Daha once paylastigim scripte ek olarak bununla da kasabilirsiniz. Bunun farki cok daha hizli olmasi ve hayvanlarin pesinden giderek oldurmesidir.
Dikkat edecekleriniz
SET %SheepBook XXXXXXX Hayvan marklarinin oldugu kitabin ID si
SET %BankBook XXXXXXX Bankanin markinin oldugu Kitabin ID si
Set %canta XXXXXXX Bankadaki Wooden Box ID si
XXXXXXX yerine yazdigim IDleri yazin. ID leri bulmak icin EUO yu acip o iteme tiklayarak Last Object ID kismina bakabilirsiniz.
Son olarak char ozellikleri
Mage-Chiv seciminize gore
Elinize Skinning Knife alin cantanizda da Skinning Knife ve Dagger olsun.
Bu script digerine gore cok daha hizli kasar (gunde 150K kadar). SS ile kendine can basar. Hayvanlari takip ederek oldurur.
Simdiden kolay gelsin
Onemli Not: banka olarak issiz bankalari kullanin yoksa guard inebilir :)
event macro 8 2 ;papedrolü açta güzel yüzünü g?relim
wait 20
event macro 8 7 ;çantan? aç b?çaana bakcam
wait 20
SET %rune 1
if #FINDKIND = -1
display Cantanda B?çak Bulamad?m Ne Ayak
+ Ellerinlemi Yolcan Koyunlar?n Yününü
set %dagger #findid
ignoreitem %back
gosub kontrol
if #FINDKIND = -1
gosub s7UseRunebook %SheepBook %rune c
if %rune = 24
set %rune 1
set %rune %rune + 1
;koyun var gebert pislikleri!
set %koyunID #findid
gosub gebert
Sub unlootsome
finditem %yun C_ , #BACKPACKID
if #FINDCNT > 0
wait 5
exevent Drag #FINDID 10
wait 5
wait 5
Sub gebert
set #lobjectid %koyunID
set #ltargetid %koyunID
set #ltargetkind 1
;event macro 22
event macro 27 ;Ba?lat ata??
gosub oldumu ; ?ldümü lan ?
wait 5
gosub keslootla ; kes ve lootla
wait 5
IF #HITS <= 75
event macro 13 32
wait 1s
Sub kontrol
Set %maxw #MAXWEIGHT - 50
gosub unlootsome
goto wkontrol
if #WEIGHT >= %maxw
gosub bankaya
Sub bankaya
gosub s7UseRunebook %BankBook 1 c
if ! #RESULT
gosub s7UseRunebook %BankBook 1 c
wait 5
msg bank$
msg banco$
wait 5
Set %canta XXXXXXX
finditem %yun C
if #FINDCNT > 0
wait 5
exevent Dropc %canta
wait 5
Sub keslootla
set #LOBJECTID %dagger
event macro 17 ; daggera çift d?klat
wait 10
finditem YFM G_1
if #FINDKIND = -1
set %lootID #FINDID
event macro 22 0; koyuna d?ng?ldat
set #LOBJECTID %lootID
set #NEXTCPOSX 100
set #NEXTCPOSY 100
event macro 17
wait 15
finditem %yun C_ , #CONTID
if #FINDCNT > 0
wait 10
wait 5
exevent Dropc #BACKPACKID
wait 5
ignoreitem %lootID
;?ldümü ?
Sub oldumu
set %tryout 1
kontrol: ;sürekli kontrol et
finditem %koyunID
event pathfind #findx #findy #findz
wait 1s
if #FINDKIND = -1
IF #HITS <= 75
event macro 13 32
set %tryout %tryout + 1
goto kontrol
sub s7UseRunebook
if %0 < 3 || _ , %2 , _ notin _1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_11_12_13_14_15_16_default_
return ERR_IncorrectParams
namespace push
namespace local _s7URB
set !runebook %1
set !index %2
set !method %3
set !fails 0
if #contsize = 452_236
set !_cx #contposx + 20
set !_cy #contposy + 20
click !_cx !_cy r f dmc
wait 5
for !_ 1 1
finditem OTF_JEF_KEF G_0
if #findkind <> -1
set !_ 0
for !orb 1 1
if !fails > 2 2
namespace pop
return ERR_ , #journal
set !jStart #jindex + 1
if !index <> default
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
set #lobjectid !runebook
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contname = generic_gump contsize = 452_236 3
if ! #result 2
set !fails !fails + 1
set !orb 0
if #result
set !_cy #contposy + 196
set !_cx #contposx + 105 + ( ( ( !index / 2 ) + ( !index % 2 ) ) * 35 )
if !index > 8
set !_cx !_cx + 30
click !_cx !_cy f dmc
wait 5
set !_cx #contposx + 135
set !_cy #contposy + 144
if !method = G
set !_cy !_cy + 20
if !method = C
set !_cy !_cy + 36
if !method = S
set !_cy !_cy - 76
if ( !index % 2 ) = 0
set !_cx !_cx + 160
set !charpos #charposx , _ , #charposy
set !timeout #scnt2
click !_cx !_cy f dmc
if !index = default
set #ltargetid !runebook
set #ltargetkind 1
if !method = c
event macro 15 210
if !method = r
event macro 15 31
if !method = g
event macro 15 51
if !method = s
finditem WTL C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace pop
return ERR_NoRecallScrolls
if #findkind <> -1 3
set #lobjectid #findid
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
for !_ 1 1
if #targcurs <> 1
set !_ 0
gosub s7ScanJournalFor !jStart fizzles more_reagents tithing_points insufficient_mana
if #result 3
set !_ 1
set !orb 0
wait 20
set !charpos #charposx , _ , #charposy
set !timeout #scnt2
event macro 22 0
if !orb = 1
for !success 1 1
if #charposx , _ , #charposy = !charpos && !method in _r_c_s_
set !success 0
if !method = g
finditem OTF_JEF_KEF G_0
if #findkind = -1
set !success 0
if #findkind <> -1
set #lobjectid #findid
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event macro 17 0
for !_ 1 1
if #charposx , _ , #charposy = !charpos
set !_ 0
if #contname = generic_gump && #contsize = 420_280
set !_cx #contposx + 20
set !_cy #contposy + 260
click !_cx !_cy f dmc
gosub s7ScanJournalFor !jStart fizzles location_is_blocked not_yet_recovered no_charges_left more_reagents tithing_points insufficient_mana not_marked
if #result || !timeout + 60 < #scnt2
if no_charges in #journal
finditem WTL C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1
set !fails 2
if #findkind <> -1
set !scrolls #findid
finditem !runebook
set #findmod 0
gosub s7WaitForAction 12
event drag !runebook
for !_ 1 1
if #lliftedkind <> 1 2
wait 1
set !_ 0
str pos #contsize _
set #strres #strres - 1
str left #contsize #strres
set !_cx #findx + #strres / 2
str pos #contsize _
str del #contsize 1 #strres
set !_cy #findy + #strres / 2
click !_cx !_cy p f dmc
gosub s7MoveToCont !scrolls !runebook #backpackid 20_10
set !fails !fails + 1
set !success 1
set !orb 0
wait 20
namespace pop
return #true
sub s7ScanJournalFor
set !SJFje #jindex + 1
for !SJFji %1 !SJFje
scanjournal !SJFji
for !SJFpi 2 %0
if % . !SJFpi in #journal
return #true
return #false
sub s7MoveToPos
if %0 < 4
return #false
namespace Push
namespace Local _s7MvToPos
set !_ID %1
set !_x %2
set !_y %3
set !_tO %4
set !_Amt #spc
if %0 > 4
set !_Amt %5
set !_retry 0
finditem !_ID
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace pop
return #false
gosub s7WaitForAction 13
event drag #findid
if #findstack > 1
set !_timeOut #scnt
for !_ 1 1
if #contname <> stack_gump && #contname <> drag_gump
wait 1
if !_timeOut + !_tO < #scnt
set !_retry !_retry + 1
if !_retry > 2 2
namespace pop
return #false
goto _s7MvToPos_SD
set !_ 0
if !_Amt > #findstack
set !_Amt #findstack
msg !_Amt , $
set !_retry 0
set !_timeOut #scnt
for !_ 1 1
if #lliftedkind <> 1
wait 1
if !_timeOut + !_tO < #scnt
set !_retry !_retry + 1
if !_retry > 2 2
namespace pop
return #false
goto _s7MvToPos_SD
set !_ 0
set !_retry 0
click !_x !_y p
set !_timeout #scnt
for !_ 1 1
if #lliftedkind = 1
wait 1
if !_timeout + !_t0 < #scnt
set !_retry !_retry + 1
if !_retry = 1
set !_x #clixres / 2
set !_y ( #cliyres / 2 ) - 30
click !_x !_y p
set #result #false
set !_timeout #scnt
if !_retry = 2 2
display ok You have failed to drop an item to the correct position.$$The script is now halting to prevent a crash.
set !_ 0
set #result #true
namespace pop
return #result
sub s7MoveToCont
namespace Push
namespace Local _s7MoveToCont
set !_ID %1
set !_DCont %2
set !_MCont %3
set !_FMod %4
if 1_5 in #euover
set !_Amt 65535
if %0 > 4
set !_Amt abs %5
finditem !_ID
if #findkind = -1 2
namespace pop
return #false
gosub s7WaitForAction 13
exevent drag #findid !_Amt
exevent dropc !_DCont
namespace pop
return #true
set !_Amt #spc
if %0 > 4
set !_Amt %5
set #result #true
set !_retry 0
for !_ 1 1
finditem !_DCont C_ , !_MCont
if #findkind = -1
set #lobjectid !_MCont
gosub s7WaitForAction 13
event macro 17 0
gosub s7WaitForVars contid = !_MCont 3
if ! #result
set !_retry !_retry + 1
if !_retry > 2 2
namespace pop
return #false
set !_ 0
set !_retry 0
set #findmod !_Fmod
for !_ 1 1
gosub s7MoveToPos !_ID #findx #findy 4 !_Amt
if ! #result
set !_retry !_retry + 1
if !_retry > 2 2
namespace pop
return #false
set !_ 0
namespace Pop
return #true
sub s7WaitForAction
if %_s7ActionTimer + %1 > #scnt2 2
wait 1
goto _s7WaitForAction
set %_s7ActionTimer #scnt2
sub s7WaitForVars
namespace Push
namespace Local _s7WFVs
set !C %0 / 3
set !T #scnt + 5
if ( %0 % 3 ) = 1
set !T #scnt + % . %0
for !i 1 !C
set !o 3 * !i - 2
set !p !o + 1
set !q !o + 2
if ! ( # . % . !o % . !p % . !q )
set !i 0
if #scnt > !T 2
namespace pop
return #false
namespace Pop
return #true