi2 of %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt2
gosub s7GetBODData
if ! #result
if %s7BFLBodIDs <> N/A
set %s7BFLBodIDs %s7BFLBodIDs , _ , %s7BFBodID
if %s7BFLBodIDs = N/A
set %s7BFLBodIDs %s7BFBodID
if #result && %s7BFBodAmountToMake > 0
gosub MakeItems
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Filling %s7BF_BodName BOD...
gosub FillBod
until #result
if %s7BFFBodContainer <> N/A
if %fillall
set %bodI %bodI - 1
if %fillAll && %bodi2 = %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
set %bodI %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
finditem %s7BFFBodContainer
set %s7BFBodContType #findtype
gosub s7MoveToCont %s7BFBodID %s7BFFBodContainer #findbagID 12_24
if %s7BFBodContType = dym
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 615_454 contname = generic_gump 2
if #result
set %cx #contposx + 10
set %cy #contposy + 10
click %cx %cy f r dmc
wait 10
gosub returnResources
if %s7BFLBodIDs <> N/A && %fillLbods
finditem %s7BFLBodIDs C_ , #backpackid
set %totallbods #findcnt
set %totallbods2 #findcnt
set %bodi2 0
for %BODi 1 %totallbods2
set %bodi2 %bodi2 + 1
finditem %s7BFLBodIDs %bodi C_ , #backpackid
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Getting LBOD data for LBOD %bodI2 of %totallbods
set %s7BFBodID #findid
gosub s7GetLBodData
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Filling LBOD, could take a few seconds...
gosub s7FillLBod
if %s7BFFBodContainer <> N/A
wait 20
gosub s7GetLBodData
if %s7BFLBodPieces = 0
set %bodi %bodi - 1
set %totallbods2 %totallbods2 - 1
finditem %s7BFFBodContainer
gosub s7MoveToCont %s7BFBodID %s7BFFBodContainer #findbagID 12_24
;gosub closeGump generic_gump %craftgumpx %craftgumpy
menu set s7BFMenuStatus ALL DONE!!
sub returnResources
if ( ! %returnResources && %euoVer < 15000 ) || %s7BFSecureID = #backpackid
for %_RR 1 1
finditem %resourceTypes C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1
set %_RR 0
gosub s7MoveToCont #findid %s7BFSecureID %s7BFMotherSecure 12_24
sub checkSbar
if #charname = N/A
event macro 8 2
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 432_184 contname = status_gump 2
if #result
set %tVar #contposx , _ , #contposy
event macro 10 2
for %i 1 40
wait 1
if #contposx , _ , #contposy <> %tvar
set %i 40
contpos 0 #cliyRes
sub craftInfoCheck
set !cgiItemName N/A
call %pathlib , craftInfo.txt wsf
if !cgiItemName <> dagger
display ok ERROR:$
+craftInfo.txt is an incorrect version or$
+was not located. The correct location for$
+craftInfo.txt should be:$ , #curpath , $
+so please make sure that craftInfo.txt is$
+in that location and the latest version.
sub makingMenu
menu clear
menu window size 300 20
menu window color black
menu window title s7BODFiller
menu font color lime
menu font bgcolor black
menu font name arial
menu font size 8
menu text s7BFMenuStatus 2 2 Initializing...
set %menux #clileft
set %menuy #clitop + #cliyres
menu show %menux %menuy
sub initMenu
set #lpc 75
menu clear
menu window size 260 180
menu window color black
menu window title s7BodFiller
menu font color lime
menu font bgcolor black
menu font name Arial
menu font size 12
menu font style u
menu text title 2 2 s 7 B o d F i l l e r
menu font style
menu font size 8
menu text lblSelectedBods 4 24 Selected BODs:
menu list create lstSelectedBods 4 40 130 100
menu check chkFreeShard 136 40 100 14 %freeshard Freeshard?
menu check chkFillLBods 136 58 150 18 #true Fill Large Bods?
menu button btnChooseSecure 136 76 120 20 Choose Secure
menu button btnChooseContainer 136 98 120 20 Store finished BODs?
menu button btnBodAdd 4 142 31 20 add
menu button btnBodAddAll 37 142 31 20 all
menu button btnBodDel 70 142 31 20 del
menu button btnBodClr 103 142 31 20 clr
menu text s7BFMenuStatus 4 164 Please select the BODs and secure container...
set %readyToGoAll #false
set %readyToGo #false
set #menubutton N/A
menu show
for %_menu 1 1
set %_menu 0
if #menubutton <> N/A
if btnFill in #menubutton
set %fillall #false
if all in #menubutton 2
set %fillall #true
set %_menu 1
if all notin #menubutton && %readyToGo
set %_menu 1
if btnFill notin #menubutton
str del #menubutton 1 3
gosub #strRes
set #menubutton N/A
if %s7BFSecureID <> N/A && %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt > 0 && ! %readyToGo 2
menu button btnFill 196 142 60 20 Fill
set %readyToGo #true
if ( %s7BFSecureID = N/A || %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt = 0 ) && %readyToGo 2
menu delete btnFill
set %readyToGo #false
if %s7BFSecureID <> N/A && ! %readyToGoAll 2
menu button btnFillAll 196 120 60 20 Fill All
set %readyToGoAll #true
if %s7BFSecureID = N/A && %readyToGoAll 2
menu delete btnFillAll
set %readyToGoAll #false
wait 1
set #lpc 10
sub chooseContainer
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Please target your BOD book or container:
gosub s7GetTarget
set %s7BFFBodContainer #result
gosub s7GetProperty #result
str pos #property $
set #strRes #strres - 1
str left #property #strres
set %strres #strres
str len %strres
if #strres > 14
str left %strRes 14
str ins #strRes ... 15
set %strRes #strRes
str lower %strRes
menu set btnChooseContainer Drop: #strRes
menu set s7BFMenuStatus You have chosen " , #strRes , " as your drop.
sub chooseSecure
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Please target your secure:
gosub s7GetTarget
set %s7BFTargetedSecure #result
set %s7BFPackAnimalID N/A
finditem %s7BFTargetedSecure
if #findtype in bo_wn_zgb
if %euoVer < 15000 2
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Pack animals are only supported in EUO 1.5+.
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Pack animal targeted. Opening pack...
set %s7BFPackAnimalID %s7BFTargetedSecure
set %_tCont #contid
exevent popup %s7BFPackAnimalID 11
gosub s7WaitForVars contid <> %_tCont conttype = zjf 4
if ! #result 2
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Failed to open pack animal pack.
set %s7BFSecureID #contid
if #findtype notin bo_wn_zgb
set %s7BFSecureID %s7BFTargetedSecure
if %s7BFPackAnimalID <> N/A
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFPAckAnimalID
if %s7BFPackAnimalID = N/A
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFSecureID
str pos #property $
set #strRes #strres - 1
str left #property #strres
str lower #strRes
menu set btnChooseSecure Secure: #strRes
menu set s7BFMenuStatus You have chosen " , #strRes , " as your secure.
sub BodClr
set %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt 0
menu delete lstSelectedBods
menu list create lstSelectedBods 4 40 130 100
sub BodDel
menu get lstSelectedBods
for %b2fI #menures %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
set %b2fioffset %b2fi + 1
set %s7BF_BodID . %b2fi %s7BF_BodID . %b2fioffset
set %s7BF_BodName . %b2fi %s7BF_BodName . %b2fioffset
set %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt - 1
if %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt < 0
set %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt 0
menu delete lstSelectedBods
menu list create lstSelectedBods 4 40 130 100
if %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt > 0
for %b2fi 1 %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
str lower %s7BF_BodName . %b2fi
menu list add lstSelectedBods #strRes
sub BodAddAll
finditem EYM C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1 2
menu set s7BFMenuStatus No BODs found in backpack...
for %b2fi 1 1
finditem EYM C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1
gosub BodAdd #findid
ignoreitem #findid BODIgnore
set %b2fi 0
ignoreitem reset BODIgnore
sub BODAdd
set %bodtype EYM
if %0 = 0
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Please target the BOD to add...
gosub s7GetTarget
if %0 > 0
set #result %1
finditem #result
if #findtype <> %bodtype
menu set s7BFMenuStatus That is not a BOD!
if %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt <> 0
for %BBI 1 %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
if #findid = %s7BF_BodID . %BBI
menu set s7BFMenuStatus That BOD is already in the list.
set %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt + 1
set %s7BF_BodID . %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt #findid
gosub getBodName #findid
set %s7BF_BodName . %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt #result
str lower %s7BF_BodName . %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt
menu list add lstSelectedBods #strRes
menu delete status
;= PARSING SUBS ====================;
sub getBodName
gosub s7GetProperty %1 A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
set %s7BFLbodExceptional n
if exceptional in #property
set %s7BFLbodExceptional x
str pos #property make:
set %pos #strRes + 3
str del #property 1 %pos
set %s7BFItemString #strRes
str pos %s7BFItemString :
set %pos #strRes + 1
str pos %s7BFItemString $
set %len #strRes - %pos
str mid %s7BFItemString %pos %len
set %s7BFLBodCnt #strRes
str del %s7BFItemString 1 5
set %s7BFItemString #strRes
str pos %s7BFItemString :
set #strres #strres - 1
str left %s7BFItemString #strRes
set !gbi_item1 #strRes
if large , #spc , bulk in #property
if cutlass in !gbi_item1 || katana in !gbi_item1 || scimitar in !gbi_item1 || broad in !gbi_item1 || longsword in !gbi_item1 || viking in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Swords
if kryss in !gbi_item1 || spear in !gbi_item1 || warfork in !gbi_item1 || dagger in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Piercing
if axe in !gbi_item1 && war notin !gbi_item1
set %lbod Axes
if mace in !gbi_item1 || maul in !gbi_item1 || hammer in !gbi_item1 || war , #spc , axe in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Bashing
if bardiche in !gbi_item1 || halberd in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Polearms
if chainmail in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Chainmail
if ringmail in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Ringmail
if gorget in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Studded , #spc , Set
if plate in !gbi_item1 || plate in !gbi_item
set %lbod Platemail
if sandals in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Footwear , #spc , Set
if gorget in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Leather , #spc , Set
if skirt in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Female , #spc , Set
if bone in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Bone , #spc , AR
if bandana in !gbi_item1
set %lbod The , #spc , Gypsy
if skullcap in !gbi_item1
set %lbod The , #spc , Pirate
if straw in !gbi_item1
set %lbod The , #spc , Farmer
if wizard in !gbi_item1
set %lbod The , #spc , Wizard
if floppy in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Fishergirl
if feathered in !gbi_item1
set %lbod Town , #spc , Crier
if bonnet in !gbi_item1
set %lbod The , #spc , Lady
if jester in !gbi_item1
set %lbod The , #spc , Jester
if tricorne in !gbi_item1
set %lbod The , #spc , Hat-Set
return %s7BFLbodCnt , %s7bflbodexceptional , #spc , large , #spc , bod , #spc , " , %lbod , "
if small , #spc , bulk in #property
return %s7BFLbodCnt , %s7BFLBodExceptional , #spc , !gbi_item1
; getYContsize
; gets the height of a gump, used for clicking the combine button
sub getYContsize
str len #contsize
set %CSL #strRes
str pos #contsize _
set %CSFR %CSL - #strRes
str right #contsize %CSFR
return #strRes
; s7GetBodData
; parses the property of the bod and makes a call to Kal's craftinfo.txt to get the information about the item.
sub s7GetBODData
finditem %s7BFBodID C_ , #backpackid
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
if large , #spc , bulk in #property
return #false
if #findcol = 1155
set %s7BFBodType Tailor
set %s7BFBodMaterial 0
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol N/A
if boots in #property || shoes in #property || sandals in #property || leather in #property || studded in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 0
set %s7BFBodMaterial 1
if cloth in #property
set %s7BFBodMaterial 0
if normal , #spc , leather in #property || bone in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 0
set %s7BFBodMaterial 1
if spined , #spc , leather in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2220
set %s7BFBodMaterial 2
if horned , #spc , leather in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2117
set %s7BFBodMaterial 3
if barbed , #spc , leather in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2129
set %s7BFBodMaterial 4
if #findcol = 1102
set %s7BFBodType Smith
set %s7BFBodMaterial 1
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 0
if iron , #spc , ingots in #property && shadow notin #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 0
set %s7BFBodMaterial 1
if dull , #spc , copper , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2419
set %s7BFBodMaterial 2
if shadow , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2406
set %s7BFBodMaterial 3
if shadow , #spc , iron , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2406
set %s7BFBodMaterial 3
if copper , #spc , ingots in #property && dull , #spc , copper notin #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2413
set %s7BFBodMaterial 4
if bronze , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2418
set %s7BFBodMaterial 5
if gold , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2213
set %s7BFBodMaterial 6
if agapite , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2425
set %s7BFBodMaterial 7
if verite , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2207
set %s7BFBodMaterial 8
if valorite , #spc , ingots in #property 2
set %s7BFBodMatFindCol 2219
set %s7BFBodMaterial 9
set %s7BFBodExceptional #false
if exceptional in #property
set %s7BFBodExceptional #true
if make: , #spc , 10 in #property
set %s7BFBodAmount 10
if make: , #spc , 15 in #property
set %s7BFBodAmount 15
if make: , #spc , 20 in #property
set %s7BFBodAmount 20
str pos #property make:
set %pos #strRes + 8
str del #property 1 %pos
set %s7BFItemString #strRes
str pos %s7BFItemString :
set %pos #strRes - 1
str left %s7BFItemString %pos
set %s7BFBodItem #strRes
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
set %s7BFBodAmountToMake %s7BFBodAmount - %s7BFBodAmountMade
call %pathlib , craftInfo.txt %s7BFBodItem
;category/selection exceptions
if %freeshard && %s7BFBodType = Tailor && #shard <> Alexandria
set !cgiCategory !cgiCategory - 1
if %freeshard && %nonSEFreeshard && %s7BFBodType = Tailor && !cgiCategory = 5
set !cgiSelection !cgiSelection - 2
if ! %freeshard && %s7BFBodType = Tailor && !cgiCategory = 7
set !cgiSelection !cgiSelection + 3
if ! %freeshard && %s7BFBodType = Tailor && !cgiCategory = 6
set !cgiSelection !cgiSelection + 1
;end category/selection exceptions
set !cgiSelection !cgiSelection + 1
if !cgiMaterialName1 = Cloth 2
set %s7BFBodMatWeight 1
set %s7BFBodMatType cui_bui_AUI_DUI_FUI_GUI
if !cgiMaterialName1 = Leather 2
set %s7BFBodMatWeight 10
set %s7BFBodMatType JJG
if !cgiMaterialName1 = ingots 2
set %s7BFBodMatWeight 1
set %s7BFBodMatType ENK
return #true
; s7GetBodAmountMade
; sub to get the number of pieces already in the bod ie 15/20, 15
sub s7GetBodAmountMade
set #lpc 100
str pos #property make:
set %pos #strRes + 8
str del #property 1 %pos
set %s7BFItemString #strRes
str pos %s7BFItemString :
set %pos #strRes + 1
str pos %s7BFItemString $
set %len #strRes - %pos
str mid %s7BFItemString %pos %len
set %s7BFBodAmountMade #strRes
set #lpc 10
; s7GetLBodData
; parses the lbod property and extracts number of items, names of items, and count/quality of items.
sub s7GetLBodData
set #lpc 100
finditem %s7BFBodID C_ , #backpackid
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
set %s7BFLbodExceptional #false
if exceptional in #property
set %s7BFLbodExceptional #true
set %s7BFLBodMaterial 0
set %s7BFLBodProperty #property
str pos #property make:
set %pos #strRes + 3
str del #property 1 %pos
set %s7BFItemString #strRes
str pos %s7BFItemString :
set %pos #strRes + 1
str pos %s7BFItemString $
set %len #strRes - %pos
str mid %s7BFItemString %pos %len
set %s7BFLBodCnt #strRes
str del %s7BFItemString 1 5
set %s7BFItemString #strRes
set %s7BFLBodPieces 0
for %_ 1 1
str pos %s7BFItemString $
if #strRes > 0
set %_ 0
str pos %s7BFItemString :
set %pos #strRes + 2
str pos %s7BFItemString $
set %len #strRes - %pos
str mid %s7BFItemString %pos %len
if #strres = 0
set %s7BFLBodPieces %s7BFLBodPieces + 1
str pos %s7BFItemString :
set #strres #strRes - 1
str left %s7BFItemString #strRes
set %s7BFLBodPiece . %s7BFLBodPieces #strRes
str pos %s7BFITemString $
str del %s7BFItemString 1 #strRes
set %s7bfitemstring #strres
set #lpc 10
sub getEUOVer
set %euoVer #euover
for %_ 1 1
str pos %euoVer _
if #strRes > 0 3
set %_ 0
str del %euoVer #strRes 1
set %euoVer #strRes
;= FILLING SUBS ====================;
; FillBod
; opens current bod, clicks combine, targets items in pack
sub FillBod
set %s7FB_PreLPC #lpc
set #lpc 200
ignoreitem reset
gosub OpenBod %s7BFBodID target
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
finditem !cgiItemType C_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt > 0 && %s7BFBodAmountMade < %s7BFBodAmount
for #findindex 1 #findcnt
if #findcol <> %s7BFBODMATFINDCOL && %s7BFBODMatFindCol <> N/A
if %s7BFBodExceptional
gosub s7GetProperty #findid
if exceptional notin #property
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
gosub s7WaitForVars targCurs = 1 2
if #result
event macro 22 0
if ! #result
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
if %s7BFBodAmountMade < %s7BFBodAmount
gosub OpenBod %s7BFBodID target
set #findindex #findindex - 1
if #findindex < 1
set #findindex 1
wait 15
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
click %tx %ty f r dmc
set #lpc %S7BF_FBPreLPC
return %s7BFBodAmountMade >= %s7BFBodAmount
; OpenBod
; opens bod with ID passed as %1,
; clicks combine if %2 = "target"
sub OpenBod
set #lobjectid %1
set %two %2
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize in 510_230_510_275_510_254_510_395_510_347_510_371_510_323_510_182_510_302_510_326_510_350_524_275 contname = generic_gump 4
if %two = target && #result
gosub getycontsize
set %tx #contposx + 140
set %ty #contposy + #result - 75
if ! %freeshard
set %ty %ty + 25
click %tx %ty
return #result
sub FillBodOLD
ignoreitem reset
set #lobjectid %s7BFBodID
set %s7BF_FBSuccess #true
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize in 510_230_510_275_510_254_510_395_510_347_510_371_510_323_510_182_510_302_510_326_510_350 contname = generic_gump 4
gosub getycontsize
set %tx #contposx + 140
set %ty #contposy + #result - 75
if ! %freeshard
set %ty %ty + 25
click %tx %ty
wait 10
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
finditem !cgiItemType C_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt > 0 && %s7BFBodAmountMade < %s7BFBodAmount
if %s7BFBodExceptional
gosub s7GetProperty #findid
if exceptional notin #property || ( #findcol <> %s7BFBODMATFINDCOL && %s7BFBODMatFindCol <> N/A )
set %s7BF_FBSuccess #false
ignoreitem #findid
goto targeting
ignoreitem #findid
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
gosub s7WaitForVars targCurs = 1 2
if #result 2
event macro 22 0
goto targeting
if ! #result
set #lobjectid %s7BFBodID
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize in 510_230_510_275_510_254_510_395_510_347_510_371_510_323_510_182_510_302_510_326_510_350 contname = generic_gump 4
gosub getycontsize
set %tx #contposx + 140
set %ty #contposy + #result - 75
if ! %freeshard
set %ty %ty + 25
click %tx %ty
wait 10
ignoreitem reset
goto targeting
else if #findcnt = 0
wait 10
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
if %s7BFBODAmountMade < %s7BFBODAmount
set %s7BF_FBSuccess #false
wait 10
click %tx %ty f r dmc
event sysmessage exiting fillbod with a status of %s7BF_FBSuccess
return %s7BF_FBSuccess
; findTrashCan
; looks for the nearest circular filing cabinet
sub findTrashCan
gosub s7FindNamedItem BKF_HIF_IKF G_2 trash
if #result = #false
return #false
set %trashid #result
return #true
; openTrashCan
; opens the can and places it in a nice place for dropping items.
sub openTrashCan
set #lobjectid %trashid
gosub s7waitforaction 13
event macro 17 0
gosub s7waitforvars contid = %trashid 5
if ! #result
return #false
wait 10
contpos 250 500
set %trashx 270
set %trashy 530
wait 10
return #true
; s7FindSBod
; finds a filled sbod in backpack by name, quantity, and quality
sub s7FindSBod
set %FSBProp %2
set %FSBcnt %1
finditem EYM C_ , #backpackid
set %FSBfindcnt #findcnt
for %FSBfindI 1 %FSBfindcnt
finditem EYM %FSBfindI C_ , #backpackid
gosub s7GetProperty #findid A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
if %FSBProp in #property && large , #spc , bulk notin #property && ( ( %s7BFLbodExceptional && exceptional in #property ) || ( ! %s7BFLbodExceptional && exceptional notin #property ) )
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && barbed notin %s7BFLBodProperty && horned notin %s7BFLBodProperty && spined notin %s7BFLBodProperty && shadow notin %s7BFLBodProperty && copper notin %s7BFLBodProperty && bronze notin %s7BFLBodProperty && gold notin %s7BFLBodProperty && agapite notin %s7BFLBodProperty && verite notin %s7BFLBodProperty && valorite notin %s7BFLBodProperty && barbed notin #property && horned notin #property && spined notin #property && shadow notin #property && copper notin #property && bronze notin #property && gold notin #property && agapite notin #property && verite notin #property && valorite notin #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && spined in %s7BFLBodProperty && spined in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && horned in %s7BFLBodProperty && horned in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && barbed in %s7BFLBodProperty && barbed in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && dull , #spc , copper in %s7BFLBodProperty && dull , #spc , copper in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && shadow , #spc , iron in %s7BFLBodProperty && shadow , #spc , iron in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && copper in %s7BFLBodProperty && dull notin %s7BFLBodProperty && copper in #property && dull notin #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && bronze in %s7BFLBodProperty && bronze in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && gold in %s7BFLBodProperty && gold in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && agapite in %s7BFLBodProperty && agapite in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && verite in %s7BFLBodProperty && verite in #property
return #true
if %s7BFBodAmountMade = %FSBCnt && valorite in %s7BFLBodProperty && valorite in #property
return #true
return #false
; s7FillLBod
; opens large bod, clicks combine, searches for the correct sbods to combine
sub s7FillLBod
set #lpc 60
set #lobjectid %s7BFBodID
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize in 510_230_510_275_510_254_510_395_510_347_510_371_510_323_510_182_510_302_510_326_510_350 contname = generic_gump 4
gosub getycontsize
set %tx #contposx + 140
set %ty #contposy + #result - 75
if ! %freeshard
set %ty %ty + 25
click %tx %ty
wait 10
for %sbodNum 1 %s7BFLBodPieces
if %s7BFLbodExceptional
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Looking for filled smallbod %s7BFLBodCnt , x %s7BFLBodPiece . %sbodNum ...
if ! %s7BFLbodExceptional
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Looking for filled smallbod %s7BFLBodCnt , n %s7BFLBodPiece . %sbodNum ...
gosub s7FindSbod %s7BFLBodCnt %s7BFLBodPiece . %sbodNum
if #result
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
for %_ 1 1
gosub s7WaitForVars targCurs = 1 2
if #result
event macro 22 0
if ! #result
set #lobjectid %s7BFBodID
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize in 510_230_510_275_510_254_510_395_510_347_510_371_510_323_510_182_510_302_510_326_510_350 contname = generic_gump 4
gosub getycontsize
set %tx #contposx + 140
set %ty #contposy + #result - 75
if ! %freeshard
set %ty %ty + 25
click %tx %ty
wait 10
set %_ 0
wait 10
click %tx %ty f r dmc
set #lpc 10
;= CRAFTING SUBS ===================;
; MakeItems
; loops through crafting the required amount of items for the current bod
sub MakeItems
set %s7BFMaterialSelected #false
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
set %s7BFBodAmountToMake %s7BFBodAmount - %s7BFBodAmountMade
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt 0
set %craftAttempts 0
for %MIi 1 1
finditem !cgiItemType C_ , #backpackid
set %MIItemFindCnt #findcnt
if #findkind <> -1
for %MIItemFindI 1 %MIItemFindCnt
finditem !cgiItemType C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1
set %MIItemFindID #findid
set %MiItemFindKind #findkind
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt %s7BFBodMadeCnt + 1
set %MIItemIgnore #true
if %s7BFBODMatFindCol <> N/A && #findcol <> %S7BFBODMATFINDCOL
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt %s7BFBodMadeCnt - 1
set %MIItemIgnore #false
ignoreitem #findid MIWrongColoredItems
if %s7BFBodExceptional && ( #findcol = %S7BFBODMATFINDCOL || %s7BFBODMatFindCol = N/A )
gosub s7GetProperty %MiItemFindID
if exceptional notin #property
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt %s7BFBodMadeCnt - 1
if %s7BFBodType = tailor
gosub findTrashCan
if ! #result
display ok no trashcan found!!!
if %euoVer < 15000
set %gumpcx #contposx + 10
set %gumpcy #contposy + 10
for %trashopen 1 1
click %trashx %trashy
wait 1
if #contid <> %trashID || %trashID = N/A 2
gosub openTrashcan
set %trashopen 0
gosub s7waitforaction 13
gosub s7MoveToPos %MIItemFindID %trashx %trashy 3
wait 10
click %gumpcx %gumpcy
gosub findTrashCan
gosub s7WaitForAction 13
gosub s7MoveToCont %MIItemFindID %trashID
if bone notin !CGICATEGORYNAME
set #ltargetid %MiItemFindID
set #ltargetkind 1
finditem JAG_KAG C
if #findkind = -1 2
display ok No scissors found! Get some!
set #lobjectid #findid
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
target 2s
event macro 22 0
if %s7BFBodType = smith
gosub s7MakeAnything Smith Smelt %MIItemfindid
if ! #result
ignoreitem reset MICraftedItems
gosub MakeNewTool
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt 0
set %MIi 0
set %MIItemIgnore #false
if %MIItemIgnore
ignoreitem %MIItemFindID MICraftedItems
if %craftAttempts >= 2 && %s7BFBodMadeCnt = 0
namespace push
namespace local _s7MakeAnything
set !2 N/A
set !1 N/A
namespace pop
set %craftAttempts 0
set %s7BFMaterialSelected #false
if %MIi <> 0 && #weight > ( %maxweight - 5 - ( !cgiItemWeight * 2 ) )
ignoreitem reset MICraftedItems
finditem !cgiItemType C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1 2
display ok We have a major problem. You are getting close to being overweight, yet you havent crafted any items to fill the BODs with. Please make some room in your pack, and restart the script.
gosub FillBod
wait 3s
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
set %s7BFBodAmountToMake %s7BFBodAmount - %s7BFBodAmountMade
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt 0
set %craftAttempts 0
set %MIi 0
set %menucnt %s7bfbodamountmade + %s7bfbodmadecnt
if ! %s7BFCalled
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Making item %menucnt of %s7bfbodamount for %s7BF_BodName BOD %bodi2 of %s7BF_Bods2FillCnt2
if %s7BFCalled
menu set s7BFMenuStatus Making item %menucnt of %s7bfbodamount for %s7BF_BodName BOD
if %s7BFBodMadeCnt < %s7BFBodAmountToMake && %MIi <> 0
if ! %s7BFMaterialSelected && !CGIMATERIALNAME1 <> Cloth
gosub s7MakeAnything %s7BFBodType SelectMaterial %s7BFBodMaterial
set %s7BFMaterialSelected #true
if ! #result
ignoreitem reset MICraftedItems
gosub MakeNewTool
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt 0
set %s7BFMaterialSelected #false
set %grabAmt ( %maxweight - #weight - 15 ) * 10
set %grabAmt ( %maxweight - #weight - 15 )
if %grabAmt > 250
set %grabAmt 250
if !cgiMaterialValue1 > %grabAmt
set %grabAmt !cgiMaterialValue1
set %boneGrabAmt 50
if %grabAmt - %boneGrabAmt < 0
set %boneGrabAmt !cgiMaterialValue2
if %grabAmt - %boneGrabAmt < 0 2
display ok You have too much extra weight on you to be able to grab enough bones and leather to make one more item. Please lose some weight and restart the script.
set %grabAmt %grabAmt - %boneGrabAmt
gosub s7ResourceCheck %s7BFBodMatType %s7BFBodMatFindCol !cgiMaterialValue1 %grabAmt #true %s7BFSecureID
gosub s7ResourceCheck GUF 0 !cgiMaterialValue2 %boneGrabAmt #true %s7BFSecureID
set %result #result
if ! %result
ignoreitem reset MICraftedItems
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt 0
finditem !cgiItemType C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1
gosub FillBod
wait 3s
gosub s7GetProperty %s7BFBodID A , #spc , Bulk , #spc , Order , #spc , Deed$
gosub s7GetBodAmountMade
set %s7BFBodAmountToMake %s7BFBodAmount - %s7BFBodAmountMade
set %craftAttempts 0
display ok You seem to lack materials! Pausing!
if %result
gosub s7MakeAnything %s7BFBodType !CGICategory !CGISelection
if #result
namespace push
namespace local _s7MakeAnything
set %craftGumpx !CraftContPosX + 60
set %craftGumpy !CraftContPosY + 60
namespace pop
set %craftAttempts %craftAttempts + 1
if ! #result
ignoreitem reset MICraftedItems
gosub MakeNewTool
set %s7BFBodMadeCnt 0
if %s7BFBodMadeCnt >= ( %s7BFBodAmountToMake - 3 )
wait 3s
set %MIi 0
if ( %s7BFBodMadeCnt >= %s7BFBodAmountToMake && %MIi <> 0 ) || ( %s7BFBodAmountMade >= %s7BFBodAmount )
ignoreitem reset MIWrongColoredItems
ignoreitem reset MICraftedItems
gosub closeCraftGump
return #true
set %MIi 0
sub closeCraftGump
set %_CGt #systime
wait 1
until %_CGt + 500 < #systime || ( #contname = generic_gump && #contsize = 530_437 )
if #contname = generic_gump && #contsize = 530_437
namespace push
namespace local _s7MakeAnything
set %cx !CraftContPosX + 30
set %cy !CraftContPosY + 415
click %cx %cy dmc
namespace pop
sub closeGump
event sysmessage #contposx #contposy
click %2 %3
event sysmessage #contposx #contposy
set %_CGt #systime
for %_CG 1 1
if %_CGt + 400 < #systime
if #contname <> %1
set %_CG 0
event sysmessage #contposx #contposy
click %2 %3 r
event sysmessage #contposx #contposy
; MakeNewTool
; makes a new tool. duh
sub MakeNewTool
set %MNTCat 2
set %MNTSel 7
set %MNTTool HAG
ignoreitem reset
if %s7BFBodType = Smith 2
set %MNTSel 13
gosub s7ResourceCheck %MNTTool 0 1 1 #false %s7BFSecureID
if ! #result
gosub s7ResourceCheck ENK 0 10 10 #true %s7BFSecureID
if ! #result 2
display ok You ran out of materials while crafting a tool$because you ran out of tools. pausing.$(upon your return please make sure you have 10 iron ingots in your pack.)
if #result
finditem JTL_KTL_GTL C_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt = 0 2
display ok You ran out of tinker tools.. how are you going to craft tinker tools without more tinker tools?
if #findcnt < 2
if %MNTMatSel = N/A || %MNTMatSel = #false
set %MNTMatSel #true
gosub s7MakeAnything Tinker SelectMaterial 1
if ! #result
set %MNTMatSel #false
gosub s7MakeAnything Tinker 2 4
wait 10
goto makeNewTool
gosub s7MakeAnything Tinker %MNTCat %MNTSel
if #result
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 530_437 contname = generic_gump 2
if #result
set %cx #contposx + 10
set %cy #contposy + 10
click %cx %cy f r dmc
; ===================================================================== ;
; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;
; // EXCERPTS FROM S7SUBS.EUO ///////////////////////////////////////// ;
; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;
; // Any reproduction of the subroutines below is strictly pro- /////// ;
; // hibited without express written permission of the author ///////// ;
; // (snicker7). Violation of the above will result in malicious ////// ;
; // actions by the aforementioned author performed upon your person // ;
; // including but not limited to: bodily harm, slander, maternal ///// ;
; // insults, possible legal action, and callin' the five-oh. Thank /// ;
; // you. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;
; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;
; ===================================================================== ;
;* @name s7MoveToPos
;* @author snicker7
;* @ver 1.2 24Aug05
;* @purpose Just Another Item Dragger.
;* @params %1 is the item to be dragged
;* %2 is the x-coord to drop to
;* %3 is the y-coord to drop to
;* %4 is the timeout in seconds
;* %5 is the amount to be dragged (blank for all)
;* @returns #true if drop was successful
;* #false on error (drop to backpack, insufficient params, failed to drag)
;* halt on critical error
;* @notes moves any item to a position on the screen. Will
;* attempt to drop on character if drop fails. If character
;* drop fails, halts and error message to avoid crash.
;* @dependencies
;* s7WaitForAction
;* @example: call s7Subs.euo s7MoveToPos #findid 7 9 4 77
;* @status unknown
sub s7MoveToPos
if %0 < 4
return #false
namespace Push
namespace Local _s7MvToPos
set !_ID %1
set !_x %2
set !_y %3
set !_tO %4
set !_Amt #spc
if %0 > 4
set !_Amt %5
set !_retry 0
finditem !_ID
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace pop
return #false
gosub s7WaitForAction 13
event drag #findid
if #findstack > 1
set !_timeOut #scnt
for !_ 1 1
if #contname <> stack_gump && #contname <> drag_gump
wait 1
if !_timeOut + !_tO < #scnt
set !_retry !_retry + 1
if !_retry > 2 2
namespace pop
return #false
goto _s7MvToPos_SD
set !_ 0
if !_Amt > #findstack
set !_Amt #findstack
msg !_Amt , $
set !_retry 0
set !_timeOut #scnt
for !_ 1 1
if #lliftedkind <> 1
wait 1
if !_timeOut + !_tO < #scnt
set !_retry !_retry + 1
if !_retry > 2 2
namespace pop
return #false
goto _s7MvToPos_SD
set !_ 0
set !_retry 0
click !_x !_y p
set !_timeout #scnt
for !_ 1 1
if #lliftedkind = 1
wait 1
if !_timeout + !_t0 < #scnt
set !_retry !_retry + 1
if !_retry = 1
set !_x #clixres / 2
set !_y ( #cliyres / 2 ) - 30
click !_x !_y p
set #result #false
set !_timeout #scnt
if !_retry = 2 2
display ok You have failed to drop an item to the correct position.$$The script is now halting to prevent a crash.
set !_ 0
set #result #true
namespace pop
return #result
;* @name s7MoveToCont
;* @author snicker7
;* @ver 1.2 24Aug05
;* @purpose A wrapper for the sub s7MoveToPos for moving to containers.
;* @params %1 is the item to be dragged
;* %2 is the container to drag to
;* %3 is the mother container in which %2 is contained
;* %4 is the #findmod value for the container
;* %5 is the amount to be dragged (blank for all)
;* @returns none
;* @notes this is mad basic. no error checking. That is up to you.
;* @dependencies s7MoveToPos
;* @example: call s7Subs.euo s7MoveToCont #findid #backpackid #charid 140_220
;* @status tested good
sub s7MoveToCont
namespace Push
namespace Local _s7MoveToCont
set !_ID %1
set !_DCont %2
set !_MCont %3
set !_FMod %4
if %euover >= 15000
set !_Amt 65535
if %0 > 4
set !_Amt abs %5
finditem !_ID
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace pop
return #false
gosub s7WaitForAction 13
exevent drag #findid !_Amt
exevent dropc !_DCont
namespace pop
return #true
set !_Amt #spc
if %0 > 4
set !_Amt %5
set #result #true
set !_retry 0
for !_ 1 1
finditem !_DCont C_ , !_MCont
if #findkind = -1
set #lobjectid !_MCont
gosub s7WaitForAction 13
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contid = !_MCont 3
if ! #result
set !_retry !_retry + 1
if !_retry > 2 2
namespace pop
return #false
set !_ 0
set !_retry 0
set #findmod !_Fmod
for !_ 1 1
gosub s7MoveToPos !_ID #findx #findy 4 !_Amt
if ! #result
set !_retry !_retry + 1
if !_retry > 2 2
namespace pop
return #false
set !_ 0
namespace Pop
return #true
;* @name s7WaitForAction
;* @author snicker7
;* @ver 1.1 31Jan05
;* @purpose waits 1.3 seconds before continuing, useful for waiting to perform
;* another action
;* @params none
;* @returns none
;* @notes probably not an original idea, but I need to use it frequently and it
;* was easier to write it myself than to try to look for it as written by
;* someone else
;* @example: call s7Subs.euo s7WaitForAction 13
;* @status tested good
sub s7WaitForAction
if %_s7ActionTimer + %1 > #scnt2 2
wait 1
goto _s7WaitForAction
set %_s7ActionTimer #scnt2
;* @name s7WaitForVars
;* @author snicker7, inspired by Quintok, and of course, Smertrios
;* @ver 1.2 24Aug05
;* @purpose Multiple input sysvar waiter.
;* @params %1*n is the gump sysvar being checked
;* %2*n is the comparative operator (>, <, <>, =, etc)
;* %3*n is the desired value of the sysvar
;* %nfinal is the timeout in seconds
;* @returns #false if it times out
;* #true if success
;* @notes %1 does not require the preceding number sign
;* one line shorter than Q's, no disrespect son
;* originally written by Smertrios, included in Lexia
;* Multiple inputs by Quintok, Obfuscation and name-
;* spacing by snicker7!
;* @example: call s7Subs.euo s7WaitForVars contID = #backpackID contSize = 7_9 3
;* @status tested good
sub s7WaitForVars
namespace Push
namespace Local _s7WFVs
set !C %0 / 3
set !T #scnt + 5
if ( %0 % 3 ) = 1
set !T #scnt + % . %0
for !i 1 !C
set !o 3 * !i - 2
set !p !o + 1
set !q !o + 2
if ! ( # . % . !o % . !p % . !q )
set !i 0
if #scnt > !T 2
namespace pop
return #false
namespace Pop
return #true
;* @name s7MakeAnything
;* @author snicker7
;* @ver 1.3 19Aug05
;* @purpose Crafting sub capable of dealing with the
;* standard crafting gump for all crafting skills.
;* @params %1 Crafting skill. Possible values are:
;* Tailor, Smith, Carpentry, Cooking,
;* Alchemy, Stonecrafting, Tinker,
;* Inscription, or Cartography
;* %2 Three possible options:
;* SelectMaterial: Selects the material to
;* craft with (if avaliable) by
;* index which is defined by %3.
;* Smelt/Cut: Only avaliable if %1 is
;* 'Tailor' or 'Smith', respectively.
;* Will cut or smelt the item passed
;* by ID as variable %3.
;* For Crafting: This should be a number
;* which corresponds to the category
;* on the crafting gump beginning
;* with the first category as 1.
;* %3 The material index for SelectMaterial,
;* the ID of the item to be smelted/cut for
;* Smelt/Cut, or the selection number of the
;* item you wish to make on the crafting menu.
;* %4 (optional) ID of specific tool to use. If
;* %4 is defined, the sub will use this tool
;* only to craft with. Used for runic kits.
;* The sub will return #false if the tool is
;* not found. Slower, as the tool will be
;* opened every call of the script, rather
;* than just waiting for the gump to return,
;* ensuring that the tool menu is the right
;* tool.
;* @returns #true The sub executed successfully.
;* #false A tool was not found to perform the
;* necessary operations. Useful, if the sub
;* returns #false, simply call it again to
;* make the correct tool.
;* @notes This sub automatically determines when to "Make Last."
;* If you call the sub twice in a row with the same
;* options, the second time it will click make last
;* instead of clicking through the whole menu.
;* @example: call s7subs.euo s7MakeAnything Smith 7 10 ;Make a warfork
;* call s7subs.euo s7MakeAnything Stonecrafting SelectMaterial 2 ;select dullcopper granite
;* call s7subs.euo s7MakeAnything Tailor Cut DFKLSED ;cuts the item with ID DFKLSED
;* call s7subs.euo s7MakeAnything Smith 7 10 EASUSPS ;makes a warfork using the tool with ID EASUSPS
;* @status almost done. still need to put in the cartotool type and find all types for all tools.
sub s7MakeAnything
if %0 < 3
return #false
namespace push
namespace local _s7MakeAnything
if %0 = 4 && !tool <> N/A
finditem %4 C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace pop
return #false
if ( #findtype notin !tool && #findid notin !tool ) 2
namespace pop
return #false
set !tool %4
set !FirstCall #true
if !1 = %1 && !2 = %2 && !3 = %3 && %2 <> SelectMaterial && !2 notin Smelt_Cut
set !MakeLast #true
if !1 <> %1 || !2 <> %2 || !3 <> %3 || %2 = SelectMaterial || %2 in Smelt_Cut
set !1 %1
if !1 = Tailor
set !tool HAG
if !1 = Smith
set !tool OBG_TBG_TLH_FBG
if !1 = Carpentry
set !tool EGG_IGG_KGG
if !1 = Cooking
set !tool BCG_DND_OGG
if !1 = Alchemy
set !tool RQF
if !1 = Stonecrafting
set !tool ZEH
if !1 = Tinker
set !tool JTL_KTL_GTL
if !1 = Inscription
set !tool PBG
if !1 = Cartography
set !tool PBG
if %0 = 4
finditem %4 C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace pop
return #false
if #findtype notin !tool 2
namespace pop
return #false
set !tool %4
if %0 < 4
finditem !tool C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace Pop
return #false
set !FirstCall #true
set !MakeLast #false
if %2 in smelt_cut 3
set !FirstCall #false
set !destroyID %3
set !destroy #true
if !Destroy && !1 notin smith_tailor 2
namespace Pop
return #false
if %2 notin smelt_cut 2
set !3 %3
set !2 %2
if !2 = SelectMaterial
set !2 15
for !selection 2 3
for !loop 1 1
set #result #true
if !1 = Tailor && !destroy
set !loop 2
if ( ! !FirstCall || ( !1 = Smith && !Destroy ) ) && !loop <> 2 2
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 530_437 contname = generic_gump 2
set !loop 1
if ( ! #result || !FirstCall ) && !loop <> 2
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 530_437 contname = generic_gump 1
finditem !tool C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace Pop
return #false
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
set #lobjectid #findid
event macro 17 0
set !loop 0
set !FirstCall #False
set !CraftContPosX #contposx
set !CraftContPosY #contposy
if !MakeLast && ! !destroy
set !_Cx #contposx + 280
set !_Cy #contposy + 410
click !_Cx !_Cy
namespace Pop
return #true
if !selection = 2
if !destroy && !1 = Tailor
finditem JAG_KAG C
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace pop
return #false
set #lobjectid #findid
set #ltargetid !destroyid
set #ltargetkind 1
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
target 2s
event macro 22 0
set !destroy #false
namespace pop
return #true
wait 10
set !_Cx #contposx + 20
set !_Cy ( #contposy + 70 + ( !2 * 20 ) )
if !destroy && !1 = Smith
set !_Cy ( #contposy + 70 + ( 14 * 20 ) )
click !_Cx !_Cy
if !destroy && !1 = Smith
target 2s
set #ltargetid !destroyid
set #ltargetkind 1
event macro 22 0
set !destroy #false
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 530_437 contname = generic_gump 2
namespace pop
return #true
if !selection = 3
set !3t !3
for !loop 0 1
if !3t > 10
set !_Cx #contposx + 380
set !_Cy #contposy + 270
click !_Cx !_Cy
set !3t !3t - 10
set !loop 0
if !3t <= 10
set !_Cx #contposx + 230
set !_Cy ( #contposy + 50 + ( !3t * 20 ) )
click !_Cx !_Cy
gosub s7WaitForVars contsize = 530_437 contname = generic_gump 2
namespace Pop
return #true
;* @name s7GetTarget
;* @author snicker7
;* @ver 1.0 27Dec04
;* @purpose Returns a target using #targcurs, objects only.
;* @params none
;* @returns Item id of the targeted item.
;* @notes none
;* @example: gosub getTarget
;* @status tested good
sub s7GetTarget
set #targcurs 1
if #targcurs = 1 2
wait 1
goto _waitfortargcurs
return #ltargetid
;* @name s7FindNamedItem
;* @author snicker7
;* @ver 1.1 06Aug05
;* @purpose find an item based on its name
;* @params %1 type of item to search for
;* %2 "location" to search (typical finditem values: G_3; C_ , #backpackid; etc)
;* %3-%n properties to match
;* @dependencies
;* @returns #false no such item was found
;* <ItmID> the ID of the item found
;* @notes Written for bodcollectorer.
;* @example: gosub s7FindNamedItem HS_IS G_10 tailor weaver ;finds all BOD giving tailors within 10 tiles
;* @status done
sub s7FindNamedItem
namespace push
namespace local _s7_FNI
set !zero %0
set !type %1
set !location %2
finditem !type !location
if #findkind = -1
namespace pop
return #false
set !findcnt #findcnt
for !findI 1 !findcnt
finditem !type !findI !location
gosub s7GetProperty #findid
for !nameI 3 !zero
if % . !nameI in #property
namespace pop
return #findid
return #false
;* @name s7GetProperty
;* @author snicker7
;* @ver 2.1 20080309
;* @purpose failsafe method for obtaining property values.
;* @params %1 ID of item to get property of.
;* @dependencies N/A
;* @returns N/A
;* @notes N/A
;* @example: gosub s7GetProperty #findid
;* @status done
sub s7GetProperty
set !_7gpt #systime
event property %1
for !_7gp 1 1
if !_7gpt + 1500 < #systime
return #false
if #property = $ || no , #spc , significant in #property || no , #spc , data in #property || ( %0 > 1 && %0 = 2 && #property = %2 )
set !_7gp 0
if no , #spc , data in #property || ( %0 > 1 && %0 = 2 && #property = %2 )
event property %1
return #true
;* @name s7ResourceCheck
;* @ver 1.1 05May05
;* @author snicker7
;* @purpose Checks to see if a certain amount of resources are in the backpack, if not, restocks from a set container
;* @params %1 Type of resource to check
;* %2 FindCol of resource, N/A if irrelevant
;* %3 Minimum amount of resource to have
;* %4 How many to restock if not enough found
;* %5 True/False: is the resource stackable
;* %6 Container ID to restock from
;* @returns #true Restock was successful
;* #false Resources not found in backpack or secure
;* @dependencies s7MoveToCont
;* @example call s7subs.euo s7ResourceCheck WZF N/A 6 100 #true %secure
;* @status testing
sub s7ResourceCheck
namespace push
namespace local _s7ResCzech
set !ResType %1
set !ResCol %2
set !ResCount %3
set !RestockCnt %4
set !StkCnt cnt
if %5
set !StkCnt stack
set !RestockCont %6
for !ResI 0 1
finditem !resType C_ , #backpackid
set !BPItemCount 0
if #findkind <> -1
set !FindCnt #findCnt
for !CountItem 1 !FindCnt
finditem !resType !CountItem C_ , #backpackid
if ( !ResCol <> N/A && #findcol = !ResCol ) || !ResCol = N/A
set !BPItemCount !BPItemCount + #find . !stkCnt
if !BPItemCount >= !ResCount && !ResI <> 0
namespace pop
return #true
if !BPItemCount < !resCount && !ResI <> 0
finditem !resType C_ , !restockCont
set !SecureItemCount 0
if #findkind <> -1
set !FindCnt #findCnt
for !CountItem 1 !FindCnt
finditem !resType !CountItem C_ , !restockCont
if ( !ResCol <> N/A && #findcol = !ResCol ) || !ResCol = N/A 2
set !SecureItemCount !SecureItemCount + #find . !stkCnt
set !RestockID #findid
if ( !SecureItemCount + !BPItemCount ) < !resCount
namespace pop
return #false
set !RestockAmt !restockCnt - !BPItemCount
gosub s7MoveToCont !RestockID #backpackid #charid 140_220 !restockAmt
wait 20
set !ResI 0

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