[DİL KESME] X'es |
Ultima Online Forum -> Cezalılar |
Küfür Eden: X'es
Şikayet Eden: Venus
Karar Veren: Venus
Sebep: Başka bir oyuncuya yönelik aşağılayıcı kelime kullanmışsınız.
Süre: 1 gün, 0 saat
Şikayet Eden: Venus
Karar Veren: Venus
Sebep: Başka bir oyuncuya yönelik aşağılayıcı kelime kullanmışsınız.
Süre: 1 gün, 0 saat
Venus tarafından iletildi:
[00:09] @
[00:22] getiiiiiiiiiir
[00:23] bi
[00:23] sn
[00:23] b
[00:23] bu kadar mısınız
[00:23] ayıp
[00:23] ayıp ama
[00:46] rrb neszsggggtttttttttttttttg s
[00:47] 2trztztztyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt5ttttttttttttttttsssz
[00:47] b z
[00:47] gzz
[00:48] b nmz
[00:48] s
[00:50] b nb
[00:51] jhs
[00:51] ss
[00:52] b sztrtyttttyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttqb sg
[00:53] s
[00:54] zneszz
[03:37] 66666666
[03:38] bi
[03:38] sn
[03:38] i wish to secure this down
[03:39] bu
[03:39] buna
[03:39] :d
[03:39] hmm
[03:39] 6 tane
[03:39] masa lazım
[03:39] tekli
[03:40] b +
[03:41] olur
[03:41] sarıdan
[03:41] h
[03:41] i wish to secure this down
[03:41] başka ikili var mıydı
[03:42] bi large daha
[03:42] versene
[03:42] bu
[03:42] bundan
[03:42] 2 tanse lazm
[03:42] i wish to release this down
[03:42] i wish to secure this down
[03:42] süper
[03:42] oldu
[03:42] toolu
[03:42] var
[03:42] alırım
[03:42] olmazsa
[03:43] i wish to release this down
[03:43] olmaz
[03:44] 2 kişi
[03:44] yanyana
[03:44] gelcek
[03:44] t oldu
[03:44] böyle de
[03:44] yan iyi ya
[03:44] yok yok
[03:44] elklerine
[03:44] sağlık
[03:44] i wish to secure this down
[03:44] hadi
[03:44] canım
[03:44] var mı
[03:44] öyle şeyler
[03:44] :d
[03:45] şaka
[03:45] i wish to secure this down
[03:46] i wish to secure this down
[03:46] 1
[03:46] ha
[03:47] deneriz
[03:47] ee
[03:47] kapı
[03:47] :d
[03:48] i wish to secure this down
[03:49] dur
[03:50] penta
[03:50] iyi ya
[03:50] kırmızı
[03:50] ay
[03:50] çizgi
[03:50] :d
[03:50] dur
[03:51] venus
[03:51] venus muyum
[03:51] ven us
[03:51] muyum
[03:51] ben
[03:52] destard
[03:52] kasmaya
[03:52] calısıyoalr
[03:52] evet
[03:52] nekler
[03:52] oluıyo
[03:52] ya
[03:53] aynen
[03:53] çizgiyi
[03:53] kaldıreym
[03:53] bişi kalmaz :d
[03:54] :d
[03:55] ahahah
[03:55] şaka gibi ya
[03:55] ustam
[03:55] borcumuz nedir
[03:55] malzeme
[03:56] basalım mı
[03:56] destad
[03:56] destard
[03:56] nasıl ya
[03:56] yaparız
[03:56] mf gel ya
[03:56] yeşil sopa
[03:56] yok mu
[03:57] veriym
[03:57] ben
[03:58] i wish to release this
[03:59] i wish to release this
[03:59] v
[04:00] i wish to secure this
[04:00] ne
[04:00] takısı
[04:00] haa
[04:00] yok yok
[04:00] geçiyo
[04:00] mavi misin
[04:00] sen
[04:00] haydaa :d
[04:00] e önce
[04:00] tamerları
[04:00] kescez
[04:00] sonra gelcekler
[04:00] :d
[04:00] action mu yapalım yoksa
[04:00] direkt bossu mu
[04:00] alalım
[04:01] son anda
[04:01] gidip tamerları
[04:01] kescez :d
[04:01] neyse gel bir iki action deneyelim
[04:01] skara moona gelsene
[04:03] kescez :d
[04:03] izliyorum
[04:03] bi taraftan
[04:03] yan ekranda
[04:04] burayı mı
[04:04] yesıl sopa
[04:04] verym mı
[04:04] ama
[04:04] mana lech
[04:04] felan y=ok
[04:04] sıkıntı
[04:04] yaşamayakj
[04:05] zopa macronu yap
[04:05] sen
[04:05] ben bi gezeliym
[04:05] stealth ile
[04:06] PRIVATE kaç kişisiniz ? basalım
[04:06] yaparız wou dc'de olamzsa
[04:07] aaa eldıvene
[04:07] bakın
[04:07] seninki
[04:08] güzelmiş
[04:08] nasıl
[04:08] cesaret ettin de
[04:08] kapladn
[04:08] :d
[04:09] bı cıkarsana
[04:09] robe
[04:12] b nbfthss
[04:13] sztrtrrttttttqttt!!g ggffftb z
[04:15] PARTY ı was killed by edin dzeko !!
[04:23] 0o
[04:27] :s
[04:28] PRIVATE biz 2
[04:29] PRIVATE destard boss çıkacak işte
[04:29] PRIVATE 7. seviye oldu şu an
[04:31] PRIVATE 4 şu an
[04:33] PRIVATE tamam 5 dakkaya yazarım büyük ihtimal
[04:43] PRIVATE seni alalım skara moondan
[04:46] PRIVATE son 5 yaratık hadi :d
[04:48] og
[04:48] alayım mı sımdılık guılde
[04:48] cıktı
[04:48] gıtmemız lazm
[04:49] b nztztrtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttsssss
[04:49] b r
[04:49] gelcekler
[04:49] sımdı
[04:49] r
[04:49] (add
[04:51] rztzztztztztztztztztznceretqtqtt
[04:51] 3tztzn
[04:52] sesr
[04:53] rtrqcccztztztztztztzatztrtytttytttttttttttttttttttttttt5tttttttttttttttzzztztztzz
[04:53] b gbgb
[04:53] b
[04:54] bb wqt!!!b
[04:54] sncgftgs
[04:56] nszb ssssssszzg eeecccccccccccrccccccceegftccccg gz
[04:58] ncb srg1gggfttttgg ssees
[04:59] sgftttttgtttttttttttttttttttttttttttgttttgtg s
[04:59] seesss
[04:59] s
[05:01] PRIVATE alalım seni yine skaradan
[05:01] PRIVATE gelicem
[05:03] PARTY ı was killed by a shadow wyrm !!
[05:04] 00
[05:06] gg g gfftgg eeeng sg rqrb nb
[05:06] wou
[05:06] dc deyız
[05:08] b zt3ttt1tt1t1ttrttqtttcrtqcccccccssseecceescgg
[05:08] ssgff g
[05:11] zzzzzzzssccb nzz ccg sccsscsg ssrsccceeeecccccccccb g gfffzzrrrwqqteeeeeeeecr
[05:11] grrrrrrttyytttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttqtqttqtsgsb
[05:14] gttttttttttttttttttttttttgttttttttttttttttttttttb o
[05:15] stall
[05:15] b
[05:16] ng
[05:19] tg zsggttgfftgggtgtssb ssg gg ccccccccggtg sb ssgftnss
[05:19] sggtgtb g
[05:21] gfgg g b sne
[05:21] PARTY ı was killed by an ancient wyrm !!
[05:22] 0
[05:23] g g ssg ng esssskss
[05:25] sszzseb ccccccccccrrttttyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttyyttttttttttttttttttt
[05:25] zg srryttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
[05:26] PARTY ı was killed by a reptalon !!
[05:32] b neztsrrycq
[05:33] nsfftseezegsseeesseeeecccccccsqezz
[05:33] z
[05:34] b qqtqtqtqccggqz cczq qbv zzg eg
[05:35] b g rqttttrtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttrrytttttttttttttt
[05:36] yyyttyccyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttyytttt
[05:38] g rjqqqqqccccceeccceeeeccceecscccccccecccccgg ceesgg gggggy sc
[05:40] ggtessszb necrrccg cesrtrtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttrttt!33ttt1ttt12tt
[05:42] ssssg sz qgzqqtsgtbv eerytytyttttttttttttttttttttttty yyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttqt4tuttu
[05:46] PARTY ı was killed by harley quinn !!
[05:47] 0
[05:49] g ob 55tb n
[05:49] gftg
[05:50] PARTY ı was killed by harley quinn !!
[05:51] 0
[05:55] g ob nesgr2teccg rggffrretrtrtggtgtttttttgtggggggtttg ng rrqttqgg grt2ttttrtrtr
[05:55] tg
[05:56] b z
[06:00] gffb eob
[06:00] check
[06:00] check 50000
[06:01] i wish to secure this
[06:04] b neeeee
[06:04] s
[09:45] sxsssssb
[10:01] rrrrrrrrrrrr
[10:01] i wish to release this
[10:01] i wish to secure this
[10:01] i wish to release this
[10:01] i wish to secure this
[10:01] i wish to release this
[10:01] i wish to secure this
[10:03] 3 3 3 gb
[10:03] ada pot
[10:08] ne
[10:14] i wish to release this
[10:14] i wish to secure this
[10:14] i wish to release this
[10:15] i wish to secure this
[10:15] i wish to release this
[10:15] i wish to secure this
[10:19] i wish to release this
[10:19] i wish to secure this
[10:19] i wish to secure thisf
[10:19] i wish to secure this
[10:19] i wish to release this
[10:19] i wish to secure this
[10:20] i wish to secure this
[10:20] i wish to release this
[10:20] i wish to secure this
[10:20] i wish to release this
[10:20] i wish to secure this
[10:26] 0
[10:30] i ban thee
[10:32] i wish to secure this
[10:33] tt
[10:34] i wish to release this
[10:36] i wish to release thisttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
[10:36] i wish to release this
[10:37] i wish to secure this
[10:37] i wish to release this
[10:37] i wish to secure this
[10:37] i wish to release this
[10:37] i wish to secure this
[10:40] ttto,
[11:17] 5tg
[11:18] s
[11:18] 12qqryttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttqqyb zz
[11:18] ahahahahah
[11:20] zzzg zeeeewq55twqtt!!!!!
[11:22] q5tztz
[11:24] wwg
[11:25] PRIVATE müstehak bu ibineye
[11:25] gdg g
[11:39] 5tg g
[11:40] o
[13:16] g
[13:16] :d
[13:16] yaz şef
[13:17] bilgileri
[15:50] n
[16:04] os
[16:24] b b nr
[16:26] t3ttttt13t4t3tttts3tttttccccccccccs31ttrrttttttrtttrrrrrrttttttttttttttttqtt!qtttztzat2tzztrrttttttt
[16:29] zb
[16:38] b b b enrzr
[16:39] ztrtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttyyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt5rs
[16:39] nere
[16:41] ss'3rttttt34t3t34t3sssss33t3t3t3t3ts
[16:41] sss
[16:42] sb 3
[00:09] @
[00:22] getiiiiiiiiiir
[00:23] bi
[00:23] sn
[00:23] b
[00:23] bu kadar mısınız
[00:23] ayıp
[00:23] ayıp ama
[00:46] rrb neszsggggtttttttttttttttg s
[00:47] 2trztztztyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt5ttttttttttttttttsssz
[00:47] b z
[00:47] gzz
[00:48] b nmz
[00:48] s
[00:50] b nb
[00:51] jhs
[00:51] ss
[00:52] b sztrtyttttyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttqb sg
[00:53] s
[00:54] zneszz
[03:37] 66666666
[03:38] bi
[03:38] sn
[03:38] i wish to secure this down
[03:39] bu
[03:39] buna
[03:39] :d
[03:39] hmm
[03:39] 6 tane
[03:39] masa lazım
[03:39] tekli
[03:40] b +
[03:41] olur
[03:41] sarıdan
[03:41] h
[03:41] i wish to secure this down
[03:41] başka ikili var mıydı
[03:42] bi large daha
[03:42] versene
[03:42] bu
[03:42] bundan
[03:42] 2 tanse lazm
[03:42] i wish to release this down
[03:42] i wish to secure this down
[03:42] süper
[03:42] oldu
[03:42] toolu
[03:42] var
[03:42] alırım
[03:42] olmazsa
[03:43] i wish to release this down
[03:43] olmaz
[03:44] 2 kişi
[03:44] yanyana
[03:44] gelcek
[03:44] t oldu
[03:44] böyle de
[03:44] yan iyi ya
[03:44] yok yok
[03:44] elklerine
[03:44] sağlık
[03:44] i wish to secure this down
[03:44] hadi
[03:44] canım
[03:44] var mı
[03:44] öyle şeyler
[03:44] :d
[03:45] şaka
[03:45] i wish to secure this down
[03:46] i wish to secure this down
[03:46] 1
[03:46] ha
[03:47] deneriz
[03:47] ee
[03:47] kapı
[03:47] :d
[03:48] i wish to secure this down
[03:49] dur
[03:50] penta
[03:50] iyi ya
[03:50] kırmızı
[03:50] ay
[03:50] çizgi
[03:50] :d
[03:50] dur
[03:51] venus
[03:51] venus muyum
[03:51] ven us
[03:51] muyum
[03:51] ben
[03:52] destard
[03:52] kasmaya
[03:52] calısıyoalr
[03:52] evet
[03:52] nekler
[03:52] oluıyo
[03:52] ya
[03:53] aynen
[03:53] çizgiyi
[03:53] kaldıreym
[03:53] bişi kalmaz :d
[03:54] :d
[03:55] ahahah
[03:55] şaka gibi ya
[03:55] ustam
[03:55] borcumuz nedir
[03:55] malzeme
[03:56] basalım mı
[03:56] destad
[03:56] destard
[03:56] nasıl ya
[03:56] yaparız
[03:56] mf gel ya
[03:56] yeşil sopa
[03:56] yok mu
[03:57] veriym
[03:57] ben
[03:58] i wish to release this
[03:59] i wish to release this
[03:59] v
[04:00] i wish to secure this
[04:00] ne
[04:00] takısı
[04:00] haa
[04:00] yok yok
[04:00] geçiyo
[04:00] mavi misin
[04:00] sen
[04:00] haydaa :d
[04:00] e önce
[04:00] tamerları
[04:00] kescez
[04:00] sonra gelcekler
[04:00] :d
[04:00] action mu yapalım yoksa
[04:00] direkt bossu mu
[04:00] alalım
[04:01] son anda
[04:01] gidip tamerları
[04:01] kescez :d
[04:01] neyse gel bir iki action deneyelim
[04:01] skara moona gelsene
[04:03] kescez :d
[04:03] izliyorum
[04:03] bi taraftan
[04:03] yan ekranda
[04:04] burayı mı
[04:04] yesıl sopa
[04:04] verym mı
[04:04] ama
[04:04] mana lech
[04:04] felan y=ok
[04:04] sıkıntı
[04:04] yaşamayakj
[04:05] zopa macronu yap
[04:05] sen
[04:05] ben bi gezeliym
[04:05] stealth ile
[04:06] PRIVATE kaç kişisiniz ? basalım
[04:06] yaparız wou dc'de olamzsa
[04:07] aaa eldıvene
[04:07] bakın
[04:07] seninki
[04:08] güzelmiş
[04:08] nasıl
[04:08] cesaret ettin de
[04:08] kapladn
[04:08] :d
[04:09] bı cıkarsana
[04:09] robe
[04:12] b nbfthss
[04:13] sztrtrrttttttqttt!!g ggffftb z
[04:15] PARTY ı was killed by edin dzeko !!
[04:23] 0o
[04:27] :s
[04:28] PRIVATE biz 2
[04:29] PRIVATE destard boss çıkacak işte
[04:29] PRIVATE 7. seviye oldu şu an
[04:31] PRIVATE 4 şu an
[04:33] PRIVATE tamam 5 dakkaya yazarım büyük ihtimal
[04:43] PRIVATE seni alalım skara moondan
[04:46] PRIVATE son 5 yaratık hadi :d
[04:48] og
[04:48] alayım mı sımdılık guılde
[04:48] cıktı
[04:48] gıtmemız lazm
[04:49] b nztztrtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttsssss
[04:49] b r
[04:49] gelcekler
[04:49] sımdı
[04:49] r
[04:49] (add
[04:51] rztzztztztztztztztztznceretqtqtt
[04:51] 3tztzn
[04:52] sesr
[04:53] rtrqcccztztztztztztzatztrtytttytttttttttttttttttttttttt5tttttttttttttttzzztztztzz
[04:53] b gbgb
[04:53] b
[04:54] bb wqt!!!b
[04:54] sncgftgs
[04:56] nszb ssssssszzg eeecccccccccccrccccccceegftccccg gz
[04:58] ncb srg1gggfttttgg ssees
[04:59] sgftttttgtttttttttttttttttttttttttttgttttgtg s
[04:59] seesss
[04:59] s
[05:01] PRIVATE alalım seni yine skaradan
[05:01] PRIVATE gelicem
[05:03] PARTY ı was killed by a shadow wyrm !!
[05:04] 00
[05:06] gg g gfftgg eeeng sg rqrb nb
[05:06] wou
[05:06] dc deyız
[05:08] b zt3ttt1tt1t1ttrttqtttcrtqcccccccssseecceescgg
[05:08] ssgff g
[05:11] zzzzzzzssccb nzz ccg sccsscsg ssrsccceeeecccccccccb g gfffzzrrrwqqteeeeeeeecr
[05:11] grrrrrrttyytttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttqtqttqtsgsb
[05:14] gttttttttttttttttttttttttgttttttttttttttttttttttb o
[05:15] stall
[05:15] b
[05:16] ng
[05:19] tg zsggttgfftgggtgtssb ssg gg ccccccccggtg sb ssgftnss
[05:19] sggtgtb g
[05:21] gfgg g b sne
[05:21] PARTY ı was killed by an ancient wyrm !!
[05:22] 0
[05:23] g g ssg ng esssskss
[05:25] sszzseb ccccccccccrrttttyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttyyttttttttttttttttttt
[05:25] zg srryttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
[05:26] PARTY ı was killed by a reptalon !!
[05:32] b neztsrrycq
[05:33] nsfftseezegsseeesseeeecccccccsqezz
[05:33] z
[05:34] b qqtqtqtqccggqz cczq qbv zzg eg
[05:35] b g rqttttrtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttrrytttttttttttttt
[05:36] yyyttyccyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttyytttt
[05:38] g rjqqqqqccccceeccceeeeccceecscccccccecccccgg ceesgg gggggy sc
[05:40] ggtessszb necrrccg cesrtrtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttrttt!33ttt1ttt12tt
[05:42] ssssg sz qgzqqtsgtbv eerytytyttttttttttttttttttttttty yyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttqt4tuttu
[05:46] PARTY ı was killed by harley quinn !!
[05:47] 0
[05:49] g ob 55tb n
[05:49] gftg
[05:50] PARTY ı was killed by harley quinn !!
[05:51] 0
[05:55] g ob nesgr2teccg rggffrretrtrtggtgtttttttgtggggggtttg ng rrqttqgg grt2ttttrtrtr
[05:55] tg
[05:56] b z
[06:00] gffb eob
[06:00] check
[06:00] check 50000
[06:01] i wish to secure this
[06:04] b neeeee
[06:04] s
[09:45] sxsssssb
[10:01] rrrrrrrrrrrr
[10:01] i wish to release this
[10:01] i wish to secure this
[10:01] i wish to release this
[10:01] i wish to secure this
[10:01] i wish to release this
[10:01] i wish to secure this
[10:03] 3 3 3 gb
[10:03] ada pot
[10:08] ne
[10:14] i wish to release this
[10:14] i wish to secure this
[10:14] i wish to release this
[10:15] i wish to secure this
[10:15] i wish to release this
[10:15] i wish to secure this
[10:19] i wish to release this
[10:19] i wish to secure this
[10:19] i wish to secure thisf
[10:19] i wish to secure this
[10:19] i wish to release this
[10:19] i wish to secure this
[10:20] i wish to secure this
[10:20] i wish to release this
[10:20] i wish to secure this
[10:20] i wish to release this
[10:20] i wish to secure this
[10:26] 0
[10:30] i ban thee
[10:32] i wish to secure this
[10:33] tt
[10:34] i wish to release this
[10:36] i wish to release thisttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
[10:36] i wish to release this
[10:37] i wish to secure this
[10:37] i wish to release this
[10:37] i wish to secure this
[10:37] i wish to release this
[10:37] i wish to secure this
[10:40] ttto,
[11:17] 5tg
[11:18] s
[11:18] 12qqryttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttqqyb zz
[11:18] ahahahahah
[11:20] zzzg zeeeewq55twqtt!!!!!
[11:22] q5tztz
[11:24] wwg
[11:25] PRIVATE müstehak bu ibineye
[11:25] gdg g
[11:39] 5tg g
[11:40] o
[13:16] g
[13:16] :d
[13:16] yaz şef
[13:17] bilgileri
[15:50] n
[16:04] os
[16:24] b b nr
[16:26] t3ttttt13t4t3tttts3tttttccccccccccs31ttrrttttttrtttrrrrrrttttttttttttttttqtt!qtttztzat2tzztrrttttttt
[16:29] zb
[16:38] b b b enrzr
[16:39] ztrtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttyyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt5rs
[16:39] nere
[16:41] ss'3rttttt34t3t34t3sssss33t3t3t3t3ts
[16:41] sss
[16:42] sb 3

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1. sayfa (Toplam 1 sayfa) [ 1 mesaj ] |
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